Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ambrose of Milan

Last week, we have learned about Ambrose of Milan.  How he was himself a defender of "salvation by faith alone."  Of the many things that he accomplished in his lifetime, we could probably say that the most significant would be when Augustine heard him preach that one sermon and got him converted.

I want you to think about your own ministry.  We might not be able to preach a sermon that could convert an 'Augustine' but we definitely can make a difference.  Does the way you live your life reflect God's calling for you?

In a few weeks, you will leave your current area of ministry--we don't know if the Lord would bring you back there.  How would you like to be remembered by the people your ministering to.


  1. Every follower of Christ must know that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are not the only recordings/accounts of the life of Jesus Christ. There is another account of Christ's life, and that is the life of a believer. 2 Corinthians 3:3 must be a constant reminder to us to live as living letters of Christ, being known and being read by men. I believe that the best gift I can give or contribute to others is not my creativity, intelligence, passion, wisdom or leadership. The best gift I can give to others is the person I am becoming in Jesus Christ. If there is an adjective or modifier that I am aiming for, it is the word “Christlike.” This is a lofty aim, and never a bed of roses, but this is God's goal for every Christian, to see every single one of them as reflection of His beloved Son. This is the totality of my Christian life, because in reality, I am but a passing shadow that can only copy the form of Him whose legacy lasts forever. There will always be someone who is more creative, more intelligent, more passionate, more wise, and more influential. There will always be someone who can take my place in the hearts and minds of people, but there is only One who is irreplaceable. So I'd rather have Him take over every memory and every remembrance because only in this way will my legacy be lasting. People can forget everything I said or everything I did, but it is my constant prayer that they will not forget the Person my whole life is about. May my whole life be a preaching of a sermon titled “Jesus Christ”.

    1. I am so blessed and I so agree with you ate Faith. It is a must that we, Christians, aim to be Christlike because the one whom we are living for is Christ and He is the ultimate reason why we exist. I do agree that no material gift can ever defeat the greatest gift we have in our hearts. This gift shall be seen by men not by what we do but how we share our lives to people we minister to.

    2. I will agree with you faith because i believe that at the end of the scale, it will not be anything else that will be graded except us being Christ-like.

      May we never get tired of doing what is right and pleasing to the Lord the same as what our forefathers have modeled to us.

      ----------makes me think :)

    3. You are absolutely correct ate faith! It is true that how we live as Christians, being a "Christlike", is the most important legacy that we can leave behind. Yes, people may appreciate our intelligence, creativity, and other talents we have. But for me it does not matter. Like what you have said someone can be like that too. So,let us continue to aim to have a Christlike character everyday as we live our Christian life. That people may see in us the CHRIST that we are serving and they too will follow our foot steps.


    4. I am blessed. it is true that we should live a godly life "a Christlike attitude". it is the best legacy that we can leave behind. so, we should set an example that pleases God not just in words but in true action, so that people may know that we have Jesus Christ in out heart, and they may believe the one true God that we serve.

    5. Yes absolutely true. as a christian we should live a life with best legacy. set an example so that others may know that we have Christ in our life.

    6. Indeed, life is so short. how can we minister others when we are in the area of immaturity in dealing with such people whom we meet and serve. Being Christlike measures who we really are in the sight of God especially in the sight of other people. The legacy you leave behind requires how you live your life of Christ.

  2. If I don't know my calling, how would I be able to know if the way I live reflects God's calling for my life? It has been a constant battle in my mind whether where I am now is where God wants me to be, but then, I rebattle my own thought and say, “where else would you be?”. I remembered, but not the exact words, what Sir Dhuse told us in class that wherever God puts you at this moment, just give your best! and then a chain of thought came in my mind, someone told me this somewhere, that if you do not know what your passion is or what God wants you to do, then just do your ministry. Don't stop just because you do not know but keep going until you know exactly what you are supposed to do.
    We are aware that we need to be Christ-like but then a lot of times, for sure, we fail to do so. We mocked our own identity by our own actions. We say God calls us but then our actions don't fit in what our mouth declares. I hope that wherever God places us, we will truly honor and give glory to His name through the way we live. We need not to declare to the whole wide world that God calls us, our action will be an open letter for people to read. We need to be aware though of what kind of letter people that surround us have been reading. Is it good, encouraging and uplifting to the soul? Or is it bad, discouraging and full of negativities? We only know, but others can testify.
    I came across this quote from the blog I follow,
    “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
    ― Desmond Tutu
    I would want my fellow brothers and sisters in where I worship to remember me as someone who treats people as better than what is necessary. I mean this because people in our church are aware that we are Bible school students and are expecting a lot from us, but I believe that deep within them, they still desire people, real people who would treat them not as members of the congregation but as people belonging to a family. I don't want to be remembered as their leader but as someone who respects them and someone who do unusual, wonderful things for people. You know, someone they can be thankful for, for lighting the candles deep within them which have snuffed out because of how people treat them from the outside. A catalyst of change for short. I wanna share this quote for people to encourage each one of us to treat people more than they think they should be treated, you don't know that some people in the church we minister to have not experienced being treated well outside, let them feel you're differently, because someone differentl lives in you, different in an amazing way!
    “The most memorable people in your life will be the ones who loved you when you were not very lovable. Remember this, and return the favor.”

    ----------------Makes Me Think :)

    1. Very well said,. Preach it sister! Thank you for sharing. I like the last quote and yeah, it makes me think. I feel so short of returning the favor of loving and I could only thank God for His grace and for the chance to do it in this life.

