Monday, January 4, 2016

Must I Be Damned?

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."

We have all been called to be agents of change and transformation.  How can the quote above (from Martin Luther) inspire us to make personal applications especially as we begin a new year.


  1. Martin Luther's quote inspires me to still continue doing what God wants me to do and still continue giving what He wants me to contribute even in the midst of a worst condition ( i.e. end of the world). Even if 24 hours from now the world would pulverize before my eyes, I would still plant my passions and make the world smile today :) This statement shows that our hope should not be based on the temporal but on the things that will last forever. As believers, we always have a light beyond the darkest moments of life and we should let this light penetrate and consume our outlook in life. For some people, just the knowledge of the world ending tomorrow is enough to send them to their beds, get under their blankets and wait for the end to come. They would be so paralyze with fear that planting apples would not even be on their to-do-list. In fact, I don't think they'll have time to make a to-do-list ;) Only those who receive the promise “your labor will not be in vain” can share with Luther's confidence. God's word promised us believers that every good deed matters. The end of the world should not stop us, at any given moment, in doing what we were made for. So, just like Luther, I won't let darkness and fear be my last companions on the day the world ends. I prefer beauty and hope as the last things to glimpse on that day, and because I don't know the exact day or time it will happen, it means everyday is apple-planting day.

    1. You reminds me of one of the principles of tribal people long time ago why they won't bother to plant especially long-term trees. It's because they can not make use of it knowing time will come they will just die and leave every thing to those who would take over their land. The fear of losing every thing didn't help them preserve their land; they even lost their culture slowly. In our Christian life, it is really true that our labor in the Lord will not be in vain. This promise given to God's people thousand years ago is still applicable today. In stead of being afraid of the possibilities that would happen, we should be more confident and more eager in doing what God wants us to do here on earth knowing that what we are doing is a heavenly investment and for the Lord's glory. As the world comes closely to its end, the more we will be in joy serving God for the future glory that awaits on us.

    2. That is very true ate Faith, everyday is indeed an apple-planting day. Truly, everyday that comes on our way is an opportunity of doing something worthwhile for Christ's glory. I also remember an author who wrote a very thought-provoking statement saying, "Think of this day as if it's your last day." It has encouraged me so much not to waste even a day to do something, even in a very small way, to reflect God's love and act it in a way that people can see who is the reason behind why I live every day.

    3. That is very true ate Faith, everyday is indeed an apple-planting day. Truly, everyday that comes on our way is an opportunity of doing something worthwhile for Christ's glory. I also remember an author who wrote a very thought-provoking statement saying, "Think of this day as if it's your last day." It has encouraged me so much not to waste even a day to do something, even in a very small way, to reflect God's love and act it in a way that people can see who is the reason behind why I live every day.

    4. I agree with you ate Faith. Even if this world would go into pieces, we should really affect positive change in the face of adversity especially we believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. We should be reminded of our purpose why we are here on this world not just to do the things that satisfy us but we must continue doing things that brings glory and honor to God. And one way of doing things for God's glory is to share Him to all people to the whole nation. As long as this world is still existing, we will tell to people the good news and plant the seed in their hearts especially those who do not know Jesus Christ.

    5. i like the beauty thing in the last days of your life instead of fear and darkness. it's really great that in our last few time here in this world the last picture or pose we left is the big smile and best beauty that means that no matter what we experienced, we still gain lots of lessons that God has been teaching us while here on earth. so, even darkness came and will come we still plant our apple tree.

  2. I believe that we all have different dreams and visions in life,we even set out goals for this year and lays our plan for the things that we have set to do. And by doing so, it is already being one of the agent of change and it may influence others to do the same. I do have a lot of big dreams in life and I won't stop dreaming til God would tell me to stop dreaming and work for that big dreams. Martin Luther is right, we should not stop working for God, and the more we should work and do the planting because we know that the end time is coming and we don't know when it will occur. As a believer of Christ we need to be ready and be prepared at all times. The more I heard a lot of disaster that come and go and it actually grew so rapidly and so quick and the more I should work double time. There's no more time that should be wasted, and as I have observed there are so many people that wasted their time for no reason. All of this really means that there are a lot of time to do apple-planting, maybe ones, twice or thrice a day. It also mean that there's something we can do for a day, and each day is worth working for God's glory and for His service.

