Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Discussion Forum #10

What happens spiritually when any factor is put above Scripture in authority?  Include in your discussion how easily we set our own ideas above biblical truth.


  1. There will be chaos for sure when any factor is put above Scripture in authority. It leads to sin and will cause people to do what is right in their own eyes and never please the Lord. Spiritual life will become weak and people will never be sensitive in listening God's voice. We can easily set our own ideas above biblical truth when our hearts are so proud and when we depend on our own understanding.

    1. Good points Mirasol :)! When things are put above the Authority of the Bible there will be competition, deftness, insensitivity and injustices. The love that displayed in the Bible will be neglected rather each one will point others to be destroyed. Only God's grace and power can put all these things right. So help us God.

    2. Pride indeed is really one of the things that make us lean on ourselves and trusting so much to it forgetting about God. this action really lead us to the happenings that don't bless us and don't glorify God. That's why, we must always put the Scripture in everything we do or decide, because it is God's instrument to guide us and to tell us what He wants us to do. This is the best knowledge to have, far better the knowledge we have

    3. Pride indeed is really one of the things that make us lean on ourselves and trusting so much to it forgetting about God. this action really lead us to the happenings that don't bless us and don't glorify God. That's why, we must always put the Scripture in everything we do or decide, because it is God's instrument to guide us and to tell us what He wants us to do. This is the best knowledge to have, far better the knowledge we have

    4. indeed, it will lead to sin. Because of sin, we will experience different chaos. Chaos in our spiritual life, chaos in our mind, and even earthly chaos.

    5. your absolutely right soy, chaos arises when other thing is put above the Scripture just like what the church fathers faced. It was very difficult for them to face these people since the heretics were very dogmatic in their view, some of them would kill just to defend it. so so so sad.

  2. There will be chaos for sure when any factor is put above Scripture in authority. It leads to sin and will cause people to do what is right in their own eyes and never please the Lord. Spiritual life will become weak and people will never be sensitive in listening God's voice. We can easily set our own ideas above biblical truth when our hearts are so proud and when we depend on our own understanding.

  3. Power!!---power over many people and our words are rules for them. When we think we are above to anybody and think that were always right then we clearly putting ourselves above with the Biblical truth, why? Because thinking that we are above anybody and were always right is a selfish ambitions. The did not tell us that rather the Bible commanded us to love one another ( John 13:34-35), and to humble ourselves towards others (Phil. 2:3, Rom. 12:16). Another factor that could cause us to set ourselves above the authority of the Bible is our tradition, when it seemed to be good for us but actually contradicting to what the Bible says. We aught to obey it because it is something that is already implanted to our system. We already neglected the the Sole Authority of the Bible. Setting our own law not the Law written in the Bible is another factor that leads us to putting another factor above the Bible and this is very dangerous.
    Human will surely suffer for putting anything above the authority of the Bible. There will be failures that leads to worst destruction for all people. But this will not last forever,surely no one will prevail. We will be spiritually drought and dry when we are setting rules, authority, laws, power and tradition above with the Authority of the Bible. There will be dissatisfaction and no strong foundation cause to fall easily. We will be like leaves that dries up and of use anymore but to be thrown away (John 15:6 NIV). Christ should be the Center of everything and should be put as first.

  4. the sad thing about being a Bible school student or even just someone who has the knowledge about the Scripture is that we try to twist what the Bible truly says especially when it is something that is contrary to our will. we are so good at reasoning using the words in the Scripture just to show to the other person that we are in the right side when we ourselves personally know that we are wrong, we just don'y know how to admit our fault. the reason why this happens because we are so prideful to the point that we think we already know everything, that we are much better than what the Scripture says and that we know better than God. the result? life becomes so mess, there is no clear direction for us to follow, we become confuse, and worse, we'll experience destruction. without the Scripture as the sole-authority, there will be spiritual drought.

    1. Seems that you're comment is so familiar to me. Isn't this from the book "It's not my fault?"
      bitaw, you're right!! saying others twist the scripture.....yeah also when they are in the verge of defending themselves, considering their fault and gives a scripture for back up, but with wrong interpretation...how much i want to be deaf so not to hear it.

    2. agree! life would be a mess. it affect to our personal contact with God and there's a big possibility that the truth about God will be rejected in so much focus on what we know more than what the Bible can explain.

    3. Not pointing anybody,but this is seriously our tendency. We thought we so familiar with the Bible ans so we try to put another lesson from the Bible is actually sayin' us. Trying to believe that our ideas are right and apply it opposite to what the Bible commands us. This seems like not happening but actually is. Be should be very careful !