    2. I'm overwhelmed with what you said Luna. I remembered reading a quote in the book of Brother Lawrence saying "Our only business in this life is to please God, and that all besides is folly and vanity." It makes me think also.:)

  3. How do I want to be remembered? That is a thought provoking question. Somehow, it feels awkward to mention what I wanted because I feel like it's already late for this. I already have made impressions which I, probably could no longer alter in this lifetime. But with the hope of redeeming myself, I want to believe that it is not yet too late to return to the goal of leaving a beautiful legacy behind. I want to be remembered as a blessing just as Proverbs 10:7 says, “The memory of the righteous will be a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot”. I desire to be recalled in a manner that a person will thank God every time he/she remembers me. I pray that when they remember my name they will thank God for the life that I have lived. To be a blessing, I pray that for the remaining time I have in the ministry and in this life, I will shine so that others will see my good works and praise the Father. And even if I am not so good at everything I do, and even if maybe they will forget every lesson that I've taught in class, I pray that they will remember the Lord and His love.My aim for the days to come is to be a light in the darkness, be a beacon of hope in this dying world, and be a part of somebody else's story of redemption. The blessings I have, I will give and leave.

    1. Your right Ate Sarah, I will pray for you and for your ministry and of course for your marriage life someday soon. For sure you have been a blessing to the people that surrounds you, and even to me.

    2. I agree with you mother. I believe that they may not remember what you have taught to them but they will remember the smiles that you have been shared which show how God has been faithful to you. I pray that God will grant the desires of your heart for the ministries that you have been praying for the future. And also for the development of the ministries that you are involve right now. You are a blessing not only to me but to the people around you.

    3. Being the light in the dark sometimes put pressure on us for we don't know when would that darkness fade or consumed by the light we are bringing. Sis, we are praying for your future ministry and life hoping that more and more souls would be brought back to God. And sometimes we made our impressions and expectations to the people we are ministering to, but then we are not responsible in touching their hearts, we are just an instrument used by God. I do believe that someday God will reward your efforts and works. God bless and congratulations....

    4. Wow!Not that long yet a meaty comment. I am touched with what you wrote Ate Sar. It's really a great joy to be a blessing to others. It's so heartwarming to hear yet humbling if somebody would thank God because of your life. It's because most of the time we are unaware of our actions and we cannot deny the fact that here in this world we can still make mistakes. Yet God so loved us unconditionally and even though we don't deserve appreciation from others because there are times that we fail Him, God still use us in miraculous and mysterious ways. It's so good to know that we have a God living inside us so powerful that continually transforms us day by day to becoming more like Him living a life that is a good testimony to others :). That's only by His abundant grace and sovereign power! Thanks be to God. To Him be all the glory!!! :D

    5. What a very nice idea to ponder ate Sarah. It is true that people tend to forget the good things we have done but one thing is certain, if we let our light shine in the lives of these people, it will remain in their hearts and minds. And they will surely praise and glorify God for our lives.

    6. That is very true Ate Sar, we must always be channels of God's blessing towards the people who are in darkness for them to see the light. It has also been my prayer since I started to choose serving God in the ministry. I hope that it will also be other minister's aim, and leave a legacy that will last, and will greatly impact the lives of others.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Hi Sarah Laurencio! I can relate to you because that's what i am feeling right now. That is why I'm so hesitant to post my comment here because i couldn't think any words to say. Hehe :) But when i read your comment, I am inspired to write my comment too. I am blessed about your desire on how you would live your life that would leave remembrance to the people you are ministering now. I hope God will continue to use your life as a channel of blessing to others that would lead them to praise our Father in heaven.

  4. One of my prayers when I was still in the mission field is that God would make a difference in me and through me. As I pondered on this question about living my life reflecting God's calling, I could only say, it is only by God's grace that I am still thriving to be one despite my weaknesses and failures in many areas. Such question if I did made a difference is something that I am thrilled to know yet anxious to see. I'm afraid people would remember me as the opposite of what God wants me to be remembered. It made me realized that I should be more careful and mindful with my actions and words especially being one of the senior student and a church worker.
    I was so excited reading the line “in a few weeks . . .” but then, the next sentence made me think for a day and recall my whole four years FED in Kidz Venture ministry in Crossreign. One of those years made me rethink and doubt if I really want to be in children ministry because of my inadequacy. But seeing those little kids growing as years passed, I could also see evidences of God's amazing grace flowing in their lives. I may not be a very sweet or cool teacher to be remembered, but all I could leave to them that they would be able to remember me is the greatest gift ever—Jesus Christ who made a great change in their lives. Seeing these children growing in their faith in God and serving Him from now on is enough for me to rejoice that somehow, I became part of that wonderful change. I would like to see these children in the near future teaching others especially little children about God's love that they too would be able to receive the greatest gift of God who is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. As much as I want to impart to them my God-given talent and skills, the most important thing that I want them understand is that they would know for whom they would use them.

    1. i praise God for your life ate ange because through you i was able to learn, and love the batak tribe. you were the one who challenged me to impart my life to them. i thank God because you are one of the people who prayed for me when i was there and helped to open my eyes and heart for them. without that experienced maybe the changes in my life is just less through that i became more mature and learned a lot of things through the life of the tribe and also to my co-workers. makahilak sad tag popcorn ani oie. yahh it's was one of the very significant and changeling experienced i ever had in my life and you are part of it because we endure and persevere in serving HIm inspite sa kalisod labi ng mg baha hahaha..

