Monday, November 3, 2014

Grace for yet MORE New Beginnings!

I've been having mixed emotions about many things this past week.  I was excited for classes to begin.  I was especially excited about the courses that I'm going to teach this semester.  I was thrilled imagining how things would be like in the next four or five months.

After being in a week long class on spiritual formation, I was very ready for whatever is ahead of me.  Or at least I thought I was.  Early this week though, I realized how much I need more of God's sustaining grace.  The Nordines announced that they are already retiring as Converge Missionaries starting June of 2015.  But they are leaving the campus really soon--December 11 to be exact.  Everytime this fact comes to mind, it always brings a prick in my heart.  Oh how I need Your grace, my Lord.  Grace to accept.  Grace to let go.

Indeed, there are more new beginnings that I need to get used to.  But the ever so good news is--His grace is more than enough for you and me today.