Monday, November 16, 2015


Comment on the following statement:  

 "Conformity is the way to a trouble-free life."



  1. I totally disagree with this statement because genuine Christians who conform won't experience in them the real peace that came from God, the peace that surpasses all understanding, that even those who were persecuted and killed because of testifying for their faith died victoriously knowing that the things that the world offers, including false peace, will never surpass the richness that Christ brought in them including the amazing peace that they are experiencing amidst their sufferings.

    As one of the graduating students, I have this fear in me, the fear of falling away from God's plan because of my tendency to be swayed by the pressures that surround me, family pressure to be exact. The thought of conforming into this pressures is not being a trouble-worry free person but it is like diving into the deep oceans of worldy worries that will never run dry. These worries or pressures will keep on hunting us and will keep on enticing us to feed them so that we will be distracted in giving all of our lifetime to God. John 14:1 says, ". . . Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." Indeed, we should follow Him in this because He is worthy to have our full trust.

    1. Mikki i can identify with you. We struggle the same thing. i love my family and i want them to support me but life doesn't always work that way and i've grown in that reality after many years of struggle and fighting. i remember praying to God not to let me choose between Him and my family because i know for sure in my heart that i will choose Him but i am not ready to leave my family also. i was really sure of myself few years of glance but now the Lord helped me realized that He loves me and my family and that He doesn't want anyone to perish but to come in to repentance. At this point of time, i have the assurance that as i follow the Lord wherever He leads me, He will take care of my family in a way that He alone may understand.
      i already accepted the fact that He can either use me or somebody else for my family to come to know Him. Today, i am no longer fighting. Today, i am not trying to be the hero of my family and i have peace which transcends all understanding. All glory to God.

    2. Yes a genuine Christians does not compromise because if we do then we will lose our effectiveness in ministering people. We should live in such a way that the unbelievers would look at us and notice that there is something in us, something that is different especially in our way of living. If Christians will compromise then our relationship with God would breakdown and we might left behind our first love. I hope and will pray that we will stay close to Jesus and will be strong despite persecutions or hardships in life. I hope that we Christians will live a life that pleases to our holy God. To live a life with the truth in God's Word. As we go out from this seminary, I hope that we will not compromise but live a life with a Christlike character.

    3. We can chose either we are individuality or conformity!
      But how can you define genuine Christianity through being individuality or conformity? I think I would chose to be like a flower mantis who camouflage as a defense against the enemy. We are living in the hostile world but it doesn't mean we are to live like the world but indeed we must live out the world. I remember what Stephen did, he is so eager with the truth of telling about the gospel but he preach without ethics. I do compromise, what the culture is, but I will not compromise their living. Christianity is a lifestyle, a norm, or a way of life. We could not stop what is in the world right now but we can change it by the help of our Almighty God who is able to change the heart of a person not on the things which is beyond the limitation of His will. If we die in persecution because of our faith let it be, but if we live because we know how to step up, on what it should be is better because God has a mission for us to do according to His will. Even Jesus himself withdraw from the crowd (Lk. 15:6).
      How about our future generation? If we die today how can we impact the lives of the future?
      We view individuality as being set a part and significantly different than others and as a result of that, we see conformity as being something to avoid completely. There is a balance, however, between individuality and conformity and we should strive for that balance, rather than striving for one extreme, or settling for the other.

    4. I do agree with you ate Mikki especially with your statement that, "Christians who conform won't experience in them the real peace that came from God." To conform in the patterns of this world really means to miss the joy of being loved by the Lord and losing the peace that God gives to those who follow Him. Truly, it has been a comfort from God that He would always be with us and that He has reminded us with His word in John 14:1, saying "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me."

    5. I feel you Carmelle. It will always be difficult to choose especially when you know what is expected of you. It has always been my fear also to fall away from God's plan because of the people who depends on me. But I'm always reminded of what Teacher Angel told us which was also told to her by Sir Nordine, that we are not the heroes of our family. We might think that without us, our family won't be able to get through things and yet conform to what our present situation tells us. But I'm always encouraged knowing that choosing the first of God will not just bring a trouble-free life, but a life of satisfaction and joy :)

    6. That's really true ate Mitch. Just like how the hymn "Trust and Obey" goes, "there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey." It really takes faith in Him to be able to obey what He is calling us to do. And as we continue to learn and live by faith, I know and believe that He will continue to be our God. A God who promised that if we will put Him first He will surely take good care of everything that we are concern about especially our family. He will surely honor the desires of our hearts. What a wonderful God we have!

    7. From your point of view sister Carmille states that to conformed to this world offer more worries, how will you justify this reality that lots of Christians does this conformations? But then i can relate your fear on the possibility of falling away from God because of wrong choices and decisions. (Wag naman sanang hayaang mangyari itong kinakatakutan ko).

  2. It has always been a progressive learning for me to provoke the status quo, to get out of my comfort zone, to not follow the crowd in doing what is wrong and to put out in my vocabulary the word complacent.
    If i am a "christian" then the thought above would be enough for me, but if i am a "Christian" and i mean a true follower of Christ, the above idea would be a great slapped on my face if i would agree with that, because Christianity is a constant struggle to not conform in the pattern of this world. You see, when I start to feel comfortable with what the world has been doing, then I know I am starting to get off track, I am starting to stray and lose my way. If I start to not be concerned about living life for Jesus, then maybe, just maybe I am starting to live my life for Satan. That's a real blow in my walk with God. That is the reason why it is alarming for a Christian to be okay, to not suffer and to be accepted by everybody. Today, we desire to have an easy life. A life where in most of the things are instant and constant. We get what we want whenever we want it.
    We pray for things that we know are possible and then we don't give credit to God. Of course, why would we give credit to God for things that are possible by human hands? Are we trying to insult God for praying for lesser things? So how is it related to conformity? Well, many people conform to praying prayers that are possible. Prayers that doesn't require a leap of faith. Prayers that are too safe that we don't even know if God answered it already or it is just part of the natural law. I challenge you guys, including myself, to start anew. Let's take a leap of faith not occasionally but out of habit. Let us not follow the crowd in praying for things that are possible. Let's pray for impossible things and have faith that God will answer our prayers with an expectant heart and then what? We cannot take the credit, we cannot take the glory. It all belongs to God.
    I came across a quote that is worth sharing. “Just because you're struggling doesn't mean you're failing. Every great success requires some worthy struggle to get there.” When time comes that you struggle, praise God for it because it is a constant reminder that you are not conforming to the pattern of this world.
    You know who is worthy of our struggle? Jesus. He is worth it. Don't be afraid to let the crowd know that you Love Jesus. They will either be intimidated because of your uniqueness or they will come to know the one who made you look that way.
    --------Makes me think :)

    1. I like your idea on the last part of your statement; that we should not be afraid to be different for it's a big opportunity for people to see us and to asked what's with us that make us unique and set apart from them. That's really true and so much applicable in our lives today. As our generation are also coping up with the technologies and all the other things are getting worst and worst from the way of dressing to the songs that are widely popular and spreading we need to let the world see our light and that we need to let them see that we are different as we are serving a different God who is true and real. We need not to go with the flow and also cope up with what's popular, being different could be an instrument for us to let people see in our life and by our testimony what we believe and the salvation that we received.
      Truly we need to stand for what's right and true for people to see the God who is living inside of you. :-)
      Indeed He is worth our every risk!