    2. Glory to God, Don!!! I am glad that somehow, I became part of your fantastic ventures with the Lord especially in tribal ministries. Naghuot akong dughan da! My prayer for you is that God will continually perform wonderful things in you and through you as you joyfully and faithfully endure and persevere in serving Him wherever He leads you. I am certain that there will be more "baha" along the way, literal man or not :-D but I am also certain that you will be strong enough because of God's sustaining grace that will never ever fail. See you again in Nanabu someday!!! Dad-a na jud si Junjie ha!!!!! hahaha!!!!
      By the way, I want to take this time as an opportunity to thank you of your friendship and all the ka echosan!!!! You are one of those rare people who put colors in my life :-) charrr lang... I praise God for your being strong and cheerful in the Lord. Magchika nalang ta sa personal oiiii...duhhh... :-D

  5. For 6 years that I have been ministering at Quest Fellowship, I have heard some good feedback and bad feedback, of course I could not please everyone at all. But there is only one thing that I could not forget at all, when the father of my student in Sunday school had asked me to be the godly mother or "Ninang" to his new little daughter, and he told me the reason why he wanted me to be one of the "Ninang", not to brag about it but this is what he said "The reason why my wife and I chose you, because it's not about the gift that the child will receive during Christmas or birthdays, it's about how we saw in you the passion of a good believer of Christ and a good teacher to my eldest daughter, and we saw the potential in you of being a good mother". I could not describe my feelings at those times, I really praised God for making me the person He wanted me to be. Because of those experience I had, I did not stop there I have to continue and will continue on what God had put me into. And I am also willing to start a new place of ministry whatever God want and had planted.
    I would like people to remember me as a strong courageous woman, a woman after God's own heart like Joshua and David. A woman who is willing to suffer for Christ sake and take up the cross and follow Him alone. Specially being a tender loving person like Jesus.

  6. For 6 years that I have been ministering at Quest Fellowship, I have heard some good feedback and bad feedback, of course I could not please everyone at all. But there is only one thing that I could not forget at all, when the father of my student in Sunday school had asked me to be the godly mother or "Ninang" to his new little daughter, and he told me the reason why he wanted me to be one of the "Ninang", not to brag about it but this is what he said "The reason why my wife and I chose you, because it's not about the gift that the child will receive during Christmas or birthdays, it's about how we saw in you the passion of a good believer of Christ and a good teacher to my eldest daughter, and we saw the potential in you of being a good mother". I could not describe my feelings at those times, I really praised God for making me the person He wanted me to be. Because of those experience I had, I did not stop there I have to continue and will continue on what God had put me into. And I am also willing to start a new place of ministry whatever God want and had planted.
    I would like people to remember me as a strong courageous woman, a woman after God's own heart like Joshua and David. A woman who is willing to suffer for Christ sake and take up the cross and follow Him alone. Specially being a tender loving person like Jesus.

    1. Indeed a woman after God's own heart is such a wonderful description for a person to be remembered to. I believed that it is not as easy as it is, and most likely is a very hard thing to do. And I also would like to be remembered in the same way, Ate Jellian. David and Joshua; the two great example who possesses that kind of character are persons who are fully dependent to God. It's not that they are extra-ordinary people for being able to do that thing. But rather it shows that they are fully dependent on God in everything reason why they faithfully endure to the end. I believed that to be able to follow such kind of example we need to also be fully dependent to God in everything that we do. To live a life that only dwells fully to God alone.

  7. This topic reminded me how I grew in the knowledge and wisdom of God and became committed to serve Him in my life. I grew spiritually from His servant who served in our place. Through her I was able to have this kind of relationship to God. I was the first young people in the church that she trained to be part in the praise and worship ministry until she became my mentor, discipler, adviser, and even my second mom. During her year in our church she was able to disciple, imparted her life, and challenge me to commit my life in serving the Lord and become the next leader in the church and until I decided to go here at BTC. She gave a very big impact in my life.
    This experienced I had was really significant in my life without my mentor maybe I’m already lost and don’t know what’s my life probably I’m already married. I thank God because He used someone to minister in my life to became the next leader in our church or to any places and even a good model in our place. It’s my time now to do what my mentor did to me to impact someone through my life with God. I really thank God because He allows me this time to minister in my weekend church for almost 3 years this group of believers really mold, encourage, challenge, and teach me how to be a humble servant of God. In my last few months in this church I’m really giving my best to minister the children and be a good example to everyone. I’m imparting my life to the kids and teach them the lessons that God wants them to be and especially love them of who they are even they are hard-headed. Giving my time listening to their lives and serving them without complaining are the things that encourage me to continue and be joyful in serving them. I want them to remember me of how I treated them with love, give my effort and time to them, and a person who is willing to listen to them.

    1. Wow! Praise God for such a wonderful mentor you have, Don! Indeed, God miraculously works in us through the faithful labors of His servants. May you continue to bring and impart those godly legacy you have to many more children as you teach with love and joy to them. I pray that God would richly bless you more day by day.

  8. The day most seniors awaited including me is at hand. Many instances of suffering and hardships were taken. Despite these things, ministry is going on. One thing I always told to my children contacts was that I would never be always in their side teaching them about God. I encouraged them to do their best in gaining knowledge and possibly attain better understanding. I’m just ordinary people who live in this corrupt world but then I was blessed to have God who live and die for me. I may have other profession or even going somewhere else, but those children I ministered would remember me as Jesus is present in my life. They can see me not of a hero, but a steward of God whom He entrusted the Word to spread. They will see God working in me not of my abilities but the transformation and power of God. They will imitate me not with my abilities but of great dependence, faithfulness and fear on Him. No one is perfect so do I, some are not pleased of what I am doing, but at least they recognize my intention—for their transformation. Some of my students lack older brother and I’m thankful to be their older brother and friend. At some point they will remember my name as brother in the Lord who is willing to help and stand with them with their faith. It’s hard for me to leave them, but I have to do it as part of their growth. I don’t know about the future, one thing I am sure of was that as they grow i was able to influenced them by the grace and power of God.

    1. its true yeng, sometimes God leads us in a different ways but let us always remember that God is with us. Were just ordinary people and living in a hostile world. We always not be in the side of the children or the people that we are ministering of but let's put it in our mind that we are God's ambassador, were not perfect and sometimes people criticize us and don't mind them, were working in God and not in men.Let's be an encourager that even we are not beside them but still they would serve the Lord with all their heart. It's hard to leave to the place and to the people whom you love, but by God's grace we can do it.Let them stand so that they will learn also.

    2. I believe that they will remember you...it is amazing how children remember people especially those who have impacted their lives.