    1. I agree with you that we must not waste our time while we are still here in the world. It is because the disasters may be the alarms that we must work more and never allow some reasons to stop us. We must continue to do the ministries entrusted by God to us as His children. I also agree that we can do many things a day, things that are not a waste of time but are beneficial for His glory.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Knowing Martin Luther: a man full of conviction, so passionate on his service to God, whose portrays a life full of dependence to God that would really stand for what is right even if the whole world would be against him; I would be so convinced that this statement was a powerful truth in his life. He emphasizes directly and strongly that he knew what his priority is, and that he prioritizes this priority. That even if he knew when the end of the world will be he would hold on because knew that there is a hope, a hope that’s promises a life far more better than where and how we are living now. As I reflect and think through this quote I’m inspired by the focus of Martin Luther on his priority. As I begin the year, I would like to be more dedicated and to work with the same focus of that same priority in mind. Not aiming for worldly pleasures and materialism but to desire and thirst to serve God. To be more passionate and convicted in serving Him and doing the ministry that he has entrusted to us to do. That even if the world as we would notice is getting worse and worse each day (adultery, drugs, abortion, same sex marriage, and even taking person’s lives are so rampant anywhere) I will still be willing to take a risk. Truth is we can’t find a place where we are secured in this world, Luther’s statement was saying that “nothing should hinder us from serving God and reaching those that are still lost, not even the idea of dying”.As I wait for the Hope to come, I will see each day as if its the last L-).

    1. I agree with you Dai :)
      There is nothing that this world offers that can give us security. This is the reality that many cannot understand. Just like with the fact that many also said that to live a Christ-like life is to live an unreasonable life. But I totally disagree with that because choosing to follow Christ is a very wise and logical decision for its benefits will not just be experienced during our lifetime but we'll be enjoying it also eternally.

      Indeed,the unbelievers are blind with these truths because these are secrets of God that are only revealed to His children.

  5. If I will look at it in a worldly perspective, I would really say, "Such an insane idea! I would rather do anything I haven't done in my life knowing it would be my last breath on earth!" As foolish as it sounds like, Martin Luther knew what matters most living on earth with a limited time only. Despite oppositions and persecutions, he made the most of his time worth living for by defending his faith and correcting the wrong teachings in the church. Indeed, his labor was not in vain. I may not be like Martin Luther doing great things and become well-known figure in history, but I can be myself making a difference in the lives of other people one at a time using what talents and skills God has given me. Yes, I will never know when my last breath would be, but one thing I would like to happen before the time would come is that I would be found faithfully and joyfully serving our Almighty God. Luther's quote above really reminds me of God's purpose in my life and my commitment to God as I realized there is no more turning back in serving the Lord of lords and the King of kings. As we understand how the world is getting worst each day, the more we would be more prepared and ready for the coming glorious day of our Lord, and the more we should not stop doing what God wants us to do. We should continue 'planting more apples' as if tomorrow will be its harvest day.

    1. Indeed, as we journey our Christian life and as we wait for the coming of the Lord, we don't know what will come in the way. Like what Martin Luther had experienced we may also face persecutions as we defend our faith. But just as what you have said ate angel even if we don't know the time the Lord would take us home, let us continue to do what God wanted us to do. So that when we meet Him face-to-face He will be proud to say "well done my good and faithful servant".
      How happy heaven would be, celebrating the victory of another faithful servant of the LORD!

    2. You're right about the world having a different perspective and reaction to situations like the end of the world. Some will do as much as they can to stop it, others will be too paralyzed to do anything, but all of them will panic in fear. And in here lies the great difference we Christians are privileged to have. We look forward to the end of this world with hope and fervency, knowing that the next is way better than what we're experiencing here. We anticipate the end of the world, knowing that we will experience Jesus Christ in much more beautiful ways we can ever imagine :)

    3. You're right about the world having a different perspective and reaction to situations like the end of the world. Some will do as much as they can to stop it, others will be too paralyzed to do anything, but all of them will panic in fear. And in here lies the great difference we Christians are privileged to have. We look forward to the end of this world with hope and fervency, knowing that the next is way better than what we're experiencing here. We anticipate the end of the world, knowing that we will experience Jesus Christ in much more beautiful ways we can ever imagine :)

  6. IT is an absolute facts that the World is going to pieces. Whether we like it or not, we are living in the ocean of ideas. And we, who are believing and carrying the truth of the Gospel, are in at stake. We are somehow became a bizarre to the word as if we are not belong to this earth because of the name of Christ. Well, that is the fulfilled beauty of what Jesus have said two thousand years ago that the world would hate the disciples and so to us. Martin Luther was right in his strong, practical, and biblical attestation that even when the world is so evil and spiritually sway from the truth of GOD, we who believes the truth (JESUS THE CHRIST) must stand on ground and plant the tree of hope that is in us and share it to this deaf lost world. It Martin also who said that the one who has hope of "the gospel is like a beggar telling to other beggar there is food over there."

    For, me I have to plant my hope and dreams in God. Remain in this conviction of Truth of the Scripture as Martin did not recanted his conviction, and radically share this hope to the lost world

    1. Indeed brother, Putting our hope and dreams in God alone for he only knows what will happen for us in this new year 2016.

    2. putting our hopes and dreams in God's arms. i am reminded of the book i read, circle maker, "pray as if everything depends on God" and it does... but at the same time, we need to cooperate with God because we know that without faith it is impossible to please God. but faith without action is useless.

    3. -----------makes me think :)

    4. Ofcourse faith and action is iredusable. Faith withour action is dead. Every move we takes is preceded by faith. When we jump every morning from our bed we know already and believe, as or body responded, that our legs can carry us up. every time we think, we he have faith that we can think. Thus, every action and decission we make are always bouded by our faith.