    2. Upon reading your answer Luna especially in the last part, I was reminded of a story that told by my friend. She said that this story in true to life story, she read it from the book. The story was about a family, the family was Christian who believed in Jesus. The parents had 2 children. Their children went to school when there was something happened in the school. There were boys that were addicted to computer games, and you know what they did? They brought guns and killed every student that they met. At that time, the younger sibling was in the canteen while the older ate was in the library. The boys went to library and killed the students and the older sister just pretended that she died already by putting blood on her shirt and other parts of her body. The boys went out and went to the canteen. The older sister went to canteen directly to look for her sister but when she was able to go there, she saw her younger sister taken by the boys. One of the boys asked her younger sister, "Do you believe in Jesus?" The girl answered, "Yes!" Once again, the boy asked her, "Do you believe in Jesus?" She said, "Yes!" After she answered, she was shot by the person. The girl was not afraid to declare her faith to the people surrounding her. Even if it took her life, but still she did not deny that she believed in Jesus. We must be reminded that we need to stand what is right and showing other people who is living inside of us, that is Jesus.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As I've read and reread this statement I come up with a lot of questions in mind. Like for example why do Christians needs to compromise or why they compromise? Are they any consequences if Christians compromise in order to be free from trouble? Does the Bible talks about this? Being a believer in Christ, is conformity dangerous? According to them, compromise is to make accommodations for someone who does not agree with a set of rules. Being a Christian is not easy and there are lots of difficulties and temptations that needs to overcome. Christians are to live with a distinct life knowing that we have Christ in our lives. It is to live a life that is different where Christ is seen in us. Maybe its a big deal that Christians are to compromise in order to be free from trouble life. Christian needs to be very careful on how we live then as the Bible says but if we just compromise then there would be no difference between believers and non believers. God has encourages us and promises us with His word. We need to be bold enough and to stand for the truth even to the point of risking our lives knowing that we are bought at a price and our life is for God and He is the reason why we still alive. We are to live according to His decrees. We must not compromise our standard as a follower of Jesus Christ. As true believers, we are to be obedient according to God's standards not to compromise.

    1. Oh, I like the questions you posted. And I like what you said about being bold enough to stand for the truth even to the point of risking our lives. It reminds me that conformity has its own trouble as well as the attempt of shunning away from it. That's why it requires boldness. It actually saddens me whenever I observe how Christians and even Bible students compromising their faith. It is sad because we should not be like that. We should never be proud in saying that "It's OK, everybody's doing it anyway!" It is so sad that we even fall to that justification. We are called to be different just as what you commented above. In that way, we will truly be a light into this darkened world.

    2. Yeah, so we CHRISTIANS need to work out with our faith to God. We must be knowledgeable and confident of what we believed, so that in times of testings we can stand firm and not compromise. Right now, it's easy for us to say that "I will fight for Jesus!" or "I will die for Jesus!", Yea! it's so easy to say that cause we are in a Christian country and we have not experienced heavy persecution just like the apostles and church fathers did. How can we fathom testing and persecution if we are not totally soaked with the truth which is the word of God, the foundation of our faith.

      We are Christian soldiers and we should always be prepared for an unexpected war of our Faith!

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  6. Conformity may sound so negative for Christians but we can't deny the fact that it's a hard reality that we Christians are facing or will be facing. To conform means to comply or to behave accordingly to be acceptable by others. I can say that the test of conformity will happen when the world we lived in shared the same belief opposite to yours. By the time when it seems that you're at the tip of the cliff and the people behind you were ready to push you for you to fall on that cliff. What are you gonna do? Are you going to recant your faith and agree with them then be saved and be one of them? or you will fight for your faith even if it would cost you death? As believers of Christ, the saying "Conformity is the way to a trouble-free life" shouldn't be our motivation or should I say not be part of out thinking. If trouble means fighting for Jesus then we would rather lived a troubled life than to have a trouble-free life yet denying our Lord and Savior. This is indeed something to ponder because to avoid conformity requires a strong and authentic faith. A faith that is not easily shaken but stands firm amidst of trials and persecution. Its a challenge for us to be fully prepared to have confidence to what we believed. We don't know when will the enemy would test us and questioned us with are faith. A question to ponder....

    Are you ready to die for Jesus?

    1. That question reminds me of one of my favorite verses in the Bible that serves as a reminder and at the same time a comfort whenever I face storms and flooded rivers (literally) where we need to cross. It's in Phil. 1: 21, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain". But those are just storms and floods. How about when persecuted because of our faith? Are we wiling to die, or go with deny to save yourself? Yes, it's really a question for us to ponder and a challenge for us to be fully prepared which means we need to be fully rooted in God's Word that we may know our grounds and we will be able to stand firm in our faith. Truly, conforming to what is not right so that you will be accepted will not do you a trouble-free life; that would be a life-long suffering for us afterlife.

    2. Yes teacher! It sounds so scary that one wrong move of conformity would take us to a life-long suffering afterlife. Hopefully, this would challenge Christian believers have a strong relationship with the Lord. We need each other's help as a brother's keeper to encourage those who have weak relationship with the Lord. We are accountable with each other and we don't want our co-soldiers in Christ to compromise.

  7. I really don't think so. How could you be trouble free when you know you are not doing the right thing? But then we can’t really regard anything as conformity when we don’t know what’s the difference between good and bad. So to conform means to know what’s the difference between good and bad. I guess it would be more true to say "conformity brings more trouble to life". When we do a things that are not good or would never be glorifying to God, we experience more trouble and we will be more anxious because our conscience will always bother us. Knowing the right thing to do but then doing the other way around will just caused us to be more distracted as we all knew that we are called to do what is right and do everything for the glory of God. Since when did conformity bring glory to God? or Since when did not doing the right thing to do make God happy? There’s no such time. So for me to conform will not bring any good at all but will just make things more complicated and will all the more lead to the worst. To conform just shows lack of Faith and Trust to the One who is able to keep us safe and take us away from all the trouble if we will just do the right thing that we ought to do.
    The Bible is never silent about such topic. And we are told in Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”. When we offer our lives to God, the changes as to our attraction to the world and to the desires of our flesh will be different. It may be that we are still attracted to the safer side of life, the more wanting to take the easy steps and to be honest I’m also struggling with that part but one thing I hold on to is God’s promises that if we just trust him and do what is right he will always be with us, never will he forsake us; for he is the same as he was from before (Hebrews 13).
    We should not let our moral belief and the standard of God be tainted by our desire to feel safe and by taking the easy way. We are to make right and moral choices. It may be so easy to say such things but I know and base on experience doing is the hardest part of it. We need to lean more closer to God for us to be able to not conform by his guidance and help. We can’t do it on our own, we need His strength to make it happen. :-)

