Sunday, January 8, 2017

Emperor Julian the Apostate

Comment on the following information.

Emperor Julian became emperor following the 3 sons of Constantine the Great.  He grew up under the care of Constantine's family after his parents were killed by the 3-brother emperors who sought to kill every possible rival to the throne. 

Julian and his half-brother Gallus grew up in an extended family who claimed to be Christian.  Yet, the Christians he knew were the ones who killed his parents, imprisoned him and his brother, and forced him to learn the Scriptures without providing him reasons for doing so.  This effort fueled his hatred of God and Christians.  Thus his name, The Apostate.


  1. As I read our workbook, during the time of Constantine many were people who acts they are real Christians and they do it because they have some reasons why they enter Christianity and that is to have material things and to hurt Christians.
    Julian the Apostate's story were became a sad image in Christianity and I can't blame Julian if he acts like that because I think those persons who does is acting like true Christians and this problem is still we can feel and see many people around us who hate Christians and hate our God, so by this matter as we student we should ask our self "how do I become a good model in Christianity to other people group or in a community? asking questions is the best way how we could watch our actions towards other that they will believe in us and they will believe also the true God we serve.

    1. Amen, Jesster we should live a life that pleases God and in everything we do, God will be gloried in our life.

  2. It was indeed a shocking story, as I read it. Everything happens for a purpose and God's plan will be revealed. Even of his hatred pf God and Christians, when God works in his heart he can't control it. There are similar stories we can heard of it, all we can do is to pray for them and let our lives be an example of living a Christlike character. We need to reach out for this kind of people and win for their souls. We need to redeem the time to share the gospel and persevere in spite of persecutions. At the same time, we need to intentionally pray for them and do this as a church not only individually. As Christians, we need ro display a life that obey's God wholeheartedly and sincerely so that the lost can draw near to God and they will believe in Him.

    1. Yes I agree with you ate Dorilyn we need to pray for those people who are life Juliano that who hate and curse God because of their bad experiences in life. That we Christian must be more sensitive to them that they also need someone that can lead them and can give answer to their questions in life like why things happen in their life. We need to reach out them because God want them to be with Him and God will use us as a instrument to share His love to them.

  3. The Life of Juliano El Apostata is not new for me because I heard a lot of life story like this and not just heared but I also know someone who's life is like this. But all I can say that everything happen in our life God has a good plan for it and why he allow it to happen in our life. And all the things that happen in our life either it is good or bad still its include in God's plan for us and it help us to grow and learned from it. Bad things has two results in our life first is that it lead people to seek God and depend on him and the other people who take it as a negative they will hate God and curse God like what Juliano Apostata did. But Yes! there is no impossible for God he will touch the heart of those people who are harden by their bad experience and change it to a heart that is praising God. But we Christians we had also a task to do for them. We need to pray for them that the Lord will change their heart and turn it into a heart that is full of love of God. Any one has a chance to change even how you hate and curse the Lord if He wants that person to be with Him, He can do it.

    1. Indeed God is working in every person's life..

    2. God never stop doing things that people will draw near to him. God reach us first and we grab his hand eve it takes life and time.

    3. I would say that God has full of surprises in life. God is sovereign so he knows what is best and what his will for you and for me.

    4. I would say that God has full of surprises in life. God is sovereign so he knows what is best and what his will for you and for me.

  4. It is so sad hearing such stories, especially when people used Christianity or claimed to be Christians but are not and stumbled people are involved. This doesn't gives us shock rather it gives us warning and awareness of how to live our lives. This kind of story must help us become more passionate of living like Jesus because people are looking at us and as a follower of Christ we ought to live like Him. Let us let our lives be a living testimony to those who doesn't know Christ yet, and we must let our light shine upon those people who are in the dark. I pray and hope that we ourselves will not be a stumbling block rather we will be an encouragement to them.
    God has indeed a purpose for each and everyone of us and in everything God has a reason. For those who are being stumbled because of the negative actions they saw of so called Christians it is still God's plan and purpose for their lives for His plan to prevail. God's plan maybe sometimes ambiguous but let us trust in Him for He is good and we know that His plans are also for us to prosper. We must pray for those people who turned away and for those who had caused them to hate and turn.

