Friday, September 4, 2015

Finding Normal

"Even if you have discharged your duty but you have left a person sad and empty--maybe you have not truly done what the Lord has called you for." (Doc Lester)

Post your essay in the comment box below.


  1. The ‘Finding Normal’ movie is a kind of movie that suits for both believers and unbelievers. It’s quite a comedy, romantic and a dramatic kind of movie for me. It is both entertaining and so inspiring. I have never expected to come up with a number of principles from this movie. I am going to share three economic principles that I have drawn out from it.
    The first economic principle that I have learned is that God is the ultimate producer. He causes everything to exist without pre-existing materials. He maintains all things by His sovereign power that goes beyond our vision and capacity. It is not explicitly said in the movie but it is implied. In the place named Normal, God does not stop working to preserve what He created there no matter how limited the resources of that certain place may be. God really makes the best use of the resources present in that community such as manpower, wealth, industries and so forth, regardless of their own limitations. God knows no limits. He continues to produce and can able to use people to reproduce life and then make a living later own. Yet as we make a living, God should be at the center of everything. God is present even before we are born so why depend on our own alone? Human resources or things on earth may fail, but God, the ultimate producer, never will.
    Secondly, God is the ultimate supplier. So why worry in poverty, in trouble, in devastation or in disaster if God can bear what may cause us to wear and tear? It’s a great reward from God then to be given abundant blessings no matter how undeserving we may be. Blessings are not only limited to material things but also including things we cannot see or we may not see but can be felt with our hearts. The female doctor in the story who is the main character, chose to value more the things invisible to the eye that have long-lasting impact than to those visible things that have only temporal effect. She later on realized that there are things in this world that money cannot buy nor can make people satisfy. God has given us life and ability to survive. He has given us knowledge, understanding, emotions and will. Human beings are intelligently crafted by God that no one can imitate. God is more than enough for us. He is our ultimate provider, the one who can give more than anything in this world could offer.
    Thirdly, God is the ultimate resource of man. To possess God is to gain everything far beyond we could ever imagine. Not to have Him is the greatest loss of all. God can fill the gaps of every people’s lives caused by the dilemmas we experience in our temporal world. Life is full of miseries, mysteries, uncertainties, injustices and tragedies yet the presence of God can make us withstand from all of these things. If we have God in our hearts, we can feel contentment in life despite the ongoing temptation of flesh for discontentment. Our sinful nature keeps on craving for more accumulation of things yet the Word of God always reminds us that Christ is enough. No matter how far we may go astray yet if we are truly His children, our lives will always gravitate back towards Him, wanting to desire more of Him.. All we need to do is to fix our eyes on Jesus, the source of everything and the ultimate resource of all mankind.
    From the three economic principles I have mentioned above, those things really penetrate to my heart as I meditate them. I can proudly say then that, “There is no other god like our God”. He is the Ultimate among the ultimate. He is our ultimate producer, ultimate supplier, and our ultimate resource. He is our all in all.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Shiela. I sincerely hope that more and more people from this generation will realize that we are nothing without God. Indeed, He is the ultimate--our treasure and satisfaction, and the meaning of our existence can only be found in Him.

  2. It was a heart-warming at the same time an eye-opener to me. Finding Normal taught me three important principles to learn and to remember regarding satisfaction, people, and opportunities.
    I learned that satisfaction cannot be found on how much profits you've acquired. It is finding joy and meaning even in a least considered job you have. No matter how we strive to become better or even richer, desiring and acquiring more, and making a choice where you could live and work comfortably, if that is not God intended for us to be, we will end up empty and lost for only God can satisfies our unsatisfied hearts.
    Another thing was right people for perfect opportunities can only be found in God's rightful hand. We may have so many plans where to go and what kind of people we are going to minister with, but God already prepared them all even before the foundation of world he already designed our lives. We may be confused at times but He is faithful in guiding us and leading us to a place where we will be effective in doing the ministry He is preparing for us.
    Lastly, it requires a willing heart to find opportunities in the midst of adversities. It is so easy to grumble when something happens against our will and ideals. We need to remember that all things happen according to God's wise and perfect plans.
    Indeed, in everything we do, in every decision we are to make, and in every path we are to take, always acknowledge the will of God for us that we may find the joy and contentment we are looking for.