    1. conformity...for us Christians it is the Big word.According to to Merriam Webster conformity means the fact or state of agreeing with or obeying something or someone. I agree with you Mira that the Bible is never silent about conformity. In a Christian world view conformity is lacking of faith.God seeks to order our lives to achieve this lofty purpose. Christ-likeness is the wondrous outcome which God has purposed in our salvation.In Romans 8:29-30 says God seeks to order our lives to achieve this lofty purpose. Christ-likeness is the wondrous outcome which God has purposed in our salvation.
      Rom 8:29-30
      29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
      He forknew, predestined and He's divine links with our salvation.So those who answered God’s call of grace by faith, God foreknew, and who He foreknew He predestined. What is God’s purpose in saving and predestining? What are we predestined to? God’s predetermine plan, before the foundation of the earth was to make believers like Jesus. why we conform if we know what is truth? all we need is to transform. we gonna be the salt and light of this earth...
      One cannot stand in the middle of the road when it comes to faith. You are either on one side or the other. There is great pressure today to conform and compromise our values, but we shall see from this passage that this is not possible. Amos 6:1-14. Revival does not start outside the church, but it starts on the inside.
      It starts with you and me, not them. Don't make your life as a trouble free by conforming rather hold on to the faith...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The Bible is very clear regarding conformity saying, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will" in Romans 12: 2. If conformity is a way of a trouble-free life, then this verse will not supposed to be in the Bible for us to know the truth. God's Word talks about conforming in a positive way only that is to be conformed to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ and not to worldly deeds. If we are looking for a trouble-free life to the point that conformity will be our option, we need to remember that Jesus Himself said in John 16:33, "In this world you will have trouble." Does He promised a trouble-free life? But take note His previous words, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace." God's peace which exceeds anything we can understand will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4: 7). No matter how chaotic our surroundings would be, and how much trouble the world would bring to us that it seems like you against the whole world situation, we can only find true peace in Jesus Christ. There is no other way to have a trouble-free life; it begins with entrusting your life to God knowing He is faithful to carry you through for He is God and He already overcome the world victoriously. Thus, it is not conformity that gives you a trouble-free life; it's trusting God that gives you peace in the midst of troubles in life.

  10. We Christians are not called to a trouble-free life. God's word is clear that in this world we'll have a lot of troubles (John 16:33) so it is not for us to find ways to a trouble-free life because this is not what God sets up for us. He has warned us in advance and gave us the description of the kind of life we'll be living. Thus conforming to this world's standards in order to be safe would not be an option because safety is not our aim. Rather, we're called to be holy as He is holy (1 Pet 1:16). He separated us from the rest and made us different from everyone else. So why go back and be like the rest? People conforming to this world may justify it as a way for survival but what it really means is separation from the One who wants us to be separated from this world. In other words, or as the Bible says it, those who belong to the world are not of God (John 15:19; 1John 2:15). So nonconformity is not only showing that we have backbones as Christians, but it is evidently saying that we are of God and what matters to Him matters to us even though it would put us in a lot of trouble. We do not conform to the world's pattern not just because it makes us different. We are different, that's why we do not conform. The tree comes first before its fruits, not the other way around. Nonconformity is only evidence of who we are and Who we belong to. So at times we are tempted to conform, lets remember our identity in God. He first settled that identity in us so we can obey His command not to conform, for without that identity, it is impossible for us mere humans to not conform. He first mapped out before us the kind of life we will live before telling us to do this or that. He first put in us the power to say no before he commanded us to say no. Really, to sum it all up, we don't have any excuse or justification for conforming to this world or wanting a trouble-free life. It is not for us. Period.

    1. I agree that we Christians are not called to a trouble-free life. The Bible is very clear about it, the apostles and even Jesus our Lord, warned us that following Him would mean trouble. We are called out ones, we are set apart for the Lord and why should we conform to the world just to be freed from trouble. Like the moment God called us, He is telling us "You don't belong to the world anymore, you would behave differently from them". You are called different from the world.

    2. I disagree with the statement because a Genuine Christians does not conform and does not called to a trouble free life. Following Jesus is a lot of trouble and a lot of sacrifices but it doesn't mean that we need to be lax in our Christianity life. as the bible says" do not conform to the pattern of this world, we are separated, and why we need to go back from the past to conform or to be a trouble free? Is it for the survival especially to our family? friends? and loved ones? Maybe it is, but at the very first time when we committed ourselves in the service of the Lord we knew that many troubles and struggles that may comes in our way. As a genuine christian we need to set our hearts to God and not to the things around us to be called our life as a trouble free life.

    3. Sister Faith, can i ask one personal question? Does conformity applied to our way of wearing clothes, and eating (meat and vegetables)?

  11. Trouble-free sounds alluring. It's everyone dreamed of. But conformity is a dangerous thing for us Christians. It is a trap that is candy-coated with an enticing caption, "Trouble-free life". We know that, we are commanded to "not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rom. 12:2, NIV). Is being free from trouble in this world, what God's will for us? I do not think so. In Jesus' sermon on the mount, he even had said, "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness". Persecution doesn't imply trouble-free yet it suggested the other way around. The apostles did not conform to the world and what happened? Troubles, persecutions, misfortunes why because they did not go with the flow, not conforming cost them their lives
    To deviate from the world means trouble and the best alternative to be free from trouble is conform. Would conformity means as well peace? Is it what God wills? Conformity means peace with people and trouble with God. As children of God, our lives are not ours anymore, it is His. We had surrendered it the moment we accepted Jesus Christ. The world offers lots of beautiful things yet temporary. Let us not conform to the pattern of this world. What is temporary troubles compared to forever peace that God promised. Conformity is trouble.

    1. Indeed Ren, God did not will for us to be free from trouble in this world, and we are so blessed by that because God offers us much more than that. God wills for us to be with Him in heaven, living the "trouble-free life" we've always wanted. And true, as children of God, we must live our lives not as ours anymore but we must surrender our everything to Him and let Him reign in us to be able to not conform in this temporary world. Let us not be contented with temporary things the world offers, for God offers 100x much more greater things than that such as eternal trouble-free life with Him.

    2. I agree Blaise that we must not conform to the pattern of this world. It is because we are encourage to live a godly life. Here on earth we cannot experience peace because it is corrupted. Conformity is still a trouble especially for us Christians. It could confused us in our right living as followers of Christ. Instead of being a follower of God's word we will be follower of the corrupt world because of this. We must not compromise the truth and must show to others that followers of Christ is different from what is in the world. let us continue to be the light and salt of the world and face the challenges that we may encounter.

  12. The world truly tries its best to implant this statement in the people's hearts, including Christians. Some are being subjects or victims in following what the world tells rather than what the Word of God says. Though this is the very heartbeat of the world we live in, I totally do not agree with it. Trouble is almost irresistible. No one can avoid it. Whether a person tries to do good or bad, still trouble occurs but one thing that has made me think of is that, "if trouble is irresistible, what would we rather do then? Would we conform to the world, achieve all the selfish desires we have, be away from persecution, and displease our Savior? or Would we continue to follow our God who loves us so much, who has given us an everlasting joy, who has saved us from the bondage of sin, who has assured us with the eternal life He offers, continue to obey Him even if the world might catch and kill us?"

    The life that we have in Christ is the best life we can ever have in this world and beyond? So who are we to run away from God? To conform and compromise mean to abandon our identity in Christ.

    Ever since we have met Christ, our lives have become meaningful and conforming back to the world would be a greater trouble for us rather than being killed because of our love for Christ. The truth is, Christ is the one who has given us freedom from the trouble we were involved in before. He made us free from the uncertainty of this world. He has filled the emptiness of our hearts. The moment we have decided to follow Christ, we are meant to be the salt and light of the world and share His love to those who are lost.