    1. We should ask the question, "is He what they see when they look at me?" right? :(

    2. Yeah, that would be a good reminder question for us in everyday of our lives :)

  5. Christians'actions might fueled some people to disbelieve in God or reject God in their lives. In this situation, Christians are the ones who did what is wrong just to make themselves always on the top but they were not thinking that they offended someone. Real Christians must show the attitude of Christ to others. It should be visible in us. Perhaps this people who adopted Julian were not true Christians. They were just bearing the name of Christ because of the law in their land. It should be different for us. We bear Christ's name because we truly believed and followed him not because we were born in a Christian family or the people around us are bearing the name of Christ. We are true Christians because we have a personal relationship with whom we are following. In addition to that, the person whom we follow is not violent, instead he is a loving person and he accepts anyone who would come to him. The purpose why we are called Christians is that, we follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ. It means to live how he lived his life which is shown in his character. True Christians should be God's agents to make people know him, believe him and trust him. Not to make them hate God.

    1. I believe that one attitude of Christ that must be shown to others to manifest Christ Himself within us is humility. Through this selfless action, it always increases Christ and decreases ourselves :)

    2. Amen for this Jeff. This is very true. People must know that a real Christian are those people who follow the Christ-likeness.

    3. you are right men, so sad that we sometimes offended people through our actions,i hope they will not reject God through our carelessness.
      yeah true believer of Christ are not violent but loving, to fellow believers and also to the unbelievers, i agree on that.

  6. This story reminds me of how my mother viewed Evangelical Christians as well. Not that my mother became an emperor but in the idea that the reputation of Christ was corrupted due to how the self-claimed Christians behaved. There was one time that I tried to invite her to Church but then she refused to come with me because of the issues she had heard and witnessed regarding with the Pastor's flaws and shortcomings. It is just so painful to see these realities that the beauty of Christ was being marred by Christ-bearers. Christ attributes become questionable. How come those Christ believers' doctrines do not match with their practices? This phenomena unfortunately would hinder others to have faith in God. Just like Mahatma Ganhi in his famous line "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ".
    May this line motivates us that even in the way we behave, it should magnify Jesus!

    1. I thought of your mother when I read this. I have heard her story through you. I strongly believe that we should do something about this issue. Not everybody is like Gandhi who understands deeply and likes Christ but dislikes christians. Some have an irrational mind who generalizes just because of one act that they experienced or witnessed or maybe even just heard. It is really to be a challenge to stand out instead of being a chameleon in this world.

  7. The story of Emperor Julian is the same thing that we know today. I also reminded by the story of my friend that before he lives in a christian family, he expects that this family know the truth and what is right. After few days or months the true attitude of this family was revealed which is not good and pleasing to him. He was very shocked and disappointed that he belongs to that family.
    Maybe many of us experience the same story but I believe that we learn and grow from that experience. And as a follower of Christ of attitude must not be the same like what we seen from others. We are not just christian by name right?
    to God be the glory..

    1. The story life of your friend langga is very sad. But again we cannot question God's plan in our lives. it may not good for us but everything shall pass to fulfill His great plans for all of us. it may be bad in our human views at first but there are purposes that God already plotted in every lives on earth. So, what happened to your friend now?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Indeed my dear sister in Christ that from all we experienced there's a lesson behind it and help us to grow more. Each of us have different stories, some are funny, sad, or makes you cry. But every challenges that comes to our lives we should not ignore God, come to Him and ask for help because He is willing to help and comfort us.

  8. How sad to know the situation like this, that there are many people in the past and even in our situation today, Some claim that they are Christ followers but their action displays the contrast on what they believe, How sad to think that this boy Juliano was one of the victims of this kind of mistakes,
    As i think deeper on this following situation, i think there's some personal agenda behind it, because as i have learned in our class, Christianity was used by many influential people like Constantine's dynasty, in order to gained position and power. Then as what we see to Constantine 's son they take advantage on the word Christianity and it lead them to murder Julianos Parents, and also Julianos was one of the victims of this wrong doing.
    This kind of mistakes in the past will teach us that Christianity is not about the title, but this is all about life change, we are Christ follower that is the reasons why we are called Christians not only by mouth but deep in our hearts. I hope as a believers we will learn in the past mistakes, that we will not become the cause of someone's apostasy, but we will do the contrast, and that is to become a vessel of God's blessings that flows through us and it to other people.