      The only illustration about the integration of faith and deeds is this: Supposed you are crossing a river, and you see a bridge that can lead you throogh across the river, Are you going to think that because you have faith you are not going to cross through the bridge because you have faith? Of course not! That is a foolishness! Thus if you have faith that the bridge is strong enough to carry you through, then you will trust that bridge and cross the river through it.

      Faith is stranged though. However the most important thing and the most reliable of all is not the faith per se, but the OBJECT of our faith. The object itself is reliable, not the faith itself. :-)

  7. I remember John Harper, the Pastor that was in the so called unsinkable ship, the Titanic. I believe that this man also had this the same conviction that Martin Luther firmly stood for. I guess it was the end of the world for most of the people in that ship when it sank but not for John. He courageously went to the people in that ship and told them to believe in Christ and be saved. He continued to do what He believed was worthwhile to do even if he knew he will die soon. He continued to do what God has called Him to do.

    Both Martin Luther and John Harper were commendable because of living a purposeful life. And this kind of life is what God is calling each of His children to live. A life that should be wisely use and invest for His glory and for eternal riches.

    As Christians, the desire to honor and glorify Christ in our lives should always be on fire so that this new year that God had entrusted to us will be a year that will be filled with inspiring testimonies of God's presence and power in our lives by doing what He is calling us to do.

    1. Yes indeed, living a life with the purpose glorifies God and even show who God is in our lives. Even though that this world is just temporal, it is still very important that we should invest this life for eternity and most of all, for God's glory.

    2. Yes, that's very true dai that we should always be on fire with the desire to honor and to glorify God. In the very first place that's the very purpose we are created! Saying that would be a very easy thing but doing and making it evident in our lives is very hard specially in this world. To be able to do that we always need to be totally dependent and close to Him. :-)

  8. The statement of Martin Luther really inspires me. We really know that this world is not eternal but only temporal but it doesn't mean that we will not give importance to this world as a Christian. Knowing this truth, should even give us urgency on giving impact as a Christian in this world that already is already corrupted by evil. But sad to say that a lot of people that gives no importance on the world in the temporal character, but we know that we are all accountable as Christians on how we live our lives in this world that having Christ in us and how we show it to the world that includes how also we give contribution for the good and even for the sake of the gospel that brings salvation to mankind. That's why, for me, every Christian should be encouraged and even to follow what Martin Luther has stated because are called to be salt of the earth.

    This statement of Martin Luther expresses hope for the better of this world. Most tendency we always say that everything here in this world is just temporary. A lot of people also that our life here on earth is just only in a routine. Yes indeed, it is almost true. But we should remember the life that we live here in this world, we are accountable to the Lord and even the Lord will even judge us of our lives in His time. Part of the statement "Well done, good and faithful servant" will also reflect on how impact this world that is temporal.

    1. It is true Jhadz that in this world is temporal,but we Christians have a goal in this earth. Martin Luther encourage us that even in the ebb of our live and the world turns upside down we need to bring God's message because it is mandate. As we live in this earth we also give importance as we are important to God too. Planting an apple tree is planting a seed of every people's heart which is the word of God.
      Change begin in ourselves, and as Christian we need to bring change in this earth we are the salt and light that give hope to others and to bring God's message with them.Let us help each one another so that this world have a transformation into Christ like.
      Let us be more faithful and accountable to God and encourage each other so that our hearts not be fainted.

  9. Most people wanted to see and look forward what will happen for the coming year of our lives. Looking back on the circumstances that his happening and looking forward to do better and especially what’s the will of God for this New Year 2016.

    This statement is an encouragement to me to continue the ministry or the passion that God has putted into my heart and that is to serve Him. Serving him in spite of what will happen in the future. We do not know what will happen for this 2016 as one of the seniors and soon will be going out here in the School and surely there would be a dramatic change of lifestyle and culture. This encourage me to continue the race that was set before me.

    1. Yes! Let us continue to be faithful in running the race that's set before us. Indeed, we do not know what lies ahead of us after graduation (and that causes some anxiety) yet we can rest in God's faithfulness. SO let's keep the fire burning.

  10. Every people has his or her different plans in life. There are plans that may happen and may not happen. I believe that it is good for a person to do his best to implement the plans that he has, ofcourse plans or goals that is according to the will of God.
    The quote of Martin Luther inspires me to continue and be motivated to bloom where I am planted. Even I know that it is just temporary because of the fact that this corrupt world will be destroyed someday. This destruction is not a hindrance for us Christians to continue to be friutful in this world. It inspired me to be more like Jesus and know Him more and more to he a blessing to other people through my character, skills, and knowledge that comes from Him. It is an encouragement that we must be motivated to press on and to obey the greatest commandment of God especially tha command to us to go and make disciple of all nations, baptizing and teaching them.
    Thus, we must continue to do our best to make Christ name known, and His love, all over the world and will not allow something to stop us to be fruitful and faithful in our journey with Him. And to surrender the plans that we have this year.