    Because of Christ's presence in our lives, there is no reason for us to conform to the patterns of this world and not to thrive.

    1. I agree with you Amanda, it is our choice wether we obey or disobey God. We follow Christ or turn to the other side that would lead us to be far away from God. The decision is in our hands for God has given us freedom to choose. As Christ followers we choose to do what is right.

    2. I agree with you Amanda, it is our choice wether we obey or disobey God. We follow Christ or turn to the other side that would lead us to be far away from God. The decision is in our hands for God has given us freedom to choose. As Christ followers we choose to do what is right.

  13. The statement sounds promising, appealing, and easy but I doubt its reality. For me, a trouble free life does not exist because the Bible does not guarantee that kind of life here on earth. In fact, we are going to have troubles or should expect the presence of it (John 16:33). Conforming to the pattern of this world is easy that's why it's appealing at times , but we know better than that. We are aware that compromising may ease our outward struggles but would only heighten our inner dilemma. I understand that the statement posted above refers to the comfort one could have if he would follow suit to what the world values. Yet if we look at it closely we will know that it is deceitful. Yes, it could lessen ones trouble but that comfort is fleeting. It is nothing compared to the eternal bliss we will experience if we keep the faith. I believe that if we truly have a relationship with Jesus we will never get comfortable in compromising God's standard for our faith and practice. It is inconceivable for me that a Christian would get so comfortable going with the flow even if that has a direct effect to his obedience to God's will. To me that is contrary to what the Bible says. Yet, I also understand that falling into the trap of compromise is easy because that has been our default. We are not exempted to this. In fact, Satan has lured us to conformity in so many creative ways. We don't have to look too far to recognize the reality of that. (It makes me sad :( ). I have concluded that we could never boast nor deny but we could keep ourselves from compromising our way of life if we yield to Him day by day. It has been my prayer to go M.A.D. (Make a difference) wherever I am because I know that it's what God want me to do. And it is also my prayer that we all will go M.A.D. No to conformity, Yes to being godly! (Warning: people may not like you if you stick to God's standard and will call you KJ but don't compromise anyway!)

    1. Yes yes yes! Thanks for the warning Ate Sar. M.A.D (Make A Difference!) It is very true that people will call us KJ just because we don't compromise and yeah, others wont like us. However, I have observed that people who see us as different are aloof with us and are ashamed just because they can see us living a pure life compare with them. Due to that, they have a high respect with us but I think some are bullied. Maybe it depends. But I thank the Lord for living a pure life can be used in order for our friends and the people that surrounds us to question themselves what made us different with them. It could be a great manifestation of God through our life, our testimony in order for others to believe. Wondering what's the difference of our God and to their gods. Thus, believers should not conform with the world's pattern but instead make a difference for God's glory. Let's live a life pleasing to God and living a God-standard.

    2. Uhmmm! It is a reality that Christians should not be conformed to this world. That should be our main motives. Second to the last sentence sounds good, but, have you even been askinto yourself if this new agenda from a Christian perspective was really true for the Christians today? Look at those people around you, claiming to be a Christian but look at on how they dress and act in their surrounding. It seems that they themselves are acting and dressing like not Christians. I'm not against to fashions but based on what i had observe, it really happened today.

  14. I totally disagree with the statement, “conformity is the way to a trouble-free life.” Conformity somehow shows lack of faith and not courageous enough to fight of what you believe in. I know it must be hard for those believers living in a country that persecution is rampant but for me, I'd rather die for God (Phil. 1:21) than compromise with my faith. To live with Christ does not assure us to a trouble-free life. To live with Christ is not pleasing and not ideal for those who do not understand but I believe that only who has Christ in them can experience the true joy that can be felt in spite of persecution and hard times encountered. I can profess and testify that I've been through a lot of sufferings and pain just because I have Christ in me. There were many times I have to decide to whether go on my own way and forget God or look up to God and forget everything around. It's so hard to decide on things most especially those were special to me. But as always and forever will be, I chose and will choose God's way for my thoughts are not His thoughts, neither are His ways my ways (Isa. 55:8). I know that every believers has a story to tell on how his/her life with Christ going on. It is an exciting thing to listen and learn from each others' stories for we can really see God working in each lives. In this world we may have trouble. But take heart! Jesus have overcome the world (John 6:33). Therefore, conformity isn't the way instead be transformed by the renewal of our mind, that by testing we may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Rom. 12:2).

  15. I do not believe that conformity is the way to a trouble-free life. Yes, I learned that some Christians before conformed according to the norm of what the pagans were doing in order for them to avoid danger. I can’t really judge them directly about their decision because maybe they did it for many reasons or maybe not for themselves but for the other people, I don’t know what. But if we Christians following the pattern of what is not right in order to be saved this means we lack our trust in God. We hit the wrong button that shows that we are self-centered and not a true follower of Jesus Christ. The true follower of Christ must deny himself and follow Him.
    In every situation we should not think about ourselves because Christ Himself gave up His life for us without any doubt and regret although He was not worthy to die on that cross but still He gave up His life and do the Father’s will. So, in times of persecution, trouble, and death we should ponder of what Christ done for us. We should take the risk even what it is because we are serving a true living God who deserves our sacrifice. And we should not acquire conformity in order to free from trouble because Jesus Christ accepted those persecutions, pain, and mocked in order for us to live. As what Pastor AJ said in his sermon “Jesus Christ is more powerful than death and death is gain because Jesus Christ is gain. The greatest reward that we will receive is to be with our creator”. So, if we are a true Christian we will not to stick our life to free from danger but instead to sacrifice our lives because of our faith in Christ.

  16. I do disagree with this statement that conformity is a way of a trouble-free life. There is no way that in this world that there is a trouble-free life especially that we are Christians . A true Christian life is a life that suffers for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ, not pretending to be as in the world in order to be safe. Even though that if we live a life of conformity for sake of safety, still we are in danger. I just heard a story this week about a Christian Woman who was asked by an ISIS if she is a Muslim. But she answered, she is a Muslim. Then followed by another question, that if she reads the Qu'ran. She answered that she reads the Qu'ran. She answered in this way so that she will not be killed. But after that moment, those Christian friends who knew what had happened, their sense of trust for her was totally wiped out and it took hard for her to be restored because she denied to that ISIS member. If we do conform for us to be safe, this leads to danger of losing our integrity that others will not trust us anymore as Christians and even many will be stumbled because of our conformity. In the area of trouble, there is no such life here in this world that is trouble-free because this world is just temporary that even unbelievers experience a trouble-full life. The life that is trouble-free is only that we can experience eternity where there is an endless peace that we will be with our Lord Jesus in eternity because He is the source of peace. So if we live in conformity, this is not a way of escape of trouble-full life especially that we are Christians. I remember the story of Peter that he denies our Lord Jesus three times. He did deny so that he can be safe as a follower of Jesus when his Master was already arrested and sentenced to be crucified. But after he denied the Lord, he felt such guilt of what he did. So this implies that if we live in conformity, we will be guilty of pretending for us to be safe as Peter experience. No matter we exert effort to live such a trouble-free life, we cannot really escape from that. But the Word of God reminds us that we should offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable which is our spiritual act of worship, and not to be conformed by the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Rom. 12:1-2). So instead of trying to escape, we should set our lives to be a sacrifice for sake our Master Jesus Christ, who loves us and gave Himself for us.