    1. Indeed, the old formula still is the best--TRUST in the Lord with all your heart, LEAN NOT on your own understanding, and in all your ways ACKNOWLEDGE HIM, and He will make your plans succeed!

  3. Finding Normal is a Christian movie and a very well done movie on all levels. The movie does a good job of subtly showing how the Lord draws a person to Himself and in the process. When the Lord draws a person to Himself, suddenly the mind and the heart begins to transformed and prepared to the importance step of repentance. In this movie I saw 3 economic principles in which I learned; first is that Dr. Lisa sees people who have different priorities than she does, which are prayer, church, love to neighbor, and simple lifestyle where the community comes together and shares with those in need or just to have fun. The Doctor begins to re-examine what it means to be a Doctor and soon understands that without compassion and love, the medical care she had been dispensing definitely has a missing element to it. The church is held, and people attend and it is seen to be a positive thing and women dressed modesty. The second economic principle that I saw is that, Neighbors care for each other in demonstrable ways. In one example, the deputy shares with the Doctor at the church that if anyone is having a hard time, they make sure to give that person the leftovers. Thirdly is that the prayers and the sermon, there is a lot of prayer seen, and prayer is spoken of and the Doctor is even taught how to pray. Most happily, the notion of God’s sovereignty and providence is strongly inferred and even overtly mention, and even Jesus is overtly mentioned. A sermon is given, the scriptures are handled correctly.
    They go to church on Sunday, they attend pancake breakfasts where they actually socialize like normal folks, and they seem like genuinely nice people. Perhaps most shocking, they also don’t express the sort of lukewarm, formalistic faith which is the only sort that the Hollywood seems to allow Christians to possess on film. The characters in this town are regular folks who believe in god, and are just fine with that, they’re open, non-self- conscious, and frankly, a lot like the actual people of faith in the real world.
    Finding Normal is a movie with Christians in it, seeing the difference.

    1. I believe that the strongest force that hinders people from believing that Jesus is the answer to everything that matters to life are the Christians themselves. There are those who call themselves Christians but cannot even open their hands to provide relief for those who are hungry and thirsty, for those who are in pain, even for those who are confused. Again, the Lord Jesus said--there are two great commandments--Love God and Love your neighbors! Oh that we stop loving with words only and begin to act love out.

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  5. Finding normal is basically extending one's self. According to Scott Peck, the experience of change, of unaccustomed activity, of being in unfamiliar ground, of doing things differently is frightening. It always was and always will be.
    There were three economic principles that remained in my mind after watching the movie. These are opportunity cost, substitute and Law of diminishing utility.
    Opportunity cost... the lady chose to stay at the place where she was stuck for three days instead of marrying her boyfriend whom she invested her life for five years. The risk was too imbalance for me but some people are always worth the risk, so I personally understand why she chose to remain.
    By substitute we mean the available goods and services which yields the same level of satisfaction but at lower costs. I'm not implying that a person should be substituted for another one with lower costs nor am I suggesting with other things just because the other one is of cheap price. NO. I don't mean to say something like that. And I don't even encouraged others to do the same way. Substitution can be best applied only in goods and services. Human beings are not goods and services. They are important. You can't just dumped them like a toy whenever you don't feel like being around with that particular person. You treasure and stand by them simply because they are important beings created in the image of God. Simple but as complicated as that.
    Lastly, the law of diminishing utility. This means that as more variable factors are added to a given quantity of fixed factors, marginal product eventually drops. I am thinking of three important words here: variable factors, fixed factors and marginal product, which in real life can be the circumstance, a person and the emotion. Let me paraphrase the definition for more emphasis. As more difficult circumstances and disappointments are added to a person, her love and interest eventually drops. Quite real, right? When it comes to love which most of us can relate, love doesn't eventually drops out of no reason. It drops because of unfaithfulness, betrayal and pain.
    A full life will be full of pain. Yes! These principles are frightening. It always was and always will be.