    1. Your right R, past mistakes will only keep us from looking the blessing ahead. It should always be our prayer to let Christ rule our lives and not the things that happened to us.

  9. Many people claimed to be a CHRISTIAN, but in their lives it's the opposite way of the name claimed to be. The reason why we learned about doctrines is to be guided and not to be led astray from the word of truth and that is meaning of true Christianity knowing and living the doctrines learned and not deviating by adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing the word of God and God Himself.
    The story was heartbreaking because knowing and growing with the people you love and trust for your almost whole life will betray you in a moment and forced you to do things that are against your will is very depressing for me, and we cannot blame this person were talking about because it's really mind blowing if your at his shoes, we cannot condemn Him by hating Christianity and God. I believe God allowed evil to fulfill His good plan and He is more able to do unexpected and impossible things. For those people nowadays, just like Julian, we should not judge them, but instead pray for them that God will opened up their eyes again that not all Christians are the same because their are many Hippocrates nowadays just to gain their own motives that are beneficial to them and they will realize that God loved them so much even if he/she is in pain, hatred and etc. and they will come back to Him.
    As a Christian we really need to let our light shines towards the world because the evilness of this world is luring around that even our identity is being corrupted just to lead people away from God.

    1. I agree. many are Christians inside the but outside is not. many claim to be Christians but live a life that deny Christ. Their actions are opposite to what they say. we must be a living Testimony to other.

    2. Amen Pastora. Only God can judge a person because if we judge them up side down, we also commit sin because we don't know why God allow that thing to happen. Instead of judging our fellow human, pray for them. Praying can do miracle in a persons lives.

  10. Very sad to hear that the name of Christians was used and acted that they killed someone's family. But maybe they were not truly Christian in their hearts. They dont know what Christian should be. They were so called Christian maybe because they were under by an authority. And this other Christian who force him to learn the Scripture did not leave a reason or explain well whats the point learning about the Scripture, if I were them Ill encourage him to forgive those people who killed his family and let God be their judge, but they did not. For us ministers we should explain or give reason of what we believe and spread the love of God towards people. We are God's instrument and we should tune to God's standard.

    1. Yea Jay, I like the way you said about giving and explaining the reasons of our faith to the ignorant. And I believe that you can help others tune their lives to God's standard too. Hehe

  11. yeah, i like your idea my friend that we are not to judge to the people like Julian, because they experienced hardship and being degrade by those people who claim that they are Christians but act like not a Christians, but in contrast we will pray for them that God will show mercy onthem.

  12. yeah, i like your idea my friend that we are not to judge to the people like Julian, because they experienced hardship and being degrade by those people who claim that they are Christians but act like not a Christians, but in contrast we will pray for them that God will show mercy onthem.

  13. Life can be really so painful especially if those who persecute you,are the people whom you expect to fight with you. It feels like you were betrayed. As we live our lives with Christ it is indeed inevitable that we can do things that will cause someone to stumble especially our fellow believers. That is why we are told by Apostle Paul to be very careful of our actions knowing that the one that we are representing is Christ.

    This story is a reminder for everyone that we must be a good imitators of Christ. We must reflect God's love and grace rather than our hatred. We must serve as a blessing; a light in this dark world. Christians has been known as judgmental rather that approachable, which makes them question our beliefs, or worst the God that we worship. So may this reality awaken us as spur us to be more like Christ. not just in words but holistically let us be worthy to be called His ambassadors.

  14. As I read the story, the word that stayed in my mind is "hatred". I believe he was called 'the Apostate' or 'a person who is disloyal, and one who deserts the belief of Christ' is because of his hatred. It's very hard for person to live in love if he/she stills hold on and live in his/her negative past. It is a sad thing to tell that there are still a lot of people today who claimed to be Christians but cannot find peace because of living in hatred. God is love and He wants us to live also in love. We can channel God's love to the people around us in many ways. May our heart be open and discerning to those who felt unloved and neglected. May our heart learn to forgive and accept those who done wrong things against us. May we uproot bitterness in our lives. Let us live in love as Christ loved us. To God be the glory!