    1. Truly! Our plan can only be possible when God wills it. Our job as Christians is to do our best to share the gospel audaciously, and make disciples possibly for God's glory.

    2. Indeed, speaking of disciples is not just only about knowing Christ as Lord and Savior but by obeying and following Him. As discipler we should not reaching out the lost and discipling the found.

    3. Indeed, speaking of disciples is not just only about knowing Christ as Lord and Savior but by obeying and following Him. As discipler we should not reaching out the lost and discipling the found.

  11. The world is going to end. Life is short. The end of everything temporal is inevitable yet our attitudes could be different and radical. From this quote of Martin Luther I could see so much passion and commitment that is proactive. It is a picture of what a good and faithful servant looks like. It inspires me in so many ways. One of that is being faithful to the end. I want to be found faithful when the Master comes and because of that I will continue doing the work that God has set for me to do. As I have said that the end is inevitable and it would be so sad and tragic if I would stop one step away to the finish line. This reminds me of my hope that when I die I want to die with a smile on my face knowing that I've finished this race well. So this year, even if graduation is fast approaching and it is tempting to sit back and relax, I will not. Instead, I hope to keep on studying diligently and be on guard. And if tomorrow is the end of me, I will still live, love, and laugh today.That is my way of planting my apple tree.

    1. ... and that is what we are practicing in the dorm! i love the way we view things ate Sarah. We may differ at some point but the act of choosing to live life to the fullest is what keeps us going. what keeps us smiling and what keeps us serving. i can never boast and credit it in my own self. It is God alone who enabled us to perceived things this way!
      ------Makes me think :)

    2. Yes, let's keep smiling and serving all for Jesus! Salamat ha.haha.

    3. four hours ago, as we went out of the dorm, we choose to be happy. We choose to be alive and we choose to appreciate the clouds and its beauty, the trees and even i appreciated the coffee Teacher Angel brought inside the kitchen. It is always nice to perceive things in the positive way.
      -------makes me think :)

  12. In the Bible, we are familiar with the statement, “Let's eat and drink because tomorrow we're going to die!" (1Cor. 15:32) for it shows the certainty of dying whether we like it or not and it also shows their focus in life. The Bible also tells us “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matt. 6:34). Even though we do not know what lies ahead, but sure we do know who is already there.
    Martin Luther, in his statement above showed to us that he was sure of himself. He was not swayed by people and by things that were pulling him down. He was asked, even commanded to recant his faith, and he did not. He was hunted by people because of his belief and conviction that the righteous shall live by faith and it caused him to live a life on his own in the middle of the forest. Yet he did not stop. No human power can stop a divine order. It was God who prepared the circumstances that way. He was unstoppable. Those actions that he did for me were an act of planting apple trees, and the fruit of his labor are still being enjoyed and admired today. Now that's a real fruit from a real gardener!
    As I reflected upon the life of Uncle Marty, I am humbled to the fact that I am one of those resting on his shoulder. He is one of my lists of unmet people who was able to see me through my situations in life and who was able to see through the need for the future.
    There are two pertinent things in mind that will surely help me this year and the years to come. First is to plant coconut trees. A tree that will benefit not just me but the people under the circle of my influence and even people outside my circle. Yes, it is not easy to plant coconut trees. I need to give my full strength and my full attention to it. One of the ways to grow a coconut tree is to bury only the lower third of the nut and for sure there are things and attitudes in my life that needs to be buried, not just lower third but the whole of it. As I have said before, I need to give my full strength to it, but then I realized I don't need to give my full strength to it but to give my full strength to the Lord because it is He who renews my strength everyday. More than enough strength to live for the day. Second one is to be a catalyst of change in wherever God places me. It is never easy to live a life like this. No one said it will be, but for sure, this is worth it. God is worth it.
    Let's start planting :)
    ----------Makes me think :)

    1. Let's start planting, or continue on planting rather! I have no physical land to plant any growing plants but I have the seed of the Gospel to freely give away.I pray that indeed we will be catalyst of change for as long as we live.

    2. Yes! We must really plant and witness them grow :) I hope that many of us will have a heart like yours Luna. One who is ready and willing to be an agent of change is what God needs for the furtherance of His kingdom, for we need not to be talented or famous to influence others, but to have the heart of God in everything that we do.

    3. Let us start planting now, Luna, because time is running so fast and we cant just watch and sit while the seed is growing but instead be more proactive in doing the work of the Lord. We can plant not only once but more so let us use this opportunity to plant more seed that will bear fruit someday.

  13. I am blessed on how Martin Luther displayed his zeal in serving Christ even though end will soon come. It has made me think, "How can I be motivated as he to be willing to show such a positive response to the service of Christ?"