  17. For me, there is no such thing as a “trouble-free life” here on earth. In fact, if we conform to the ways of the world because we thought it would be such a life, it's even more of a trouble life than all who did not conform. In James 4:17, it says “Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it is guilty of sin”. If one conforms, though knowing the truth, sins and sin always has consequences which brings much greater trouble. Whether we conform or not, there are troubles always in life, so why conform? Sometimes, some people conform not because they want a trouble-free life, but because they still desire and want what the world has to offer – power, fame and glory for self. In short, they haven't fully surrendered their lives to God and haven't still truly decided to follow Jesus no matter what costs. So as believers in Christ, let us evaluate ourselves if we are true believers of Jesus Christ who can stand firm in our faith and not conform, or are we pretentious believers who act like a Christian on the outside, but deep inside conforms with the ways of the world in secret? As Christians, though we know of this, sometimes we are tempted in many ways to conform in the ways of the world. So we must be careful to always focus on God and do what pleases Him. Let us also not forget that all the world has to offer will all fade away. Conformity is not the way to a trouble-free life, instead, it is the way to a more troubled life. So let us stand firm!

    1. This is so true. Those people claiming to be followers of Christ yet conforming to the patterns of this world may seem like serving two masters. But Jesus Himself said that we can't serve two masters. So most likely, conformists are not serving Christ, our Lord and Master, but only using Him or using Christianity and all its benefits for selfish gain. The Word of God has also warned us about this kind of people who see the gospel as worldly gain and refuse to see beyond that. When faced with dangerous situations, that are of course not gain for self, they are easily swayed. This is sad and tragic, but true. That's why, real Christians, the ones enabled and ready to face persecutions and hardships, should consider it joy to face trials and testings of faith, as what Apostle James encouraged in his epistle. These tests are God's ways of purifying those who belongs to Him.

    2. Definitely right! A "troubled-free life" is not on this earth but in God's presence. Unless we are in the very presence of God we will not experience a safe and secure life. This means that while we are in this world, as Christians, we will experience hardships and troubles, as what the scripture says. But let us not forget that God has already overcome the world, all we have to do is take heart, stand firm, and cling on to the Lord. Because true Christian does not conform just to be safe instead he stands firm with what he believes. Just like what the martyrs did in the past. When they were asked to deny Christ and serve other gods for their safety they did not conform even if it costs them their lives. So as followers of Christ I hope that we will be strong enough to face trials and challenges as we run the race that is marked before us, standing firm in our faith in Christ, with hope that Jesus will always be there for us.

    3. Indeed! We are called not for frouble-free life, but to bear our cross in following Christ.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Christians cannot escape from a trouble-free life in this world. For anywhere we go, our Adversary, is ready to devour us, even in our thinking. Watching us whether we are firm in what we believe in. I agree with the Bible passage that Angel posted, Romans 12:2, for if we have to conform to this world, how can we show to the other unbelievers the light of Jesus Christ? Will they have a chance to know Him? When we would conform into this world, we might be too selfish for them to see the light. We know that they are in the darkness, and who will lit the light for them? We, followers of Christ, cannot just keep silent and hid the light. For unbelievers, maybe they can, but we know Who we believe in. Even if we have to conform into this world to avoid trouble and follow their practices, we're gonna have a trouble in afterlife, to where we will spent our eternity. In Theology and Culture class, there is a subject that Christ is for culture, meaning that we have to conform into their culture, into their world, that we can testify to them, however this is an another issue, it goes out of the topic here. But I think this question is a message for every TRUE CHRISTIAN that there is no trouble-free life when we would stand in the gap on behalf of the land.

    1. Correct josh!! there is no safe place in this world only in the arms of Jesus of Christ. Those Christians who avoid trouble in this world mga TALAWAN na and have just little faith.You said anywhere we will go they are always ready to devour us so we need to fight against our enemy and be brave to spread the light into the darkness. and so true that avoiding trouble in this world is too selfish desire because it shows that they just only heard God's word but not applying and take an action for it. So, you mean that we are really a true Christian because we are ready for the battle and persecution. :)

  20. Living in this world may be free, and yes there are troubles every where we look around this universe. But the thing in this world is, it is corrupt and is full of sin. Sad to say that there are believers of Christ who were not really a true believer because they could not leave the things in this world, and there are some churches as well that do the same. Now John had talk about not to love the things in this world and if anyone loves the world, it means the love of the Father is not in him (1 John 2:15). How then should we explain this to other believers that who still love the things in this world? During in our life group today we had the topic about "makisama" or in other words compromise, and there are two things about compromising whether positive or negative. It depend on the motive of the person, and so as a believer should we also compromise to the things in this world? or should we also go with the flow with the world? I say, if we conform our life in this world truly trouble will come to hunt us down. But if we conform our life to Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior He will never let us down even though how many times trouble will come after us. He is there to guide us and protect us from the things in this world. And following Christ does not give us guarantee to have a trouble-free while living in this world, but there is one thing that I am sure of, we are safe and secure in His hands.

    1. Jellian, It is free to live in this world but lets think of our actions, and thoughts, even we are in a Christian world we sometimes conform to the actions of our friends and that's a word sometimes we say "go with the flow or pakikisama"
      ...i remember in our life group, well it really depends on the motives of one person, at the first hand we know that following Christ has many things to consider first if our family is not a Christian, and even we know God we sometimes conform there actions and believes even we know that it is bad, sometimes they are the one who teach us to conform,secondly our non christian friends and even our christian friends we know we conform them so that we called to be "in" in the group,Following Jesus takes sacrifices and it is not free to be in trouble because our enemies is always there. but let us remember that God is in control.

  21. A person who wants a trouble-free life is wanting trouble life, and a person who thinks of trouble-free life is in trouble by thinking it. Well, in the selfish fallen world, a person who want free life from anything or something else has to be conqueror and thus ready to fight (indeed trouble) for ideal freedom. However, the ideal freedom does not the real one because the more it is somewhat reached, the more it is troublesome.

    Take the case of the political men, they are conforming to any kinds powers to gain freedom until this power consumed them. We see that to be power does not mean to be free from trouble. Even the most intellectual person in the world who have thought that to conform in the intellectual pursuit is to gain freedom are indeed consumed by their intellect. The slaves or servants, on the other hand, were the most obvious trouble persons. In the ancient time, slaves are just the properties of their master. They were bought by their master. They can only be free when their master is dead, they are offered to the gods, or they were bought by another master. But then, the reality is that they are still slave.

    In the modern time, though there is no slaves at all, the sad reality of being unfree is till there. They are not really free from something or someone by conforming to something (most commonly political conformation). The fact is when a person is comforting to a something, he is slave to that something. A person who conform to his thinking that he or she needs freedom is unfree from trouble of his thinking. Thus it makes that person unfree from trouble. Conformity is not an option for freedom. It is the oil that cause more severed cross fire, and that is the reality.

    Christianity neither called to be trouble free, nor called to conform to gain freedom. Jesus Himself told us "if anyone wants to follow me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me" (Matt. 16:24). He also said that the world hates us because they hate Him first (Jn. 15: 18). Nonetheless, we have hope in Christ. We have became slave, and conform to the image of Christ (Rom. 8: 29).