    1. "When I am afraid, Lord, I will trust in You."

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  7. The movie “Finding Normal” was a good Christian movie. At first, I wasn’t interested because I found it boring but when the story gets further, I started loving it and loving the changes to the life of the characters especially in the life of Dr. Lisa Leland.
    Dr. Lisa Leland wasn't really seeking a different life, but when she finds herself on the wrong side of the law in a small town called Normal, everything for her changes! She must remain in Normal, as determined by the Judge to do community service work, as a doctor, as punishment for her speeding and unpaid tickets.
    Just like us, we tend to ignore seeking changes in our lives because
    we are already contented of who and what we are right now. But I am blessed by the movie because it reminded me that I needed change in my life, change that is in accordance to the will of the Lord. God uses situations or experiences that we do not expect not because to destruct or destroy us but to make us into a better person, a person that God wants us to become.
    As Lisa gets to know the people there, she finds a lifestyle that is completely unexpected. Saving a life becomes real and personal in this small town, as she finds herself becoming friends with the people and concerned about their needs. Yet, she is still determined, with encouragement from her city boyfriend, to get out of Normal as soon as possible... even though she seems to be falling for a local guy, Lucas Craig. It is mostly our tendency that when we are in a place where we do not know or we do not like and we see the lifestyles and needs of the people, then we do not want to stay. We always look for a way to get out of that place and go back to where we want to or in our comfort zone. But for me, it is a choice even if we don’t like the place or we think that place is weird but still you choose to remain in that place. We still want to be in that place because it your choice to stay and you want to extend your help to other people.
    There are ups and downs, in our lives. Good times and bad times. I remembered part of the movie a man shares with Dr. Lisa that he is very sick and a little girl is stung by a bee and cannot breathe. Thankfully, Dr. Lisa is there at this crucial moment. We may experience bad times in our lives but God is reminding us to come near to Him and find rest in Him. According to Matt.11:30 “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
    Another thing that I’ve learned is the decision that you will make, you must ask for God’s wisdom and guidance in deciding and choosing the right decisions. Whatever decision is that, especially in choosing a partner in the future, we must ask for the will of God. You must choose the right guy who loves God more that he loves you because you know that you can love him than anyone else. We must be wise enough with the decisions we make and declare in our lives that is the will of God be done in our lives and not ours.
    In the end, Lisa will follow her heart and finally find exactly where she belongs! How about us? Did we already find the place where we belong? Are we satisfied of what we are and what we have now? Are we comfortable to the place where we step in? Let us meditate and evaluate our lives now and ask for God’s will and favor in our lives. In Mark 14:36, “…yet not my will, but yours be done."