    Life is a reality and the fact that we have it implies that we exist. Every day is an opportunity to live. Before, we did not know for whom are we living for and for what are we living for. Since Christ came into our hearts, we have found the one who could make us whole. Christ has chosen us to be His; not to use our temporary lives to achieve fame, money, or career but to use us to be instruments for His name to be known and glorified. Neither circumstances, nor tragedy, nor loneliness, nor death can ever hinder us from living for Christ.The world is still existing because apples are not yet enough to fill it. We, planters, still exist because there is still a wide area to be planted with apple trees. We still exist because we are not yet done planting. So, while we and the world still exist, let us take advantage of the everyday opportunity to do something worthwhile for Christ. I remember a quotation which goes like this, "Live your life today, as if it is your last day." We have life in this temporary bodies to be used by God, who lives permanently.

    1. Indeed, "living your life today, as if it is your last day" is a good thing to do and would be a great motivation as we live every day. This short phrase will help us to do best every day, cherishing the moment with our loved ones, value every people through sharing the love of God, and making the most of everything for God's glory. Wasting time is not the motto of that phrase neither procrastinating is the hobby nor living life in vain is the norm.

    2. Yes, i agree that we should not waste our life because we don't know when is our time to go home. so, as Christians we should live as if it is our last day of living. while waiting for our time to come home we should always do our best to be productive in doing all the task that God wanted us to do and make all the opportunities to enjoy God's gift of life

  14. Martin Luther's quote inspired me to live my life each day with a purpose for God's glory. It inspired me to be more dauntless of what tomorrow may bring and be more useful and productive for God at every second of today. Indeed we all have been called to be agents of change and transformation and I plan to start that this year by being proactive. I'll take every moment positively and set goals to achieve for each day by organizing my time efficiently. :)

    1. That's right Shutham, and I believe that you can do it. To set ourselves for the change is really a big deal and it all began in our self the first transformation. Go, go Tatam! I will support you to that.

    2. I agree with Madam Jotham:)Life can be too hard to understand but we know that we are under God's sovereignty who holds our future. We may not know what tomorrow may bring forth but we are certain to the One who holds our hands. We are encourage to live simply and be happy with God. Truly, sooner or later we will all die in this world and this world will end too. This is a factor in which a believer should continue to live a better life that pleases God. We will live in a Christian way and in an ethical way that honors God and in Christlike character. In our journey in life we will live life to the fullest with God's grace and control with satisfaction given by God even if we don't know what lies ahead.

    3. Jotham, I'm glad reading your statement of change. :)I hope you will be intentional of doing them, especially this statement, "set goals to achieve for each day by organizing my time efficiently". This is really true to us as Christians we are responsible of the time that God has given to us to use it wisely. Let us continue to spend our time to be used by God to change and transform our society as we wait upon the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.Amen.

  15. A little bit confuse but challenging, because how can you plant an apple and then it will be ruined. Practically saying that it is not easy, for me why I should need to plant if it will be gone. He is brave? Yes! But I could chose option for me to do so, because if I know it is not worthy, then why should I?
    Spiritually speaking in life we all know that God’s word is not meaningless. As a servant of Christ, I am always moved and challenge by God with His word, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth” (1 Cor. 3:6). When we plant seed (gospel) into the people’s lives is not in vain. What we did is not meaningless if it is God’s will that we do it. We are just mandated by God to do so and we will just do our part because He always does His part.
    Most of us are having the fear to face the future because of the past that had happened but knowingly, it is a new challenge for us how to strive best in this new year. Never use your failure yesterday as an excuse for not trying again today, we may not be able to undo the damage but we can always make a new start. Learn to SUFFER but NEVER learn to SURRENDER!

    1. Kuya Jed, I can relate what you had written in the introduction--planting an apple knowing its destruction in the future. In agricultural terms we can use crop rotation or even we can invest another kind of plant aside from apple that will produce fruits in an early period of time. It means that we need to plant something we can see the fruits earlier. Sounds the best solution but Christians really have a different perspective, we are determined to plant a certain plant that is long time fruit-bearing (gospel),for we are hoping for a greater season that the owner of the land will reward us for planting those apples (second coming of Christ). This blog really suites what was always passing in my mind, a saying of William Carey, "attempt great things for God and expect great things from God". Using the most of our lives doing things for God and surely He will reward us in His own time. I am praying for you Kuya for this new year that God will always provide guidance and that all of your deeds and actions will glorify His name.

  16. Life can be too short and we will all die. In this new year, we, believers should continue to spend life that acknowledges God and will continue to impact lives by doing what is good even this world will end. I hope that we will live a life that pleases God that makes a difference in peoples lives by doing what is good and by doing what is right in the sight of God. Even things in life will end it will not stop me from doing something different that would make it meaningful and productive. We will hope for the best even in the midst of difficulties or even at the very worst of our condition. Like the life of Martin Luther, I hope we will not give up in doing something big for God's Name or to help other people in order to led them to God.