    One passage in the scripture that Christians should practice. Paul urges all Christians to "not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transform by renewing of mind" Rom. 12:2). This is powerful passage that tells the postmodern Christians to rightly rethink their actions if it is of Jesus. In the verge of the world influencing the mind, Christians faith are deliberately challenge and in rage. We are the light of the world, and task to shine before men; not to conform, but to transform too.

    1. That's true Kuya Son, a person who wants a trouble free life through conformation is a coward. He doesn't know how to fight for the right, and that is the negative side of the saying "Just go with the flow". Our Greatest Teacher in life told us to become a light towards men, that means we have to make a difference. We have to tell the truth even if others were not.By doing that, our life could impact to others.

      We are not commanded to conform into this world because there is no changes that we can bring to it. But when we follow Christ, we are in the process of conforming into His image, that is the way to a trouble free life, in His Kingdom.

  22. The Bible said that if you believe in Jesus Christ you will receive eternal life. It did not state that we Christians who believe in Jesus Christ will have a trouble free life. Perhaps we are expected to have a challenging life here on earth it is because we are like fools in the eyes of the world. We are expected to be persecuted in some ways. Even we go with the flow of the world we may get involve into trouble.
    I don't think that the statement is true. It is because conformity doesn't change anything. There are many Chrustians that I know shared to me that even they were following their friends in their worldly actions, they are still persecuted and mocked by the people. It is because of the fact that whether you compromise or not, you will never have a trouble free life. We may still invovle in trouble. Yet our God promised to protect us and preserve us.

  23. Conformity is not the way to a trouble-free life. In fact as followers of Christ we are told that it is not going to be easy. We will experience lots of challenges and troubles as cost of being His follower. And trying to conform into the ways of this world in order to have a trouble-free life doesn't make sense at all. Because when we truly committed our lives to Christ we will be willing to take whatever it costs. The word of God is clear in telling us to not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom. 12:1). We are called to be the agent of change into this world. To let our light shine among others so that they may see our good deeds and they may praise our Father in heaven. Furthermore, what could be our difference to other people, I mean the "unbelievers", if we conform to their ways? Let us not be a "coward" Christians but let us be a true and courageous Christian who is willing to stand firm and sacrifice for our faith in Christ. Believing that we will not do this by our own. Jesus has promised us his presence and He is very much willing to help us if we just call on to Him.

    1. I agree with you Gie Ann. Jesus did not offer us a trouble-free life, instead He has warns us of the persecutions we will encounter in the cost of following Him. And it truly takes courage to not be conformed with all the pressures the world is giving us. I am encouraged by your last line when you state Jesus' promise.

  24. The word "conformity" or "conforming" is very obvious to our society today as what I have observed. Its very obvious because people tend to conform into the pattern of this world: the actions, behaviors, lifestyles, words to say and many more. They conform so that they will not feel different to other people and so that they don't feel 'OP' or "out of place." As what I have read, according to John F. Kennedy "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." So when we allow ourselves to conform to what our friends, family or society asks of us, we lose the ability to grow into our own persons. Conformity is like a killer. It attacks the weak and strangles them until their true self dies and a new person is created. This new person disregards all values they once held in high regard and will do anything to not be perceived as different. The funny thing about this killer is people are more than willing to give into his pressure in order to seem "normal". Some say conformity is the way to a trouble-free life but for me, I do not agree with this. So that's why people conform to what the society is offering and doing because they think it will help them to avoid troubled and chaotic life. Sometimes it is easier to be obedient and do and feel as people say you should in order to avoid trouble. Sometimes it is easier to blend in to the crowd then to be crucified for being different. Why would anyone really want to be different? Society tells us different is bad. Different is weird. We are taught from the beginning that different is not what you want to be, it's not a safe bet. So people are willing to give in to the pressures of society in order to be "safe" but it should not be. I don't think so what the society tells that being different is weird. It does not mean that when a person is different then that person is weird. True Christian can be seen by others as weird people and I agree with that because we do not conform to what others are doing especially the pleasures that the world offers. We do not follow the sinful actions or conform to the things that are not pleasing to God. As what I have said from the beginning that we must not conform to the pattern of this world because the Bible says so. I know that some Christians are afraid to be rejected and condemned by the society for being different from the society so that's why they conform.
    We are all naturally afraid of rejection. No one wants to be socially rejected. Because of this fear, we are so willing to conform in order to be accepted. We will do anything to be normal, even if it means losing our self. However some people have the strength to overcome the pressure to conform. These people don't have to be the punk rock kids that dye their hair red and listen to hard core rock music. Rather, these people have the strength to be who they truly are, and would not change just because someone says that they are different and weird. Being different is not weird, being different means that you have the strength to stare conformity in the face, then turn and walk away.

  25. We can't expect life to be easy for us ones we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord. Our relationship with Jesus doesn't mean absence of hardships and trouble, but the presence of peace, knowing that Jesus is our Prince of Peace. As Christians, we encounter many troubles in life, but it will always be up to us if we are willing to face those, or choose to take the wider road. I do not agree that conformity is the way to a trouble free life. It will even lead us to great destruction. God did not promise us an easy life, but He assured us that His very grace will enable us to surpass all the difficulties that may come to our lives.We must face all the troubles that we will encounter and must not stray away, and choose to conform. There are existing carnal Christians who choose to conform to the patterns of this world and in the end suffer the consequences of their decisions. We must always remember that God is also the God who judges, and in every decision that we make, we might reap blessings or consequences.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are right, Mitch! As a Christian, it is very important that in every decision we make, we need to acknowledge God who judges. In John 16:33, Jesus clearly warned his followers that in this world there is tribulation. It is expected that we can't escape those troubles. They are present in this world. But, even if we encountered them in our journey, Jesus promised us that He will be with us even to the end of the age. Trouble in this world is temporal suffering, but the eternal consequence of our choice is for eternity.

    3. Yes, it is true that in this world we have a lot of troubles, persecution, problems, trials, tribulations and many more.We can't escape of those because it is part of our lives and this is how God's design. But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom.8:23). As Christians we can still hope and put our trust in God whatever might happen in this world. Our life is in God's hand, and we can assure that He is our great refuge and strength and help in times of troubles.

  26. To critique or to remark a certain idea, we have to define first the terms used. The phrase uses the word conformity that would mean “to follow ones actions of life after; to behave the same as the behavior of most other people in a society or group; or an action in accordance with some identified standards or authority”. Second is a two word combination, “trouble-free”, is simply means to be excuse in trouble, having freedom, and peace in life. The question is that if a person follows the standards of this world would result to a peaceful life?

    This world does not offer true peace, it only gives temporal and fake securities. For over a centuries there were uncontrolled war between nations, prejudices, and racial discrimination. How can we conclude that to conform those things made us to avoid troubled life?

    Seculars and Christians were the citizens of this world, bias for all the believers of Christ Jesus we exist not to conform to this world but of making a difference in this world. Christians were reminded that following to God and living a holy life are radically different from a life that follows natural (secular). As what I had said that the world we are living gives us false hope. It does not guaranteed that a person who will follow the pattern of his community would have peace. We all know that sinful nature was built in to us. If this world does not offer a trouble-free life, so where can we find that in reality, or is it possible for a person to gain that life?