  8. The movie “Finding Normal” was a good Christian movie. At first, I wasn’t interested because I found it boring but when the story gets further, I started loving it and loving the changes to the life of the characters especially in the life of Dr. Lisa Leland.
    Dr. Lisa Leland wasn't really seeking a different life, but when she finds herself on the wrong side of the law in a small town called Normal, everything for her changes! She must remain in Normal, as determined by the Judge to do community service work, as a doctor, as punishment for her speeding and unpaid tickets.
    Just like us, we tend to ignore seeking changes in our lives because
    we are already contented of who and what we are right now. But I am blessed by the movie because it reminded me that I needed change in my life, change that is in accordance to the will of the Lord. God uses situations or experiences that we do not expect not because to destruct or destroy us but to make us into a better person, a person that God wants us to become.
    As Lisa gets to know the people there, she finds a lifestyle that is completely unexpected. Saving a life becomes real and personal in this small town, as she finds herself becoming friends with the people and concerned about their needs. Yet, she is still determined, with encouragement from her city boyfriend, to get out of Normal as soon as possible... even though she seems to be falling for a local guy, Lucas Craig. It is mostly our tendency that when we are in a place where we do not know or we do not like and we see the lifestyles and needs of the people, then we do not want to stay. We always look for a way to get out of that place and go back to where we want to or in our comfort zone. But for me, it is a choice even if we don’t like the place or we think that place is weird but still you choose to remain in that place. We still want to be in that place because it your choice to stay and you want to extend your help to other people.
    There are ups and downs, in our lives. Good times and bad times. I remembered part of the movie a man shares with Dr. Lisa that he is very sick and a little girl is stung by a bee and cannot breathe. Thankfully, Dr. Lisa is there at this crucial moment. We may experience bad times in our lives but God is reminding us to come near to Him and find rest in Him. According to Matt.11:30 “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
    Another thing that I’ve learned is the decision that you will make, you must ask for God’s wisdom and guidance in deciding and choosing the right decisions. Whatever decision is that, especially in choosing a partner in the future, we must ask for the will of God. You must choose the right guy who loves God more that he loves you because you know that you can love him than anyone else. We must be wise enough with the decisions we make and declare in our lives that is the will of God be done in our lives and not ours.
    In the end, Lisa will follow her heart and finally find exactly where she belongs! How about us? Did we already find the place where we belong? Are we satisfied of what we are and what we have now? Are we comfortable to the place where we step in? Let us meditate and evaluate our lives now and ask for God’s will and favor in our lives. In Mark 14:36, “…yet not my will, but yours be done."

    1. I'm proud of you Mae Ann! You are bold in expressing your thoughts and feelings, even your faith and convictions! Continue to draw close to the Lord Jesus!

  9. The movie opened up my mind for possible decisions to be made in the future. In reaching the stage of settle down, wise choice would really matter. Choices that I wont regret forever instead choices that would give life for the coming years that would still come. Three principles that I have learned were:
    First, Be very careful to choose whom you want to be with in the future by asking God's guidance and discernment. I do believe that marriage is a lifetime commitment. It is good that you'll make sure whom you want to be with in the future to avoid divorce or being separated. Lisa is a doctor. She is busy with her profession and but she's earning good salary. It's the same with her boyfriend. I found their relationship unhealthy because I have noticed that they are busy investing for wealth for their future and disregarding the investment they should have done for their relationship for their future marriage. It made me imagine what if they will be together and they stayed inside one house and they were so busy people, they would surely neglect their children. Dr. Steve is not a believer and the Bible said “Don't yoke with the unbeliever”.
    Second, Let not your profession be your crown. We knew that Lisa is a doctor and she's also unbeliever. She found it weird healing sick Christians who practiced prayer. Probably, doctors has this egoistic thinking that they can do everything by their own strength. We should put in mind that whatever profession we have, whatever skills we have, whatever abilities we have it's all from the Lord. We shouldn't be proud of it but give all the credits to God. Just like Doc Shelby, he is a doctor, pastor and many more contribution to their community but He still recognize God and influence others.
    Third, Be very vigilant were God want you minister. There is a part when Liza was about to choose between Steve and Lucas. Steve is a wealthy man . He lives in the city and not a believer. On the other hand, Lucas is a lawyer. He lives in a rural area and who is a believer. I was thinking if Lisa is going to choose Steve, she would probably settle down in a city. Wherein she enjoyed her wealth, she would be more busy, she would just wait for patients in the hospital. If she is going to choose Lucas, She will continue what she has already done in the community. She will probably be mature Christian. We knew in the movie that she chose Lucas and it is a wise decision because if she continue to be with Steve yet unhappy then she will be unproductive. Unlike being with Lucas she felt satisfaction in ministering the people in the community, She was happy and felt fulfilled with what she was doing although she wont earn much money.
    I'm excited to be married someday (hahaha). I'm hoping that if this stage will come, I'm very much prepared with every decisions that I will make. Hoping that I will be a good steward of the Lord's provision. Hoping that wealth wont hinder me in the service of the King.