    3. Someday, you will see another Ariel who will be doing what you have started in your place. May you continue to be their friend and brother in the Lord as you eagerly and joyfully minister to them and become part of their transformation. There would be more ups and downs along the way in the ministry, but we all know and confident that God would make us victorious as we continue to rest and trust in His mighty deeds.

  9. Being in God’s calling is difficult but you need to endure it, making a difference in the life of the people that you are ministering of. I am aware that I am God’s minister and sometimes in my life I tend to fail God, and the people who looked at me. We definitely make peoples difference if they saw that we are an agent of change; and change starts within us.
    It’s so sad to leave my current area of ministry, missing those people who encourages me when they feel that I am weak, those people who accepted me for who I am and what I am and thinking those children in the field that when we come in their place they smile at us because they are happy that we visited them and teach them. I really don’t know what the will of God is whether I come back or not.
    Oh I don’t know my feeling about this, I remembered when we had our youth fellowship in the church that someone asked us how would you remember when you are dead? For me it’s so hard and I don’t know how people would remember me in the ministry maybe some of my closest friends in the ministry would tell that I am a strict, perfectionist woman. But for me I would like to remember that I am so blessed that I know Christ who gives patience, joy, understanding and to share His love to other people. A person who is strict yet a giver, sharing my passion to others.

    1. yeah, i agree with you Cialyn that we fail God in every way because of our sinful nature but I hope also that people won't look at that as a basis of our Christianity but always depend on God's standard of righteousness.

  10. This question always strike me to think deeply not because I have lot of things to say but simply because I don’t like to answer this question. First, I don’t know how to answer it and second I don’t know if I could be that person I want to be remember. I’m afraid to fail from any expectation but as I start to join the children ministry I found the answer to this question.

    My heart was overwhelmed every time I heard the voice of each mother thanking me for taking care of their children and specially teaching them about the word of God. In that particular situation I realize that I want the children to remember me not as what they usually know as a funny teacher but a person who follow the example of Jesus Christ “A Christ-like Character” is what I really want people to remember me.

    Before I am afraid to think that the children in the church won’t recognize me anymore or remember me that I was once their teacher or the creative teacher in the church. But as the days pass by I realize it is not merely the important one. Now what I’ve been praying for is that children will be able to remember as a teacher who show a Christ-like Character. If I will be able to go back in church and teach I want to be recognize as a person who has Christ-like.

    1. Ella girl, I like your statement because that's what I felt also when I first read the question. It is indeed a serious question that makes me think deeply.We've been through many challenges and temptations that we've encountered in our lives but God is always faithful and never fail to leave us behind. Life can be full of anxiety but God wants us to live a life that reflect His calling. As a Christian, God has allowed many obstacles in our journey with God and by that He wants to mold you and me to be the person that He wants us to be. We are not perfect as He is but He desires to, we are not holy as He is, but He wants us to. The things that we've been through God is preparing us for His plan and purpose in our lives. As a believer we are ought to live whose life is influence and touch by Jesus Christ until we die. One fundamental factor that we need to develop is the fruit of the Spirit.

    2. You are right, Ella. This is really a difficult question to answer, and I can feel what you've felt upon reading it. But, as we can always see, God is not finish yet in building us up. I am glad to see God working in your life and in the ministry He has entrusted to you. May you continue to be a channel of blessings in the lives of your students and other people wherever God would lead you someday.

  11. I have been ministering for many years in our church at Community Bible Church. I believe that there are people that like me and also people that dislike me. It is because I cannot please everybody and I am not perfect. I am glad that most of the people that I have been ministered respond positively and that encourages me to continue of what I am doing. The negative response of other people challenged me t improve what must be improved and to change bad things in me to good. It is to be more effective minister. Many told me that I encouraged them by my simple actions. In our young people, they said that they feel that they are welcomed because I entertained them. I am glad that God used my personality to encourage many youths in our church to worship Him and will not give up because of the challenges that they have been experienced or will be experienced.
    There was a girl that I lead to Christ. She is now in our church and she is one of the teacher in our outreaches every Saturday. I had been her small group leader and I monitor her personal devotion or time to God. God used me to monitor her growth in Him. I am happy that she is enjoying teaching and involving in church and youth ministries.
    I pray that they will still be encouraged in my simple ways of helping them when they have problems and if they need someone to just listen to them. I pray that they will see Jesus in my life though my character and attitude that He has given to me. I want to be remembered as a simple woman of God that is joyful to help others and to do the tasks that will be entrusted to her. I want to be a blessing to others, to be a part of their growth in Christ. I will continue to impart the skills that God gave to me. It is for them to discover the skills that are given to them and they can use it for the glory of God.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It has been almost four years since I served in the outreach ministry in Guadalupe. I've seen how God molded me and made me into the person that He wanted me to be. I have also experienced His mighty hand working through me towards the lives of the kids that we were ministering. The ministry had also been my greatest confirmation of God's calling to me. it did not just taught me how to apply the strategies that I have learned at school, but also taught me how to live a life worthy of God's calling.
    As I ministered to the kids, I have seen how greatly God is working and had brought a great breakthrough in their lives. It is also a great privilege for me to work with wonderful people, who are also dedicated in serving God, and being an instrument to further His kingdom.
    I know that it will not be just what I say that the children that I minister with are going to look at, but the way I live my life and the way I treat them and others. With this in mind, God is continually working within me to help me reflect His own glory. I think that it will not be me who's going to say if I am really effective, or I made a great impact towards others, rather, it will be the lives who've seen me, and are now choosing to follow the footsteps that we, ministers, left them.
    As I look back to the past years, i can really say that it was not me, but Christ who is within me, that reflected His glory. I want them to remember that I was able to love them, and be intimate in ministering to them, because Christ loved me first. And if we know that Christ loves us, we will be able to love others despite their iniquities, and no matter who they are. I may not always be there with them, I want them to remember that Christ's love will always connect us, and Christ's love will always keep us on remembering each other in prayer.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I totally agree Mitch and what you said about you not being the one to say if you were effective reminded me of Proverbs 27:2 "Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips." I agree that we should not be the ones to measure our own success when it comes to God's ministry because our perspectives are prone to biases and pride. Even Jesussaid in John 8:54 that "self-honoring" is nothing and Paul testifies in 2 Cor 10:18 that the one who is approved is not the one who commended himself but the one commended by the Lord. For us Christians, we should not be living for the praise of men, but should be looking forward to that ultimate commendation that will surely surpass all men's praises and compliments - it is when our Master Himself say to us "Good and faithful servant"