    True peace is possible only in and with God—yielding to the will of God. What kind of peace is that? Does it mean that if a person surrender his life to God excused him in experiencing suffering and troubles while still alive?

    Dan Vander Lugt in his book, “Why Isn’t There Peace On Earth” enumerate the kind of peace that God offers. Yielding to the will of God gives us peace with our daily needs, peace in the face of prejudices, peace in the face of the future, and peace in the face of death. Jesus bring peace that does not excuse the presence of troubles, instead it gives us strength and comfort for the burdens we are going to carry. His peace is more acquired when more difficulties experienced. In 1 Peter 1:14, Peter refers disobedience unto God with the influence of our sinful desires, and as Christians we must recognize these desires and striving not to be influenced by them.

    Therefore, only Christians (believers of Christ) are guaranteed to have this trouble-free life. What is present with these Christians? M.G Gutzke said, “Christians are grounded with the peace that God offered through fellowship in him, that this peace from God could not be interpreted and understood by the world”. From Mr. Gutzke he explained it in spiritual aspects not of literal one. From the book of Romans, Paul remind his reader to do God’s will not of what we feel-like doing which is a sin (Rom. 6:12). Father in heaven is much more better than the world who offer peace (Matt 6:25, 32-34). To be in God offer inner security not that of physical securities.

    “Christians are to make difference to others, that it is only with the presence of God in our lives that we could have true and genuine trouble-free life—PEACE”

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, you are right that true peace comes from God alone. God can give us the kind of peace that can withstand amidst adversities in life. He has a different standard of peace than of this world. But then the world cannot understand the peace that God offers because the world loves the peace that can benefit his own self and it is selfPeaceness (derived from the world 'selfishness' and I just made it). Let us choose God's peace not world's peace!!! Let us say NO to CONFORMITY because God can give us TRUE PEACE and SECURITY.

  27. That’s a lie of Satan. Conformity is not the will of God for the believers. What is the will of God for us while waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?—living a holy life and doing the great commission of God (Matt 28:18-20). How can we live in accordance to God’s holiness and continue doing the ministry that he left us, if we are conforming the pattern of this world? Apostle Paul in his letter for the Romans clearly states in chapter 12 verse 2, “And do not be conformed to the pattern of this world…” He is serious of this thing because the prince of this world who manipulates everything is Satan—a liar and the enemy of God. Satan will offer everything which is desirable to our flesh such as the “trouble-free life”. Jesus did not promise to those who believe in him that in this world we can attain a “trouble-free life”, otherwise He warned His disciples that in this world there is tribulation (John 16:33). Troubles are expected in our journey because they are present in this temporal world. So, we should be vigilant and not be deceive by our enemies. Jesus alone is our peace, and not in this world. A trouble-free life is in heaven with Jesus our Lord. Therefore, we should be faithful to serve Him in this world while waiting of His coming.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword...Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it" (Matt. 10:34). Conformity may be a way to a trouble free life for Christians outwardly yet a shipwrecked faith inwardly. God wants to counterattack the world's standard of peace. God is the source of true peace and not this world (John 14:27). Following the world should not be an option for Christians because we are meant to captivate the world through an expulsive power of affection from God. We are already winners of the world just as Christ had already won it. We just have to claim it and to live each day of our lives as victorious children of God (John 16:33). Conformity brings chaos, not peace in God's eyes. As a true follower of Christ, let us live up this verse in Matthew 5:16 that says, “...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven”. We, Christians must glow in the dark instead of camouflaging ourselves to the flock of unbelievers. We have to put in mind that life is not about us. It's God's. We are not the center of the universe neither the center of all creations but God alone. Jesus does not promise His children an easy life. In fact, God prepares His children to be armed for battle that's why we have to put on the whole armor of God(Eph. 6:11-17). Who cares if we suffer in this temporal world? The most important thing is that after we die, we are bound to heaven which is sweeter than life. If the world wants to fight against us because of our strong belief in God then why fear? One of the roots why we tend to conform is because of the big FEAR that we have. Are we in Christ? Are we willing to suffer for Him despite dangers? Are we willing to die for God's sake? If fear is the problem why we cannot stand in the gap, then let us try to ponder this verse, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me...Peace I live with you, my peace I give to you” (John 14:1, 27). No matter how noisy or messy the world is, only in and through God we can find true peace. Thus, for me, conformity is not only wrong but it is stupidity if a Christian falls into the trap of a promising life which is hassle-free. It's because in the reality, conformity will just give you more worries because you choose to disobey God's will and follow your own foolish ways. Our Father in Heaven knows best and only in Him and by Him we can find true rest. :)

  30. "Conformity is the way to a trouble-free life." No it's not, it will leads us to suffering, destruction and death. To conform to another's pattern, the desire to have a happy life, to live a peaceful life, to do what they do, say what they say, wear what they wear, to follow their ideas, way of walking and talking, their ways of worshiping idols will destroy our devotion and loyalty to God as followers of Jesus. This world offered us earthly happiness, we can be happy for a short time, and enjoy all things around us but in the end it will leads to destruction and eternal death. Many people today young and adults specially Christians they want desperately to be accepted by others so that they can access easily in the government authorities, they can gain a lot of friends, and be known and be respected. But their is a danger of conformity, it can easily lead us to do things you know are wrong, because once you give in, the next time conformity is easier. Conformity to the things in this world can separate us from God (1Jn.2:15-17). Paul commands us Christians not to be conformed to the pattern in this world but be a salt and light of living. We should learn to say"NO" and "YES" to Jesus. "if anyone wants to follow me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me" (Matt. 16:24). He also said that the world hates us because they hate Him first (Jn. 15: 18). Now we can start a difference. We should have the courage to say no to things that are wrong and say the things that God wanted us to do. We have also the choice either to stand up and tell the world that we have Christ in our hearts and we are willing to die for our devotion to God or to deny our faith in Jesus. We have a choice.. either to buckle under and be led by those destroying their own bodies,minds, and souls, or look to Jesus, the author of life and true nonconformist, and allow ourselves to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If we are to conform, let us conform to the image of Jesus ( Rom. 8:29), for that we can demonstrate what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God!

  31. The world we live in is a certain link to all kinds of problems but it seems that our peers gives us the pressure to conform inviting us to live a trouble-free life. This seems fine until we realized that being conformed to the pattern of this world will bring us to bigger trouble. The real question is not that "will we enjoy life here on earth by avoiding inconvenience" but it is that "will we have an eternal life after our lifetime."

    Our lifestyle should not be dictated by the world but by every word of God that can truly set us free from the trouble that sin has bondage us. Persecutions and more persecutions will surely come destroying our relationship with the world but then we are assured that through these, our relationship with God will grow deeper and deeper, being made more into Christ's likeness. :)

    1. It is true that people gives us pressure to conform to the world and they suggest it will give us trouble-free life. But the reality is these people are in big trouble and they conform because they want to be free from the troubles that they are facing.

  32. "trouble-free sounds good yet deceitful in the ear. It

    maybe a comfort for those who experienced trouble but a

    big NO to God. Compromising means to give up something

    that was wanted in order to end the argument. You give

    up the important part of your life by compromising

    them."To compromise is much better than to be executed,

    away from trouble and live an easy life", a foolish

    belief of a person. Having this kind of life is not for

    eternity, like what Arcon says there will be a reversal

    happen when Christ come, remember the story of lazaru

    and rich man (Luke 16:19-31).It teaches that in eternity

    many of us will find ourselves in opposite condition

    from our current situation on earth. After death, its

    too late to switch. Do you still want to compromise?