    1. Yes brother, I love you. I agree that though sometimes we forget about God when we forget about love, It is my great encouragement to you and to every lovers to join the movement of the pursuit of living in Love, not "falling in love" because it is not intentional. And I thank you for that idea you opened up, it is good.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This is a very sad story to hear as a Christian. I hope that this kind of story in history will inspire us to spread the truth against the lies of the enemy. Thus I believe that whatever lies the devil planted into God's chosen ones will surely be uprooted for it is planted on the concrete where the ministers of God had been walking by. Emperor Julian hated God because of the mistakes of his forcing teachers, which became worse later. However, this fact of him makes us Christian ministers realize that it was and it is our responsibility to teach people such truth, without deviating from the word that we carry. Therefore we are all accountable to Him, though there is never a way that God's truth and the revelation of himself can be stopped from the perception of his chosen people(Rom.1).

  17. The story I read a while ago make me sad, because that person claiming to be a christian then later on killed someone. In now a days, a lot of people claiming to be a christian then deviating what the scriptures says.But the Lord also encouraged us to be wise all the time, to discern what the enemy is doing. In relation to the story of Emperor Jullian, he put trust on that person who was claiming one of the christian then that person was the one who killed his parents. Because of this event of his life he hated Christians and God. But we, Christian should always know that God knows what lies ahead of us. He already planned what will happened to us, before the beginning of the earth. I do believe He control everything. He allow bad things to happen in order for us to depend on Him so that we can give glory and honor His name. We should remember God already put our timeline when we are born and when is the last breathe that we have. And again, the Lord also have the idea in what ways we will die. So, let us all remember that to live is Christ and to die is gain. While we are living here, let us put in our mind that we are all aliens of this world, so nobody will remain on this place. Everything shall pass but the important is the relationship that we have in Christ. We have also the courage to pray this kind of person because JESUS died for them too. Whenever we see and hear this kind of story, stop judge them instead of praying for them. God also loved them.

    1. Amen bestfriend. We are ought to pray for one another and encourage one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. So, as Christian we need to make sure to live what we have believe in because that really bring impact and affects the lives of the people that surround us.

    2. I agree that God is in control of everything. Christians must live in this world as a light and will not be the stumbling block to other people to come to Christ.

  18. I understand Julian's story, What he was facing that time, was not easy. We can't judge him for hating God and Christians, but let God handle and judge his life. It was sad to know that the person he treated as family and claiming to be Christians were the ones who killed his parents, imprisoned him and his brother. I don't know if they really are a Christian, but as what I have understood, that if you are truly a Christian, the Holy Spirit who lives in you will really work in your lives and you can see changes in your lives.
    Due to his extended families' desire, they forced him to learn the Scripture, and not knowing the reasons why, It will lead him to neither reject the Bible, or accept what it says. But the result was that; he hated God, but we know that God loves us so much though we fail Him and maybe some people are doubting if He truly exist. God truly exists though we can't see Him but we can feel His presence and I believed that God is really working to those people who doesn't have faith in God and have hatred in their heart.

    1. Exactly, God restore crushed spirit and binded every wound even it is hard as stone for we do believe that all things are possible in Him.

  19. Given that story it made me think that mostly Christians don't actually believe what they claim to believe. Normally, belief affects behavior. There are a lot of Christians, who honestly don't believe what they claim to believe, they simply pretend to do so because they think it makes them look good. They are playing a part and they may not even be aware they're doing it. I call these people "social Christians". They never read the Bible, they rarely go to church and when they do, it's just for show. On the other hand, true and genuine Christian must not do such thing but must refrain from being a stumbling block to others which means not leading them into sin. For we are ought to be a salt and light of the world and called to be the son and daughters of Christ. The security we have in God’s love and provision, both now and eternally, allows us to show concern to those who are weaker—those who need specific encouragement to understand who God is. In some situations, that means living in those freedoms to exemplify that God is a God of grace and love. Moreover, it means disciplining ourselves to building up and encourage weaker believers or even unbelievers. It also means not encouraging another to act a sin rather we must exemplify Christ-likeness in our lives. Lastly, all we can do is to pray for those people who claim out to be a Christian for only God can change them in many mighty ways as well as the type person of Julian as God slowly restore and heal the broken heart and spirit.