    1. You are right Julie. Let us show to the world that we have a big God by magnifying Him into our lives!!!

  17. It is true that the world go into pieces...Martin Luther reminds us that even the world go into pieces he has a courage to plant an apple tree. It also reminds us Christians that whatever may happen in this world still we have a courage to plant trees in Christ Jesus. We need to put our future and plans in Christ alone;because if we only trust in ourself we cannot do it and the fears is there.
    As a servant of Christ we need to plant more trees(the gospel) in which others may grow spiritually and we too also. Change start in ourselves.we need to be a Strong Christian whose faith is firm in the Lord. Making a new start in our Christian life.
    Martin Luther is so bold to do this; and we also need boldness in order to do this things.Let us be more productive and be an effective ministers of Christ.

    1. I was just confused with your statement "Change start in ourselves". Just clearing things out. :-)
      But I would prefer more on saying 'Change is the doing of God which requires our willingness in order for Him to be able to work in us fully'. I believe that we won't be able to change our own selves by just our doing and our own act, but to have the willingness and to be open for God's working; then change will possibly happen.

  18. Everyday brings us an opportunity to change and grow, and be an agent of it at the same time. Life brings so much uncertainty for some that is why they tend to spend much time worrying than being productive. But as for us followers of Christ, we must be certain knowing that God in His sovereignty has prepared a good place for us.
    This quote of Martin Luther is a good reminder for me to do whatever God wills even if I do not know when the world will end, or will I really accomplish things the way it is. I know that every little thing that we will do matters, and it can either make us or break us. We must be able to see the future with great anticipation that God will bring us the best and help us do His work which will bring glory to Him. We must choose to be productive, and not just sit around waiting for Him to return. For in the end, we will give account in the judgment seat of God, our righteous judge. What the words in Luther's quote really impress to me is to be confident enough to do things even when I do not know what tomorrow will bring. And even if I know what will happen in the future, even if it is negative, I will still do my best and accomplish great things for His glory. This year will be greater than the last year, and great things will come, for as we declare it to the Lord, we will be able to see things in His eyes, doing it with great effort knowing that it is for Him. This will also apply to us as we plant the Gospel to the hearts of those who still don't have Jesus. This is the thing of God, and we as Christians are to do it, for it is also the heart of Him which is for all to come into the knowledge of His love. Life is a good place to live, and we must do all that we can to cultivate it and let others witness its growth, this day and for the days to come.

    1. Days to count and we will face another chapter of our lives. A life outside BTC and indeed it is a challenge for us on how can we be a blessing to the people we will meet in the future. I was struct by the thought of planting the Gospel to the hearts of those who still don't have Jesus because I know that it's hard to do and it would really be challenging. Thank you for this reminder Mitch! :)

  19. New Year. New hope. New beginning. A year of anticipation of what kind of story that God would write in the new chapter of my life. Every year I am always looking forward of what would God wanted me to learn, on what area of my life that He will mold. Most especially this year that I will not be living in the campus anymore and work in the ministry that God entrusted to me. There are doubts and fears but living in this hostile world, I have a choice and I choose to be confident for the Lord is with me always.
    I am totally inspired by Luther with his determination of still doing something even though he knew that the world would go to pieces. I, too, is looking forward of the Lord's coming but I do not make it as a reason to stop what I am doing (e.g. Thessalonian people) but instead do my best in order to please my Lord and my God. So that by the time that He will come back, surely the reward is worthy and to be with Him alone would be enough.
    Last night, Elaijah was making herself busy straightening her hair. Many teased her including me that by the time that she woke up tomorrow, the “sumpa” (curl hair) will be back. Yet I am stunned with her reply that “It's okay.” I have seen her determination and the joy with what she was doing. I have been reminded that even though we knew what will happen tomorrow, if what we are doing inspires us and brought joy then that all would be worth it. But take note, we should do things that surely can bring glory to our Father in heaven. Same with doing the ministry, I have joy in what I am doing in spite of the hardships experienced. Many people would not understand why we do such. They may take it as foolishness but for us who experienced the grace and love of God viewed it as worthwhile.
    This new year, I don't have new year's resolution but I have NYGoals (New Year Goals): Pursue Intimacy with God through Discipline. While waiting for the Lord's coming, I will devote my self not just in doing the ministry for His Kingdom but devote myself with the King mismo! :))

    So help me God! :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The quote of Martin Luther reminds me that even if I have the knowledge that the world would end in God's time, I will continue to do my responsibility as a christian. This quote inspires me to begin my new year with confidence in the Lord as He expected me to be His agent of change and transformation. This year I am planning to do my best doing all the tasks that God has entrusted me like doing the ministries that bring change and transformation in our community: such as setting my life as an example to follow by the youth, and being faithful to disciple our youth and young children for the Lord. The world may pass away, but I do believe that all the service that I am doing for the Lord will not in vain. So, there is no reason to worry about what will tomorrow may bring as long as I know that God is with me.

    1. I agree with you ate gane, knowing that this world will come to pass. As Christians we have to do our responsibility with diligence. We have to be an agent of change and transformation to others. And that doing what God has entrusted us will surely not be in vain. You're right we nothing to worry what tomorrow may bring as long as we are doing our responsibility as God's steward and God is with us anyway.