    1. These are wonderful principles to live by. I hope and pray that you will continue to apply these in your daily life. KOKO Weng!

  10. You live according to the principle that describe your

    view in life, and being rich is one of the principle

    that people want to achieve.the finding normal movie

    shows a lot of principle that we could learn and apply.

    Choices is what people made, according to the things

    that gives them benefits, security and assurance. In

    every choices, we make sure that it can satisfy our

    wants. But sometimes we made mistakes in choosing things

    that we thought is good. This happen mostly when we think

    only what is good for ourselves,a self-centered person

    always do.not all beneficiary can satisfy your

    want,because it is only temporary.

    time is where people spend, sometimes we spend all of

    our time to the things that we thought is necessary. we

    make it as a first priority, like study being a student

    we spend our time doing our projects and assignment, or

    as a worker who work over time to increase their salary.

    In using time it need to be balance, we need to know the

    priority and identify what is need to be done. in this,

    we could still spend our time to our friends, family,

    and God.

    Work is what people do, but we do what is only given to

    us, what is only ask, and the job assign. As a worker of

    God we should not limit ourselves in working, if you

    have the strength to continue then why not. as a

    teacher, we should go beyond what is in the box, we

    should exert more effort,and not just limit on teaching

    the student.

    Your principle will determined how you live your life.

    1. may our actions match with the professions we make. :) good job Ella.

  11. Finding Normal movie had reminded me to wisely and prayerfully choose my husband-to-be. I need not to choose someone who's rich and wealthy but someone who's destined by God for me. I have been reminded about the lessons I've learned about love. Love is a choice. It is a decision to make and it is a sacrifice. If ever I enter into relationship I wanted to see to it that he will be my husband. I don't want to waste my emotion and time to someone who's not for me that's why I deeply needed God in every aspect of my life most especially in choosing a lifetime partner.
    On the other part, I've learned not to conform to the world's standard such as working in order to gain money. I wanted to work with joy in my heart. I wanted to serve God. I wanted to glorify Him with the profession that I have.
    Lastly, I need not to worry knowing that God is in control. I don't have to worry what will I do in the future for I believe that God prepared it beforehand. All I need to do is strengthen my relationship with Him so that I may be very sensitive with His leading in my life.

  12. The movie was indeed worth watching. Though at first I didn't appreciate it, but later on when I understood what it was all about I learned to appreciate it. For it taught me three essential principles in life, especially in decision making, in pursuing my calling, and in doing the ministry.
    God has given us freewill and that freewill has been challenged everyday. We are being challenged to choose between many things, whether little or big choices. And sometimes we don't even realize that we are actually making choices every single day. The reason maybe why we don't notice those choices we made because we don't yet see their significance as of now. But how about when we are in a situation wherein we need to decide and choose between two important choices. What will be our best attitude in dealing with it. My principle in this, will be that we must not decide right away. Not like what the Doc. Lisa did. We must take time to ponder and balance things. But most of all pray and ask for wisdom to God. Because when we do it that way, we can have peace deep within our heart.
    Everyone of us, Christian, has a calling from God, and its up to us to respond to that call. But my view in this is that when you are certain that God is calling you to be in that field we must respond and obey. I like it when Doc. Lisa realized at the end what was her true calling in life, that is to serve the people. Same with us, when God calls us to teach, then teach with all your heart, when God is calling you to preach, then preach, and when God is calling you to be a missionary then go.
    However, sometimes, we have this thinking that because I was only called to teach in school then that is, I'm obeying God anyway. I don't care about other ministries. No! another thing that I learned from the movie is I should not limit myself in doing the ministry of God. As long as I know that I can do more, through Christ of course, I would involve myself to other ministries. I could teach, while serving in the church, or any other ministries. I know we can, if we will, all for the glory of God. We should be always available to minister to other people.
    So, how about you? what is you principle in life, regarding decision making, your calling, and in doing your ministry?