  20. For Julian this was a very sad news for him knowing that the family who take good care of him was the one killing his family and claiming that they were Christians yet living in a very opposite way. Yet, we do not know there reasons for doing that and we do not have the right also to judge them.
      On the other hand, hatred was the biggest factor that can ruin the life of a person if hatred will be the one to control us. For Julian,he let hatred to control him and ruin his life and for that reason he called himself an apostate. It is a sad thing to know that he let hatred to control him and ruin his life where as he had the chance to enjoy life that was given to him. So, as Christian,we should not let hatred and bitterness instill in our heart for it can only leads us to destruction. Yet, there were also Christian still living in hatred and bitterness in their heart and claiming that they have Christ in their lives. It is very ironic knowing that God is love and He is not in favor of hate. Also, it is not an attitude who have Christ in their heart.
    So, Christians we should not let hatred to control us knowing that our God is love but it should be the love of God for love covers the multitudes of sin.

    1. yes ma'am Joan nice idea. I agree that hatred will ruined the life of a Christians. it is the stumbling block for the unbeliever to follow Christ because of the action of a Christians.

  21. It is indeed a very sad and a very usual story.
    but, very very true. many people professed they are "Christians" but their lives did not project it.
    Because i don't know much about Emperor Julian,I cannot judge him why he hated God and the so called Christians in the context of his time and situation.
    I see that, the reason why he hated them, is because of the cruelties, and also, because of this line:
    "and forced him to learn the Scriptures without providing him reasons for doing so."
    It is important to let him know why he should learn the Scriptures, also, it is hard for him to learn the Word of God when the "works" of "believers" are in-congruent.
    Today, us, who know this, and have lived to our families who are not yet Christians, may live not like the examples of the brothers of Julian, but with love. A life that Jesus is really within us. I hope that Christians, and to those who will become a Christian yet, will not hate God because of the failures of men, but sees the believers, worthy to be followed.

  22. For emperor Julian it is very sad to know that the one who killed his family was a christian. But we cannot judge them. They claim to be Christians but their life living in the opposite direction. That is why Julian became an apostate because of that. Because he has a hatred for the Christians through to the death of his family.
    For us Christians today, hatred is the reason why we cannot follow God's will for our life. Sometimes we are the cause why unbelievers did not follow Christ. we did not make ourselves as example to others. We Christians must behave as a light to non-believers. we must remember that our action is the living testimony to other people.

    1. Yes brother. We must not destroy the name of Good. We must do everything to Glorify Him and not put him down!

  23. Sad but but true that many of the people today hated those people who claimed that they are christians because of they have done. Unbeliever trust Christians that they are about to do good but if that is the case, it cause stumble to others. "Supposedly I'm Christian already if you are not Christian". I heard this in my place saying with grief. He got stumbled and it became a barrier for him to draw near to God. As an individual, if you are like this, you have a problem because believing in God is not base on what the other people did but it is sad to say that some of the people did not believe in God because they base on what the Christians have done. Christians are forgiven and it is not mean that we are perfect. Even Paul says in Romans 7: 19 that even he believe in God and already knew what is right, but he did what is wrong. If a person claimed to be a Christian and then he leave his faith, then in the first place he was not be a Christian. If you are really a Christian, you will not apostasy because the goodness of God is not base on what is the happening in the world either it is bad or good. God is good all the time! Psalm 100: 5 Amen!

    1. Absolutely. It is true kuya Erick in which we cannot blame others but of ourselves alone that people will not believe in Christ because of what we are doing that is questionable before them and compromising to our faith. I recall what Mahatma Gandhi once said that he loves our Christ, but not us---Christians. For witnessing Christ cannot only be done in words but also in deeds. As people were observing us, we ought to exemplify Christlike honoring life---showing love, heart to serve, disciplined, and etc.

  24. Many Christians have distorted the view of unbelievers and baby believers by their acts of ignorance. We are to be bringing up the banner of Christ. Our lives are to be a reflection of the image of our God and of Christ, our Savior. But we tend to make our image as Christians far from the image Christ has set. Instead of drawing people to Christ, we make them hate Christ because we are not living the life we ought to live in Christ. There is not much to say, but we are to remind each other to love, respect, edify, and be a beacon of light to those unbelievers who need God in their lives. As Jimmy Needham names us, we are to be "arrows" leading people to Christ, not provoking anger and hatred.

    1. Indeed. We all must aim to lift the name of God not distort or put Him down. Love not hate, Respect! No to harsh words, but edifying words. We are the light of the world!