  14. I remember a line from the song entitled"find us faithful" it says,
    "oh' may all who come behind us find us faithful,
    may the fire of our devotion light their way
    May the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe
    And the lives we live inspire them to obey..(you may continue singing:))"
    As I read the question this song pop up in my head. And at the same time it made me think of how do I want to be remembered by the people whom I am ministering with right now, specifically in my FED assignment. It may be too late for me to think about this now because in a few weeks i'm leaving them. And I already leave an impression to them. An impression which I could no longer held back. But it is still my hope, just as what the song says, may they remember me as a faithful servant of the Lord. A woman who is passionate in serving the Lord by doing the ministry that He entrusted unto me. I also want them to remember a woman who is patient, loving, kind, and a servant. I am blessed when someone in the church appreciates my help to them (in music ministry) and glory be to God. But I don't want to be remembered as just a talented woman or what rather I want them to see in me a devotion that I have in serving our King. That may the footprints that I leave them, may lead them to obey the Lord all the more.

    1. "Leadership is influence" that could be what you mean. Indeed the talent that we have may fail someday if we boast it for our own glory. That's true Gie, that a spiritual person gives all the credit to God. How beautiful it is to hear that people surrounds you gives honor and praises to God. As we live in this temporary home, let us all point back to our God and boast of His greatness and faithfulness towards us. In Him we are only safe. When we live a life worthy of the calling, we only leave no footprints in the sand, but it is God's, that they may follow it.

  15. I believe that I can not do anything perfectly but I can always testify how God has changed my life from being wretched to becoming blessed in which by God's grace through faith in Christ I have received salvation and security now and forever more. As a minister, I show my love to the people I minister to by relating to them and not judging them of what they did in their past lives and who they are in terms of their status. Though I minister to them, I do not do my best to change or improve their lives instead I do my best to teach them biblical truths and leave them to God as to how He would work in their lives. I always say to them that "we are all in the process of improvement in which the Lord is weaving us every day to be the people He wants us to be someday." I minister to them simply by always saying that, "we are all learning and we are growing together." I can not say for now that I am serving God perfectly or with all my best. I can only say that I have served God with all my life as the time comes when I can see even one of my students who decides to serve God with all his life. And if God grants it, it is all for His glory. I shall praise God for the opportunity that I could show my love to Him through teaching other people. Seeing them or even one of them faithfully serving the Lord would surely bring me joy. I do not serve God to please men, rather I serve, to please the One who enables me to; it is by the grace of God and my Savior Jesus Christ. The best testimony that I can leave to the people I minister to is not about how many I accomplish in life but it is how God uses me to accomplish His will. Truly, I can not serve God unless I deny my self. It is God who gives me the strength amidst my frailty. It is because of God's grace that I can talk, breathe, sing, teach, cry, and love.

  16. Knowing the fact that being a Christian is not really easy but God wants us to leave a life to the fullest that leaves a good legacy to be remembered. As a minister of Christ we need to reflect God's character that influence and touch the lives of others. He wants us to imitate of what He did into our lives and to pass it on for the next generation. It is to inspire people with a deep connection that encourages people to follow it. It enables us to be strong even when things get hard. It is to keep going and to keep moving and not give up. By doing this we are able to be remembered and effectiveness in serving God is seen by them. In addition, it is to live a life that the choices and actions we've made is within the standard of the Scripture. To be remembered by the people I've ministered is to be a role model and inspiration to all whenever they hears my story especially as a minister to them.

  17. Faith in God is an amazing gift. It starts the moment my heart says: I believe Jesus is God’s Son and that He came to rescue my life from eternal death. The Bible says that the just shall live by faith (Heb.10:38). Faith is an attitude that can become my way of life, and it is the legacy that I can share to others. I will exercise my faith to become more like Christ. I will live with greater faith, with whole trust in God, so that I can encourage others to put their faith into action, in practical ways. I will set an example of living by faith, and I will make a habit of getting up in the morning and thanking God for what He has done. I believe that faith that pleases God will leave a footprint for others to follow. In Hebrews 11 we see how God was able to work in the lives of Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Rajab, Joseph because they believed, and they never stop believing God. Their faith still inspires us today to follow. I pray that my faith in God will also be remembered those who follow after me. I want to be remembered that I have great faith in God. I will practice not to worry about anything instead I will show total trust and faith in God whatever I need. I will stay calm in whatever difficulties in life. As Christian follower, God calls me to leave marks on the places that I’ve been working. I am called to influence others for Christ. Whether it is at work, at home, or around the neighborhood, God calls me to live a life with total faith in God. People may know that I have total Foundation in Christ, and I am assured in His care, that I have intimacy with God, total trust of His goodness, and I willing to help others those in need.

  18. As I reflect upon the ministry that God has entrusted to me, I tried to look back and evaluate myself of my actions and the growth of my students. And I could say that if God's passing score is 85, then maybe I would really fail. I realized there are still a lot of areas that are needed to be developed in me as I follow to be like Christ. I know it is really not too late to change in order to be a channel of change. And if this semester would be my last moments with them, I would thrive to be remembered as their teacher who channelled out God's love, care, and hope to them. Also as the vessel that reflects the light in me to shine for them. I would continue to develop and follow Christ's character and someday be someone who could confidently say “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ” like Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1.