    2. Exactly, to continue is the key word. I also like that you included the fact that our labor is not in vain when we are doing it for the Lord. God bless you ate as you continue to do the work God has prepared ahead for you ;)

  22. The Bible tells us that man is destined to die once and after that to face judgment (Heb. 9:11). Death is certain. Yet we all know, as Christians, that when we die we will go to heaven. Yes, we have this confidence that after this life we will be in the presence of our Creator. But then, this quote form Martin Luther reminds me that even if we have that assurance let us not be passive, just sitting and waiting for the time when we'll breath our last. Instead this assurance must inspire us to continue to do what God has wanted us to do for His glory. Faithfully doing the ministry or ministries that He is and He would be entrusting unto us. However, let us also be reminded that following Christ is not easy. Jesus never promised that following Him would be easy. This assures as that we will experience different challenges, trials, and even persecution. But we must not give up and turn back. Instead let us continue to do good and serve our King with joy.

    We may not know what tomorrow will bring us yet let us continue to hold on to the promise of our Savior that He will be with us to the very end of the age. For this year 2016, let us then do great things for the Lord and for the expansion of His Kingdom no matter what may come in our way. And expect to see God's work in each of our lives.

    have a blessed year everyone!:)

  23. Martin Luther is a noble and influential person in the world history especially in the field of Christianity. He was then an important prospect that help the growth and spread of Christianity. From his quote, I believed it was intention to be written for all the children of God. Planting an apple despite its future destiny to be destroyed. Why is that so? Luther talks about spiritual investments even he knew the future he was then determined to continue his job. An amazing job! Happiness and fulfillment that is possible for us to achieve only if we accomplish our job. He inspires us to “attempt doing great things for God and expecting great things from God”, William Carey's word. Even we are given freedom to what we want and to things that we feel it should be, however, it must be in contact the Almighty's will. An apple tree bears fruit for a longtime, it really needs time to wait. We need love, compassion, determination, and love for what we are doing.
    Anew year had begun, as Christian we were given identity accompanied with great responsibility and accountability—that is to be a model of change and transformation of other people's lives. We really ought to do and accomplish our job. But the question is how?
    Personally, this principle sounds stupid (other say so). Why would they keep on investing something that in return it will be destroyed. Because of such great need to do so, we have to. In our place I would say that it keeps on going to hell. Many young children were used to immorality, drugs, robbery, and other vices, name it and it all suites in our town. Its hard for me to do the job that I would be surely facing many people against my beliefs. Sad to say some teenagers feel not to turned back to God because they believe its boring to be with Christians (no vices, controlled actions, no women, all are forbidden). Despite this hindrances, I still determined to show them the difference. I went to some of my relatives, cousins, and neighbors just to build relationship with them, in that case the gospel will be brought to them.
    For small children, they really look at those who are older than them as an “idol”, literally means they are proud and wanted to be like to. One thing I am capable was to play with them, teach with them, and disciplined them in a Christian manner. There was an argument and problem o how they are disciplined at home and by me. With compassion and determination I have to it purposely for they are the hope for the nation. I don't know their destiny but, for sure I know they have Christ and that makes me happy.
    Therefore, planting the word of God is a task to be done that only the owner of the field controlled it. Whatever circumstances we would face, do it still for God. Put love, compassion and determination to the task we are entrusted into. Okey!

    1. You seem to be very fascinated by William Carey. He was indeed a great man of God--a missionary faithful to the end. Even though he didn't see his first convert until after about 15 years, he kept on. I pray that those same words may also be said about us even after we're gone. :)

  24. Reading this post reminded of a story I have heard. A family stopped all their engagements, work, and even their children's education because of their belief that Jesus Christ is nearly coming back. They believe that they should wait in their house and live a holy life. I wasn't surprise because lots of people misinterpret what the Bible says about this eschatological issue. In relation to Luther's quote, the family knew that the world would go to pieces but they wrongly response to the situation. Instead of continuing to plant their apple tree, they chose to stop and be idle with their life. Their wrong belief lead them to waste their life on earth.
    The quote basically speaks of how we should live our lives here on earth knowing that it will just perish soon. As an agent of change and transformation, I am encouraged to live my life fruitfully by doing what God intended me to do. Living life as if it would be my last, living a life without regrets of not doing something , and living a life that pleases the Master. By doing this, even if the world will end tomorrow there will be a great joy in my face because the fruits of the apple tree I have planted each day, I will soon harvest it! Be a blessing this 2016!

    1. That's right ate Weng. We should not waste our life by focusing in ourselves of becoming holy. When we talk about Christ's second coming, a lot of people doesn't even know the first one. So why should we just stay in our comfort zones instead of making our first steps outside by starting a spark in the heart of men by sharing the gospel? Indeed we are an agent of change and transformation. How can we, if we just keep the message to our hearts. May the Lord caught us in an act of service til He comes again.