    It's either a temporary persecution or eternal happiness

    in the end. What are you going to choose now? Remember

    there will be no second chance after death.This reminder

    is not for the unbelievers only but also for the

    believers who are too confident. Well,you are

    accountable to your own action. But I rejoice to those

    who endure persecution and continue stand with there

    faith. keep it up my brother and sister in Christ, it

    would be a great encouragement to those falling away. It

    maybe a terrible pain to our physical body and a long

    suffering of sickness but I believe that those who

    endure will experience victory more than the suffering

    we have right now..

  33. “To conform” is not a negative statement in fact one meaning of Webster’s dictionary is “the fact or state of agreeing with or obeying something.” To agree on something is one of our characters as a person we agree on each other, on the clothes a person wear, on the decision a person make or even you are in the group.

    But the sentence "Conformity is the way to a trouble-free life." Is not true or a false statement. It demands a certain rule that to have a trouble-free life a person should live to conformity. The Bible teach us that “Do not be conformed to this world,[a] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect in Rom. 12:2” to conform in everything even to the pattern or we say fun, tradition, system, norm of the world and live a trouble-free life is wrong. Because it teaches us not to agree in the “pattern” of the world. Living a life in the will of God.

    1. Yes you got the point because Christian must be distinct from the wicked things that the world does. we should not be conformed into this world but to be transformed. that was the most important thing do when Christ lives in us. yes it's absolutely correct that to conform is fun the system of the worlds today.

  34. “Conformity is the way to a trouble-free life.” It sounds nice and seems that it would surely result to a trouble-free life. We are still living in this world which is so corrupt and wicked, and we have seen a lot of people who are doing things the way they would want it. In short, they are living in according to how this world is living now. However, conformity doesn’t really guarantee a person for a trouble free life. Because if a lot of people are doing bad things, like stealing, taking drugs, or killing people for money or any other acts of wickedness, and a person who knew the right thing to do yet compromises will surely be in trouble. There will be consequences for sure. Because in every action, there is an opposite reaction. As for us, Christians, we have the Bible which tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world. That instruction should have not written or given unless conformity gives a positive result. We know how this world operates. We have seen and witnessed its wickedness in several areas. But it’s in there and that would mean that conformity is not really a wise action. There’s just too much evil in there. It’s our choice whether to believe that conformity will lead us to a trouble-free life or to obey what the Word of God says which is to not conform to the pattern of this world but instead to life of His son Jesus Christ.

    1. I agree with this statement that says 'in every action there will be a response to it'which is true, its either reward or consequences. Reward which pleases God or consequences that refers to punishment or something that brings a message or correction for us to be reminded that there is something wrong of our actions or the way we live. So there is really the presence of evil in conformity because since we are still in this very imperfect world that portrays lots of wicked activities that could even trap us, as Christians. So watch out to conformity:):):)!!!

    2. I agree with this statement that says 'in every action there will be a response to it'which is true, its either reward or consequences. Reward which pleases God or consequences that refers to punishment or something that brings a message or correction for us to be reminded that there is something wrong of our actions or the way we live. So there is really the presence of evil in conformity because since we are still in this very imperfect world that portrays lots of wicked activities that could even trap us, as Christians. So watch out to conformity:):):)!!!

  35. “Conformity is the way to a trouble-free life.” the illusion of transformation cannot guarantee when we are in today’s world which surrounded by many apt in life. Yes it’s accurate for nowadays for many people are going through different lifestyle in life that demands time and for them can be trouble-free life. As a Christian, we are ought to not be conformed into this world but to be transformed from the wicked things difference (Rom. 12:2). We are distinct people that lives in the hostile world to make a. The thing is living painless cannot assured to live a trouble-free life. Are living a sophisticated life? No you are not because the Scripture taught us to not be equally yoke with the unbelievers. We need to live an easy life without compromising our belief before the law of God. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he’s a new creation the old has gone the new has come (2 Cor. 5:17).

  36. “Conformity is a trouble free life” is a statement that seems could comfort to human being, to a worldly life but the question is, in relation to Christianity how does this statement works? Christians are being describe as being separated by what is in the world. But another question is, does conformity could really lead us to a life being free from trouble?
    Christians are being reminded not to love what is in the world and at the same time being challenge to live a Christlike life as light in this dark world. The third question is, how could we be a light if we do the same or if we adapt what the world does? Are we not even getting trouble in this situation? To conform in this world as Christian could not lead our lives to be free from trouble but instead could lead us into a great trouble. Why? Because it is being said in the word of God that it would have been much better for us not to have known the way of righteousness than to know it and then turn away from the sacred command that was given to us by God. Because if you are really a real child of God then through your conscience God could speak to you and would help you to evaluate of what you did whether it is wrong or right. Then Christian who conform or adapt to this world or whatever the demand that he could encounter in his journey could lead him in real trouble not in physical but in his spiritual aspect! Because what matters most in the lives of Christians are their spiritual condition where in God communicate them through conscience.

  37. “Conformity is a trouble free life” is a statement that seems could comfort to human being, to a worldly life but the question is, in relation to Christianity how does this statement works? Christians are being describe as being separated by what is in the world. But another question is, does conformity could really lead us to a life being free from trouble?
    Christians are being reminded not to love what is in the world and at the same time being challenge to live a Christlike life as light in this dark world. The third question is, how could we be a light if we do the same or if we adapt what the world does? Are we not even getting trouble in this situation? To conform in this world as Christian could not lead our lives to be free from trouble but instead could lead us into a great trouble. Why? Because it is being said in the word of God that it would have been much better for us not to have known the way of righteousness than to know it and then turn away from the sacred command that was given to us by God. Because if you are really a real child of God then through your conscience God could speak to you and would help you to evaluate of what you did whether it is wrong or right. Then Christian who conform or adapt to this world or whatever the demand that he could encounter in his journey could lead him in real trouble not in physical but in his spiritual aspect! Because what matters most in the lives of Christians are their spiritual condition where in God communicate them through conscience.

  38. We can chose either we are individuality or conformity!
    But how can you define genuine Christianity through being individuality or conformity? I think I would chose to be like a flower mantis who camouflage as a defense against the enemy. We are living in the hostile world but it doesn't mean we are to live like the world but indeed we must live out the world. I remember what Stephen did, he is so eager with the truth of telling about the gospel but he preach without ethics. I do compromise, what the culture is, but I will not compromise their living. Christianity is a lifestyle, a norm, or a way of life. We could not stop what is in the world right now but we can change it by the help of our Almighty God who is able to change the heart of a person not on the things which is beyond the limitation of His will. If we die in persecution because of our faith let it be, but if we live because we know how to step up, on what it should be is better because God has a mission for us to do according to His will. Even Jesus himself withdraw from the crowd (Lk. 15:6).
    How about our future generation? If we die today how can we impact the lives of the future?
    We view individuality as being set a part and significantly different than others and as a result of that, we see conformity as being something to avoid completely. There is a balance, however, between individuality and conformity and we should strive for that balance, rather than striving for one extreme, or settling for the other.