    1. Yes indeed, let Christ be above to be remembered in us. This requires humility for us. We should say no to ourselves but yes to Jesus.

    2. I believe that it's not yet too late amega! It's a good thing that we able to evaluate ourselves through the question that T. Angel throw at us. It's a reminder for us to live a life that pleases and glorifies Him. To live a life knowing that we are representing the God who made the universe and the God who created the people we are ministering with. It's a privilege that He allowed us to be part of His ministry. Knowing that we are His representative, we ought to do our best so others can imitate as as what you quoted on Paul's writing to the Corinthians “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ.” Hopefully someday we can say that to those children and parents we are ministering with confidently. I know God is molding us and we are under His grace. Since we realized that we have not done our very best, then from now on let all that we do be done in love (1 Cor. 16:14).

    3. It is never too late Tham! The Lord is not yet finished working with us and there's always room for growth. The key is that we shouldn't be discouraged but instead we will strive hard to make our Master proud and be a discerning servant of His daily teaching.

  19. To my current ministry right now,I could say that I am so very blessed by the lives of the people I work with and the people I am ministering too. But then, if I would look at myself, with regards to my ministry there, I could not really tell if I am a blessing to them. I don't know if I am worth to be remembered if I would be gone or worth to be welcomed if I will go back there. But then I cannot deny the fact, that as a child of God, it should not be just in words but also in deeds. My life should reflect whose the Master of it. In my current ministry then,I would like to be remembered as a teacher who shows unconditional love towards her students. I am still growing in this area and it's so hard to do such but I believe that by the grace of God I can able to do it. It may not be perfect but at least I tried and still keep trying my very best. The place where I am ministering to presently is a bit challenging for me because I had never thought that God would let me experience serving in such a kind of place. I am still adjusting this time and I am a bit pressured to the people I am ministering to yet so very blessed by them. There were some biases that God removed and some stereotyping that God had let me realized that were wrong. In my present ministry God is helping me to grow in my love towards other people no matter how undeserving they may be. I am still under construction in this area yet it makes me all the more to get much closer to the source of true love who is God. I love that the people around me in the current ministry God entrusted me to see God's glory in me especially in the way I do my teaching ministry. There are really times that I would speak honestly to God if I am deserving to be a teacher to a thumb generation or let us say the digital generation kids. I really had this bias before that I would really prefer to minister to poor kids than rich kids. My thinking before was that needy kids need more attention than the kids who have a high status in life. But then, God changed it and He reminded me that, "Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all" (Prov. 22:2 NIV). I was rebuked by God that I have to love others unconditionally without choosing who are the only people I ought to love. As I confessed this flaw to God and asked for His forgiveness, He starts then cooperating with me to discover the needs of the middle-class kids. I have learned that both rich and poor kids are deserving to be loved by others. They both need to be well-attended of their felt and real needs. From this present ministry God has given me, it may be temporal yet I would like to leave a lasting legacy to the people I am ministering to especially the kids and that is to be able to show love to others with no bias just as God Himself loved the world. God hates the sin yet love the sinner. :)

    1. YES indeed. To minister with the poor is perhaps the most forgotten in some churches today. But for you who see it, it is a worth doing for God.

  20. This is an awkward question for me. But the first that the people want me to be remembered is my faith. This refers to my Christian Living. Faith is not only what I should preach in front of the people but also to live it as God also look at me. This includes hardship in my life. As a Pastor's Kid, I already experience how dealing with Struggles with our family and ministry. But in the midst of persecution, my father modeled to endure in His faith in God. So this is also I want to follow when I will be on my own way.
    I want also people to remember me as a humble person. I need to exercise humility in my leadership. I don't want to be remembered as having a big head in the ministry but to recognize that everything comes from the Lord. With the humble heart, the Lord will lift me up and this will be witnessed by some people.
    I remember the song "Oh may all who come behind us, find us faithful," but it was preceded by the statement, "Surrounded by a great a cloud of witnesses." I should learn from the lives of the people that I know. Their mistakes, I should not do, their successes, this would lead me to be motivated to strive. But I should always remember that I am different from other persons. So I would try hard that people will not be able to compare me with others because I am unique and God created me uniquely.
    But most above all, I want to be remembered having the Christ in me. I will live a life having the light of Jesus in me that others who live in darkness will see the light and follow Jesus.

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  22. To be remembered has a dual moral basis. One either a person be remembered because he is good moralist and altruistically put it in action like Mother Theresa, or a person had a bad moral and violently did inflected the sanctity of life of human race like Hitler. These persons are known for their works done in the past.

    For me, to be remembered does not mean a person was intellectual, rather he have done a moral thing that changed the perspective of the people. But wait, as Christian however it is not only the moral pursuit we are basing our emblem but also the spiritual side of that pursuit. Indeed, it is the Spiritual matter I base my living as the believers of Christ. For me, as we all know, it is the very fundamental for changes of a human behavior, morality and ethical values.

    As a Christian and a gospel entrusted man, I rather tell the truth of the gospel to the people rather that tolerating the false comfort. In my current ministry at the church where I am assign, I always tell these young people that rather hurt them with the truth than to tell a comfort noble lies and toleration. More so, I tell them directly the hope found in the gospel and how living affects our spiritual life. These young people thanked me for being honest with them which they are always see me like that. Probably by that they can’t forget the truth of the gospel I share to them, and remember the work of Jesus to their lives.