  5. Spiritually, we become more distant with what God is telling. When we often impute our ideas which is inclined to the information we interpret from our environment, all that we believe about succumb us. Our reality though not totally but greatly influence how we interpret the scripture. This is just one of the tendencies of the preachers, we can notice that they have different interpretation on a certain verse. There we will have confusion which one is the truth. Many did spill life to really give the truth that which they had fought with all conviction. Others to just declare they are right, influential or the victors. With this Spiritual life becomes dry, rough and life becomes as meaningless as fallen intellect in the eternity.
    We easily set our ideas above biblical truth when we are so into with our intellect. When the Bible is not our primary source of wisdom we tend to depend on our own intellect. When we do not trust in the Lord (Prov 3:5-6), our anxiety and the perplexities of this world becomes more powerful over us. Thus we easily give in to our natural tendency that is to find humanly and fallen solutions to these things.
    It is important to seek first the kingdom (Matt. 6:33), ask in prayer (Phil 4:6), ask wisdom ( Jas 1:5).

    1. This is true to the point that we don't listen to God anymore because we are so focus in listening to what we say which is contrary to what God would want to say to us if we'll allow Him to speak to us. we always wait until God couldn't bear our stubbornness already and give us a wake up call that would lead us in going back to Him. again human tendency, we always want to learn in a hard way.

  6. It can mean that the person is far from the Lord. Whatever the circumstances or events that happened in his/her life, the decision has been made. It is very sad to hear this kind of news especially to our brothers and sisters whom we knew serve the Lord before. Probably some of us looked up to them as our spiritual leader, mentor or church leaders that motivated us to serve the Lord unwaveringly. We don`t know for sure the reasons why a person is weak spiritually, we should pray for them. Each one of us need prayers especially the spiritually weak person since most of their decisions are based on feelings or what they think is right for them, they feel good about which can make them happy.
    We easily set our standards on what we feel, especially when we cannot control our emotions. This happens when we are angry, sad or not able to think properly because of hunger or not feeling well. We do things to glorify ourselves instead of glorifying God. As long as we feel happy about certain things, we decide right away without consulting God.

  7. Putting any factor above Scripture will really result to the things that we don't really like and will never like. One of the purposes of the scripture is to guide us in everything we do or decide. It is like a compass for us, God's way to communicate what He wants us to do, so if we do what we think is good and right rather than consulting what God wants through the Scripture, we will be in the dangerous path for sure. It is not just us who will be affected, but also the people surrounding us. Putting Scripture below anything is like putting God below anything, and this kind of lifestyle is what this sinful world practices, that's why there are chaos every time and everywhere when we look at this world.
    Even the Christians are not exempted with this action. There are many times we made decisions easily, even without thinking or consulting what God really wants us to do. Specially, if we see no dangers with our own knowledge and own eyes. Also if we are afraid to be not fit into the world we are living, and if it really satisfies our desire and want. These are just some of the factors that make us put ourselves above the Scripture, consulting to God only when the result of our actions turns out to be so bad for us.

    1. How true it is! I am reminded with what the Psalmist says in Ps. 119:105. Without the Scripture's light, man will not find the way to God. Too bad, people listen more to their deception of the enemy rather than the truth in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. When any factor is put above the Scripture, the spirituality of faith would cease. It is no longer by grace and God's own doing as the Scripture revealed but a man-made belief and practices. It is man directing their lives, walking their own paths, believing what their futile minds tell them so, in other words, man playing God. The Scripture will not cease to be the authority and its truth will by no means covered yet man will be at lost. They will be lost by their own stupidity to put any factor above the Scripture. As good as any factor it may be: reason, tradition or other books, they will lead to spiritual bankruptcy. Those who hold such factors above the Scripture are blinds leading the blinds. Their own beliefs condemned them.
    Taking into consideration the disposition of man's heart, it is very easy to fall to such convictions. Yet, those do such are responsible to their own action.

  9. As Adam and eve sin, so as also sin enter the world. Every person born is sinful in itself. The very nature of man is sinful. When any factor is put above scripture in authority then spiritually will be defile. Sinful thoughts, desires, and action will be the result of it. Spirituality of a man will be less to be expected. A man’s mind will be full of sinful thoughts and less to think about God. A man’s heart will be diverted to sinful desires of the world and feel less gratitude to God. A man’s hand will be working to sinful act and labor less towards God.
    As we people is in chain to sin, it will be easy to for us people to set our ideas above biblical truth. Our sinful nature doesn’t want to abide to the biblical truth. Our sinful nature dictates our ideas away from the truth in the bible. So that’s why when we set an idea, it will sometimes above the biblical truth because the very nature of man, which is sinful, drags us to it.