  13. Peanut butter or chocolate spread? Word puzzle or Boggle? A blue rose or a purple tulip? Choices, even at random stuff we make choices and decisions based on our perceptions and preferences. To love is a choice. To care for someone is a choice. I've learned that in everything we do, there are choices that we need to choose from. In this movie I realized, that one of the most heavy and hardest choice to make is to choose for a lifetime partner.

    "Finding Normal", isn't the normal christian movie about love and marriage that we Christians usually watch. At first, I was against with the decision that Liza chose at the end - to call of the wedding and end her relationship with her boyfriend for five years, just for someone whom she met and spent time with for just 3 days. That is not normal at all. But it is possible and if I were she, I'd do the same. I would choose someone that would bring me more closer to God and to be happy and satisfied at the same time, together with him, serving God.

    -Jotham Timkang

    1. We shouldn't live our ves according to how it's played in the movie--in this case, Finding Normal. But we can definitely find principles which we can apply in our own life. :)

  14. Finding Normal is an American movie but somehow a Filipino like me can relate. The movie communicates a true to life situation about how we are faced with choices everyday. The movie let the viewers interact with the characters of the story. I personally have seen 3 economical principles: weighing opportunity cost, making wise decisions and leaving a good legacy.
    The heroine of the story was a talented surgeon with a bright, wealthy future of her career but was then put into community service in Normal Town. At the near end of her service on that town, she was faced with a choice between her dream to be financially secured, spreading her fame and her heart that has grew fond of simply serving the people with her talents and skills. Going back to her normal city life was the supposed original plan after her business with the town but she later choose to remain and continue to give their service because then she knew she found something worth it to spend her life and that's what we call opportunity cost.
    It is not a given that we want to make the best decision because we always do want it. But there are really times that we need to identify the good decision from the better decision that will lead us ultimately in making a wise decision. Wise decision includes being able to enjoy after the decision was made and if possible, no regrets will occur. Whether in finding business partner/s or a lifetime partner, it has to be done with careful thinking and consideration of all angles before making the final say. The heroine has seen what her fiance could give her, promising her with material wealth and the guy next door which possess a good character. She has chosen wisely as to decide to be with the guy she can communicate and connect more easily.
    As one steps down from his position, he needs to entrust his role to someone who is able and trustworthy. Doc, the multiple-in-one man had little by little passed his job on taking care of the people to the heroine. Our place here on earth is never forever but we can secure that place we are now to always be occupied until the end of time by guiding a person as one whom we can pass on the baton.
    Therefore, as we live our lives daily, let us be an economical man who knows opportunity cost, make wise decisions and leave a good legacy.

    1. Well said Chao! (whispering) I'm proud of you!

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  17. There are three inter-connected principles that I have learned in watching the movie "Finding Normal". First is stewardship that leads to making right decisions. Second, the right decision that will result to choose highest-valued person or things that can be useful or beneficial which is the last principle, opportunity cost.

    Stewardship is God-given opportunity to manage God’s resources such as time, money, family, friends, etc. Stewardship is not just enjoying the resources that God has entrusted to us, but it is a great privilege to perform activities that would please and bring glory to the One who gave us. It’s our job to protect and to be responsible of something what we have. The town doctor set as an example of how to protect and being responsible of his time, money, and the people that surround him. So, we have to make a right decision to perform our responsibility which is pleasing to God.

    Right decision is always the right decision, not just the best decision because not all best decision is a right decision. In our daily life we always make decision because this is how God made us—to exercise our freedom of choice. We are not like a robot to be controlled, but we are designed by God to choose the right decision. In the movie, a city doctor needed to make decision for a span of short time. It is not just a simple decision that she’ll going to make, but it is a hard decision: to stay in the town or not to stay. In making right decision, it is very important to consider the pro and cons in order to get the right decision. It is true, but the best thing to consider is God. God’s word is more reliable than our own way of thinking. So, we have to apply opportunity cost to choose the right decision.