  23. This question is quite hard to answer in a sense that living in a christian way is not easy. I could be a boastful one if I fail to practice what I am saying here. But God is gracious enough to help me to become a person that would leave good marks to the people that I am ministering now or later. By God's grace I would like to be remembered of being faithful and hardworking in my service to God. In Christ, can live a life that would be an inspiration to other people about my faith in Him. I want to be a woman of faith like Abraham. He is a man of Faith and he never questioned God despite of the trials he encountered in his time, and now His faith in God is still remembered until today. I love to see them also blessed by God through my life. And for the children and the youth, I would love to set my life as an example how to live a life pleasing to God even in the midst of this chaotic world, by living my life in a different way from the other people who don't know God, and by being careful of choosing choices for my lifestyle. It includes my love life, my finances, etc. It is good to be wise in everything we do because the world is deceitful to lead us to destruction.

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    2. Continue to cooperate with the working of God in your life ate Bgane and I know that the desires that you mentioned above will just be accomplished.

  24. Honestly, I would like to be remembered with my life story knowing that the author is the greatest of all. The story that the Lord have written I know is a living testimony to everyone. Though I am not like others who have experienced drugs, being drunk with alcoholic drinks and whatever. But the brokenness that I have experienced with my family and the people that surrounds me can be a great way that many people can relate. Through my life story, I know I can relate to people who have the same experience as mine and they too can/will be comfortable talking and sharing with me. It's one way also to build an intimate relationship with each other - opening my life to people I am ministering with. Through my story that God has written, His love, grace, forgiveness, mercy and a lot more of His attributes can be seen. Thus, I believe that God has His reason and purpose with every life stories that He made.

    1. I like your idea on how you wanted to be remembered. I hope the story of God's redemptive grace would knock the hearts of people. Keep on sharing your life story!

    2. Truly we can show who Jesus is in us not just by our love and care that we show but also by our life testimonies of how God worked in our brokenness and helped us to be whole again. Your life story is indeed one of the most inspiring stories that I have witnessed and love to remember. God used your weaknesses for His strength to be made perfect and seen in your life. Continue to let God use you and impact other people's lives with your life story. Continue to let Jesus shine through you amega. :)

    3. Yeah, truly. Our life is a testimony. I remember in our Filipino class we wrote a paper about, "Buhay ko, Bukas na Biblia Mo" indeed it is, so as we are serving God let our life be a living testimony of God's glory and wonders.

  25. God had blessed me to be involved in a pioneering Church since I was a first year student. I've witnessed how the ministry has grown by how God is continually working in the lives of the people there and I also am thankful for how God is molding me through the situations that He had allowed for me to experience there. And now that the directions of my life is nearly shifting to another mission field, there is the desire in me that the people, especially the young people, would always remember and always be convicted to prioritized the will of God in their lives because that is always the decision that I always want to choose in my life. It put joy in my heart when I see few of them now being very active in pursuing what God wants them to do and it also pains me to see some of them continually being strayed away with their own decisions and wants in this world.

    Also, to the children and "nanay and tatay" there how I hope that during the times that I spent with them,they have felt the love that has overflown through me from my God who has poured out His amazing love to me.

    I hope that they would see and glorify God above all the people and situations of their lives.

    1. It would really be great if all the people will actually do that. Being in such kind of ministry will surely make people close to you and to the One whom you are sharing to them. I'm sure that when you'll leave someday, they will not forget your live and would even glorify God for using you to influence them.

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  26. The faithfulness of God leads me to the path of righteousness and love. For almost four years, i spent my life in Dumanjug as a Church Planting worker to minister to such people who are innocent and seeking for the joy that lasts. I have been ministered to the different kind of people with different belief, character, and the state of life. And it is my utmost desire to tell them about Jesus who he really is and what he can do and to be remembered by being loving, just, patient, and faithful in the service of the Lord. they are the people whom i can reflect of what i was before. The real person is a person who thinks most of others not just satisfying his own needs. It is more complicated to determine the real person somehow however, the truths the real person are the one who follow Jesus and obey his commands. It is not my fault if they may forget the things i taught and everything i did throughout my life with them but the very words of God would be in the center of their hearts. having an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ what matters most. In this life, my teaching would be questionable if my character or the way i live on this little world didn't agree to what i want for them. It is He who is above all things that knows our hearts and even the every deep minds. It is my prayer and hope that they should have the time to interact with God to magnify his name not just today but forever worship the God who made all things, the beginning of all.

  27. I have realized that I have been actively ministering to the children for almost 7 years now. As I looked back, a great smile paints on my face, knowing that I was once ministered by my teachers and now I have been doing the same with the kids I am teaching right now. If time will come I would be leaving them, I wanted them to remember me not just their teacher but as a family who truly loved them. A person they can lean on, who would willingly listen to their cry and would accept them for who they are. Most of all, I would really love to hear from them that “I am an instrument of God’s redemptive work of their lives”. I humbly pray that the Lord will continue to fire my desire in serving Him all the days of my life.

    1. Amen to your last sentence ate Weng, that it would take a humble prayer and imploring to God to help us to endure and keep our fire burning in serving the Him. It is indeed a desperate cry for endurance that we'll continue to set as a good example to the people whom we are ministering to, and with the people surrounding us.

  28. Well, if I’m being honest, it was a lot more difficult to put this into words than I thought it would be because this is a pretty meaty question. The kind of question that left me in deep thought for hours before writing this post. In the first question, all I can say is that I know and believe that the way I live my life now reflect God's calling. Though many times I failed especially in terms of making decisions and the things that I did that displeases God, but I am thankful that He always reminds me of His calling. God's calling in my life is to serve Him and that is what I am doing right now. And I know that God has been working to each one's life to minister to people and be a channel of blessing to them.
    In our ministry, we all want to be remembered for something, to be known as more than merely ordinary, to be seen as someone who truly made a difference. We all want to be known as someone who truly made a difference, to leave an imprint on this world especially in the lives of the people we ministered, and to leave behind something that can make the future a little brighter. I would hope people would remember me, to those people that I am ministering that they will remember me as striving to live a life that is Christ centered and with humility. Someone who saw the wonder in Gods creation, and found God in the everyday ordinary moments. Someone who in the face of adversity found God as my Anchor and in stormy days holding onto God's hand and not fear. Someone who tried hard to love unconditionally with mercy and compassion. And most of all, people will thank and glorify God for my life.