    1. you have pointed out a very good example brother. im also in agreement with what you have stated. we will be diverted to doing what is sinful. and all because of wanting to gratify our sinful human nature

  10. You all have good points. We really have to study the Scriptures with a humble Spirit admitting to God that we could not truly understand it without His enlightenment and guidance. It is His word to us and it is He who could help us to clearly understand the message He wants to speak to us. We have to acknowledge our nothingness before God and that it is only by God's grace could we correctly apply what we learn from His word. We are nothing before Him and that should always cause us to humble ourselves before Him. We need Him all the time.

  11. You all have good points. We really have to study the Scriptures with a humble Spirit admitting to God that we could not truly understand it without His enlightenment and guidance. It is His word to us and it is He who could help us to clearly understand the message He wants to speak to us. We have to acknowledge our nothingness before God and that it is only by God's grace could we correctly apply what we learn from His word. We are nothing before Him and that should always cause us to humble ourselves before Him. We need Him all the time.

  12. well, when we put up anything in authority higher than the scripture, we will end up doing that which bad. Because it’s the Bible who is the sole standard of living. We cannot change the Bible as our standard. But because of our human nature we try to twist whether it is indeed true that the Bible have the authority over us. Because we want that our life, our action be now the standard. It’s possible but it will not be appropriate because our natural inclination is to do what is not good. We will experience not contentment or satisfaction but rather wanting of more and more because we never at first set up on the right standard. When we are pressured, or when we are being treathen, we are putting other things in authority not the Bible instead.

    1. yes braddddd. what you said is really true. a point will come that we will become dogmatic and impose our own truth and standard of life to others. Our pride will overpower us and we will no more submit to anyone.

  13. when things put above in the Scripture it would take the person away from God. the personal relationship between the person and God will be ruined. spiritually becomes dry and the truth will be rejected. in Rev. 22:18-19 say.."whoever add or minus what was written in the scripture will be punished". it's the same on putting anything above the scripture.
    however if the person has too much believe on himself that thinking he has more than enough knowledge far from what the Bible can give or even thinking he's better mind in explaining all what can seems satisfy our earthly perspective can damage the person's faith. It is human tendency that out of curiosity minds wander until it fall to wrong beliefs. another way of defining person's way of using knowledge given by God is what we called pride. wanting to prove something that he alone can better give the answer unknowingly it destroying his relation to God because he put his knowledge beyond the Scripture.

  14. There will be spiritual blindness. People will not know anymore what is really right and which is to follow. There will be no more standard of living. People will do whatever pleases to them. There will be unstoppable fight among people. There will be continuous debate among religious leaders if who is really right. The pride of each person will increase and increase that no one will humble him/herself. That no one will no more submit to his fellow. Our world will turn into chaos and distruction if there is no absolute truth and one authority.
    And even us Christians, we sometimes easily fall on this by putting our emotion higher than the Scripture. We sometimes feel that we are right and that our feeling must be followed rather than the Scripture. We can sometimes fall on this by thinking that we have a better idea than the Scripture gives especially in dealing our problems. We tend to be more practical and think that faith is no more use in this generation. Some people even add their own ideas in the Scripture. We sometimes fall on this by doing things without referring to the Bible.

    1. it's true as what Psalmist says "thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path..

  15. The word of God directs us in our work and way, and a dark place indeed the world would be without it. The word of God is a great and glorious light by which men come to have some knowledge of God in Christ, as a God gracious and merciful of Christ, his person, offices, and grace of righteousness, salvation, and eternal life by him and it teaches men to live soberly, righteously, and godly. The whole Scripture is a light shining in a dark place; a lamp or torch to be carried in the hand of a believer, while he passes through this dark world; and is in the present state of imperfection, in which he sees things but darkly. This is the standard of faith and practice; by the light of this lamp the difference between true and false doctrine may be discerned; error and immorality may be reproved, and made manifest; the way of truth and godliness, in which a man should walk, is pointed out; and by means of it he may see and shun the stumbling blocks in his way, and escape falling into pits and ditches; it is a good light to walk and work by. That is why, man apart from being resolved in immerse himself in studying as well as obeying the word of God will be having great trouble in life. Scripture must not be put below in human plans, actions, and decision. Sometimes people are so subjective in dealing people without embracing the importance of that person by showing love, mercy and grace. The reason we need to put the word into action so that others may feel it, see it, and do likewise. Each man should use the word of God personally, practically, and habitually, that he may see his way and see what lies in it.