    Opportunity cost is the “value of the next-highest-valued” alternative use of the resources. They are things or people that have the same value to our life. But in reality, we cannot accommodate things, people, ourselves altogether. We cannot use our resources altogether. We have to choose what is more valuable and useful to us. So, in opportunity cost, we have to give up something or someone valuable to us to use or give ourselves to the best alternative one. Just like the city doctor, she had to give-up his boyfriend for the one who she thinks more important to her.

    Therefore, we have to embrace these principles for our daily living: First is stewardship that leads to making right decisions. Second, the right decision that will result to choose highest-valued person or things that can be useful or beneficial which is the last principle, opportunity cost, to glorify our Creator who gave and entrusted us His resources.

    1. I really hope that you will continue to share these insights to whoever the Lord will place under your care--maybe as a teacher, or maybe as a wife someday.

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  20. There are three great lessons I've learn from the movie "finding normal", and mostly are about the importance of decisions. First realization that struck me, was the importance of making choices in lif e. No matter how big or small it is, it will contribute and will made an effect on someone else life. So we need to really pay a close attention on the decisions and choices we are making. It requires a careful planning and a sincere prayer, for guidance. Second was the truth that sometimes what God wants us to do was just in front of us but then we keep on looking on other direction, causes us to miss God's plan. We are to be sensitive to God's voice of direction at all times, learning to be content on wherever he would lead us. And just be grateful with the truth that what God planned was just for our own good. And lastly was that, I come to realize the truth to the saying "there's more to life than earning a living". Truly we could be happy and be satisfied even if we don't have riches, for our identity should not be built on riches but to the confidence that we are well taken care of our great provider, who knows the very best for us and the very thing we need. 

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  22. Life is not just about earning money. Life is more than the three meals you eat every day, the house you live in, the car you drive, the thickness of your wallet, the vacations you take or the bonuses you get. When your life is over, you won’t really care what you do for a living when you were alive. As Neale Donald Walsch said “It is a state of BEINGness the soul is after, not a state of DOINGness.” This is one of the many principles reflected in the movie Finding Normal. But just because life is not all about work and career, this does not mean that we should not value work. Work is essential and is a gift from God. It is He who planted the desire in man’s heart to experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in the fruits of his labor. Work puts our God-given creative energies and talents to good and beneficial use. Work inspires us and stimulates us to aim for success but when we come to a point when work no longer gives us satisfaction but instead enslaved us to it, then work becomes a negative infiltration in our lives. We are only existing rather than really living. So we should not let our work be the center of our lives where we get the answers to the fundamental questions of life – Who am I? Where am I going? What on earth am I here for? We should not let the economic value of the things we do define our worth, identity and meaning but rather, it should only be a place where we can exercise our true worth, identity and purpose God has already given us.
    The second principle I learned from the movie is the importance of spending your energy and investing your life in the things you want to do and the things you are meant to do. Real success only happens in the context of joy, fulfillment and passion. This means that one has to know oneself in order to know the things that one loves doing. Someone said that it’s not really hard making money, what is hard is earning money doing something that is worth devoting your life. Being familiar with your self is one of the big factors that can lessen the difficulty of finding and choosing something that is worth all your effort. To quote myself from internship days “when it’s your passion, it’s not tiring, it’s rewarding.”
    The third principle I learned is closely connected to the previous one. Doing something you love to do is not easy, smooth sailing. It is hard work. Most of the time, it’s even harder than choosing to live in something less than this. Doing something you love may mean giving up convenience and comfort. It requires you to go beyond the mediocre level and exert more effort to the task you set out to do. It is hard work to follow your God-given dreams, but it is worth all the effort. So in order to not miss these God-given dreams, one must be sensitive always to His leading. Most of the time, God's message is through a still small voice, so in order to hear it, we must be in a close proximity to Him. Being in God's will may not be the safest and easiest place to be, but it is worth all the risk and effort.
    - Faith Fernan

    1. I must say that I am a fan! May you continue to use what the Lord, in His grace, has placed in your hands to honor Him Who is our Lord.