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  30. Life becomes so challenging when you know that other people would try to imitate you as you are. When you will do just a single mistake, every person's expectation around you will fall . We believe that God called us in different areas in ministry, and we are not all in the same ministry. Some of us would like to push others to do the same like them even when they know that we have different expertise. I did not dream to become the highlight of the ministry someday but I'd like to hide behind the stage where people has seen God working throughout history, while me manipulating at the back.
    I admit that I've been a person filled with failures, but my successes and restoration is not because of my own works but by the faithfulness of God. I'm not the worthy person to receive any grace nor my soul to be saved when I know that I used to deny God in my life once. The reason why I am now in the ministry is because of His healing in myself that I'd like also to share to others what my God can do to them. I lived because of His love, I lived because of His faithfulness in me.
    God used my experiences in life to mold me to be fit in the ministry. And I had a fear, that is to make a distance from Him. I learned to pray for His guidance in my life's journey. It is His work that keeps me on going in the ministry, and not my own.

    1. "When you will do just a single mistake, every person's expectation around you will fall ."
      I believe with Joshua's statement because since I've experience these many times. It is so hard to live together with those who have a very big and high expectation from you, knowing that you will just fall being an imperfect one. It is very hard to live with them but it is also a very challenging situation living with them, because it is for yourself that could make you challenge or to work hard to be a good example to them.

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  31. I've never thought that I would become a part of the ministry that most believers have been doing for a long time. Serving and ministering to people has never been my passion before. But ever since I've receive Christ as my Lord and Savior, I began to be involve in doing those things. Being a Christian is not that easy. Unlike before, I used to do things that I like whether it'd be good or bad as long as I like it. But being a Christian, I know now a lot of things about what to do and things that I should not do, those things which would lead me to sinning. A lot of times I failed by doing the things that I should not be doing. But God is there. He never condemns and never will. He forgives when I asked for it. God is at work in my life and I've been experiencing His work daily. I’ve seen Him work in me while doing the ministry by using me to tell the people about Him. It’s just amazing how God has molded me to the person that I am right now. What I want people to remember about me? Well, I’ve not done anything so great that people should remember me. But I guess how I live my life for God would. How I’ve treated them as individuals who are precious in the eyes of God. It is not that great but it’s a factor, the life itself. People have seen or witnessed how I used that life and how I’ve been living as a follower of Christ.

  32. I could say to myself that I am not good in speaking but I could still speak for Christ. And I could even say that I am not a perfect one to show to people in my attitudes but I could still show God's goodness to others and some of God's character that is in me. I could not also boast of how good I am but I could also show and extend a blessing to others in different areas.
    In the ministry that I am involving at this time what I did is that to minister to those children that are in the squatter areas. And what I want to impart to them at this time is to let them feel the love that I could also give to them even though they are 'pasaway'. And not just that but to let them feel every time we have session to tell to them that Christ love them in spite of their negative attitudes sometimes. That even though they cannot feel the love that they are looking form them parents but Christ could give it unconditionally to them. I am also sharing to them every time I could receive blessing financially, to buy them food that could fill in to their hungry stomach. I would also give them some of my time to listen to their problem if ever they want to share and give them words that Christ says to us.
    I could not make a very big event or program just to let them remember me when I am finish in my schooling but I want to leave to them the good relationship that I could give as much as I can. I want to leave a story into their hearts that they could see Christ who is in me.

  33. Knowing a lot people who really did leave a great legacy and had been a role model to my life I can tell it’s a very hard thing to do. And reflecting on how I’ve been on that area of my life, I don’t know if I ever did even make a impact even a little one. Especially when we knew that people will have had something negative to say to everything that we do. That truth had caused to ponder me on what really is in a person’s life that caused them to be remember by others. If I look at the world I could see a lot people remembered are those prominent ones those who succeeded, who contributed great things, and those who portrayed a good character to follow. I believed that it would all be just the same as to the Christian circle; good legacy’s are built by people’s good deeds and good character and those who really did reflected and radiated the Christ-likeness that they have within. Each of us I believed as claiming and bearing the name of Christ with us ought to leave a legacy that both would bring glory and honor to Christ. Personally I would want be to remembered as a person whose willing to serve and had shown a courage that served as a model to follow. I want to be courageous for God, in the ministry that he would entrust to me someday. And to be able to act with that kind of courage that will endure, I ougth to be more dependent on God, to strenghten the anchor of my faith in Him alone. I will act and lived each day drawing more closer to Him because I believed that I will not be able to be bearing with courage if I will just trust my own self capabilities. True courage that will endure and will not be easily driven by fear will be that is from God; who by all means is the light that takes away every slightest sight of darkness. It’s a bit of a hard thing to imagine, but I know and I believed that it is possible; because for Him all things are possible.

  34. What do I want my students or the people around me, remember when my name comes into their minds? There were times that this question popped out in mind. Yeah what? I wanted them to remember, that she was a person who lived out what she talks, a faithful woman who never tires on coming to them just to teach them and their children. I wanted them to remember a woman whose life grandly showed off the person of Jesus Christ and could be said that indeed she was a true follower of her Lord and savior. I also wanted to be remembered by my students, that ate Renren was an instrument why I came to believe and know Jesus Christ. And I also wanted that when those people whom I ministered to remembered me, that they can say, “I praise God every time I remember her”. Are these supposed that God wanted us to do? Yes, I think, I believe that these are what God wanted us to do, to be remembered by the people that we have ministered to and when they remember us, God is praised and glorified. For our primary purpose why we are created was that, to give glory to the God who created all things. But one thing I really I wanted to remember about, was that they can say, I am a woman after God’s own heart.