  25. What poor man, Julian is. But his story is not new to our world today. Many of "Christians" today live a life that is of like the so called parents of this Emperor. It is of course, very devastating to know that you are in the family where in the people that consists it are the ones whom destroyed your perception about Christianity and about God and the feeling of having a family. It is very sad to know and putting myself into the Emperor's shoes, The hurt is indescribable. It is also depressing to know that the example of the parents have shown have been existing til now. Claiming to be "Christians" yet,living a double life, sinning rampantly and doing bad things not minding what could be the effect of this act in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just like this example of destroying God's name, not minding what could the effect could inflict in the life of Julian. Either way, Both have mistakes and is not perfect. As for my opinion, The extended family should not have claim to be "Christians" when they themselves know they do not deserve that, that they themselves do not know how to live like one. And for Julian, He must not directly hate God for he does not completely know God, He was just basing on what the "Christians" have done to his family.

  26. It was so sad to think that Christianity was only used for political gain and not by heart. Being Christians is not only by name, but also living it out in words and deeds. And it's very controversial in faith to think that some Christians forced other people to learn the Bible without giving any reason. And to the fact that the people who killed the parents of Julian were only Christians, who are supposed to know the truth. For some reasons, they do such thing for their own interest . Worst of all, they proclaim that they were Christians but does not seen in their deed of whatever biblical truth reached out to their hearing. I think they were blinded with power, richness, honor and much more that they'll do anything at all cost as it was evident in their actions. As we were being taught, we declare the truth of the Gospel and demonstrate Christ's love and righteousness to others. In a reason that, we no longer live for ourselves, but for Him alone. Or in other words, less of self and more of Him.

  27. I would only God knows what would really our life whether you like it or not.Sad to say that he made hatred about God and Christians but it is His will what would are could be. Maybe we can say that he grown hatred to God and to people because of what had happened to his parents and his life too. What happened to his life is part already of God's providence in our history. I just want to left one question to you, if you were in Emperor Julian situation how will respond to all the situations happened in his life?

    1. If I were him, as an unbeliever, I would probably do the same. The point is that God allowed it to happen to him. The emperor chose to be bitter and that's his free will. Or maybe this is one of the examples of God hardening hearts. Election comes in the way....

    2. If I were him, with an unchristian mindset I think I would also do the same or not, it only depends on how God will work in my life. Still even if the emperor chose to hate Christians and God, God has still a purpose and reason why he allows it to happen.

    3. If I were him, with an unchristian mindset I think I would also do the same or not, it only depends on how God will work in my life. Still even if the emperor chose to hate Christians and God, God has still a purpose and reason why he allows it to happen.

  28. The Bible tells us in Matthew 5:16 In the same way let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. In a world of Christians we cannot deny the fact that nominal Christians do exist, these people claim to know God but fails to act like one. The question is that are you one of them? or are you the one that characterized Matthew 5:16? Every single act, behavior, thinking even uttering of words counts it may build others, blessed those unbelievers that surrounds you or it may break and destroy someones life, and misrepresent God's image because of you. We are all accountable to live a life that honors the Father, and bring others to Christ.

  29. The Bible tells us in Matthew 5:16 In the same way let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. In a world of Christians we cannot deny the fact that nominal Christians do exist, these people claim to know God but fails to act like one. The question is that are you one of them? or are you the one that characterized Matthew 5:16? Every single act, behavior, thinking even uttering of words counts it may build others, blessed those unbelievers that surrounds you or it may break and destroy someones life, and misrepresent God's image because of you. We are all accountable to live a life that honors the Father, and bring others to Christ.

  30. I can say that he was merely obliged in studying the scriptures because there was no change that happened. He remained bitter and wrathful to those Christians who killed his parents. He was not open to what God's word is revealing and thus stayed a stone-heart. The hindrances of knowing God and growing in faith are the baggage he carried throughout his life. It's also true for us, if we don't lay aside every hindrances and chains from the past--unforgiveness and bitterness we will never grow in Christ. No matter how long we study and read the word, we'll not be convicted.

  31. I can say that he was merely obliged in studying the scriptures because there was no change that happened. He remained bitter and wrathful to those Christians who killed his parents. He was not open to what God's word is revealing and thus stayed a stone-heart. The hindrances of knowing God and growing in faith are the baggage he carried throughout his life. It's also true for us, if we don't lay aside every hindrances and chains from the past--unforgiveness and bitterness we will never grow in Christ. No matter how long we study and read the word, we'll not be convicted.