  25. As we start planting our own seed, we should remember that it is not how easy like literal planting seed. We may encounter difficulty along the way but as we go back to the life of martin Luther it remind us that in every circumstances he face it with faith in the Lord. Same thing that we should do in this corrupt world, we might be attack strong calamities that can destroy our plant but will you allow those calamities to ruin all your hard work, absolutely not. What should we do is to trust in the Lord for every seed that we plant. In this year I pray that God will allow me to plant the seed that will help to change and transform the world through His word.

  26. Life is short anyways, and then we all die, and the earth that we sojourn is only a temporary place and it is not a safe place to stay and live, because it will be collapse in the end times. So, I must be ready all the time, because I don’t know my time to return. I know that i am just a stranger here on earth, so I need to do all my best and put in mind that every day is a chance to be a blessing to someone else. So, if I knew that tomorrow was the end of the world, and the end of my life. I would still plant a tree today for the last time, no matter what kind of tree we’re talking about, whether literary apples, teaching people like (children, adult or youth) or doing outreach ministry, Bible study, house to house visitation, gift giving, and evangelizing people. God calls me to pass my faith on to the next generation and I must be faithful in serving God through loving others so that Christ will be known to the next generation. I will do my best for this 2016 until the end of my life to be a good steward of God’s resources,( like money, possessions, talent, gifts and abilities) on which I can use it to glorify in His name for everything I will do. I am called to be agents of change and transformation, and Martin Luther’s quotes inspires me to still continue doing what God wants me to do in this life, and I will still remain faithful to my calling, and serve Him faithfully even if what kind of ministry He will entrust to me. I would still plant my passions and reach people for Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:19-21). “Treasures in heaven” are things of worth in God’s coming kingdom. As I will look forward I will strive to be productive, to help people, and respect for the dignity of every person. When the things we do are sincerely in the name of The Lord, we can rest assured that our labor is not in vain. He knows our heart and He knows all that were going through – when it’s right and when it’s wrong. It doesn’t matter what others say about us (Christians) or about the things we strive to do for God as long as we do it for the Lord because in due season we can see the fruit. As Christians we should light our candle and shine in this darkest world.

    1. Every time I look at you DEv, I always praise God for His sustaining grace! God bless you.

  27. What an uplifting quote from Martin luther, isn't it? Only a person who has full devotion to God can truly apply it to one's personal life. I then try to evaluate myself if I am worthy to utter it. But then, inescapably and irresistibly, I have an ultimate mission here on earth and that is to glorify Him, both in words and deeds. It's both a privilege and a responsibility to be a catalyst, to be an agent of transformation in this hostile world. This year 2016, with God's help I recommit my life to him and to experience revival in every facet of my whole being. I fully admit that in the previous years, my Christian life here on earth was not perfect. I made lot of commitments to God but some of them failed. God then reminds me that “It's better not to vow than to vow and not pay” (Ecc. 3:5 NKJV) and He also speaks to me, “But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one” (Matt. 5:37 NKJV). This is the reason why the first thing I want to commit this year to God is the self-control of my tongue. I have a tendency to make a commitment to God without even internalizing it first and seeing my sincerity to fulfill it. There were times that I made my decisions abruptly without even looking forward to the outcome of my actions. I have clearly understood then that I have to speak the truth and the truth shall set me free. God should not be mocked. I will then be willing and consistent to the promises I made with and towards Him. The second thing I want to apply this current year is to have a listening heart. It refers to a wholehearted listening. I remember then a quote that says, "Our eyes see, but only our heart looks through things to their meaning. Our nose registers scents, but only our heart will track like a hound its ethereal quarry. Our tongue tastes, but only a heart can feast. Skin touches skin, but being in touch is a matter of heart. Our ears hear, but only a listening heart understands." I recall also a verse that says, “...let every man be swift to hear...” (James 1:19 NKJV) and “Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray” (Prov. 10:17 NIV). So many times in my life I ignored God's leading and His promptings because I chose to ran ahead of His plan but at the end I failed and frustration then crept within. I have perceived then to be more attentive to listen to God with a heart of submission, willingness and devotion. I gladly expect that God will assist me in fulfilling the two commitments I presented a while ago. May God will give me ability to control my tongue and to have a listening heart not only this year but for the next years ahead as well, if God would still give me a chance to live longer :).

  28. Martin Luther's quote says, “If I knew that tomorrow was the end of the world, I would plant an apple tree today!” Whether or not Luther actually made such a statement, it is worth pondering. Could we imagine planting a tree today if we knew the world were to end tomorrow?
    I suppose it all depends on what we think is important. As what I have observed today that stewardship and faithfulness are neglected words in our society. We have a responsibility to care for life as long as we have it no matter what awaits us. We so often live as if we will never die. Regardless of when the world ends, what if today were our last day? Do we live with a sense of urgency and purposiveness? According to the Bible, each of us is destined to die once and then face judgment for our deeds done in the body (Hebrews 9:27).How prepared are we to meet our Maker? How well have we cared for those God has made especially people? We can get so preoccupied with looking out for number one, even in preparing for the world’s end.
    This thought made me realized of my purpose here on earth. I must be faithful to God and be a good steward for all the things that He has entrusted me. And I can only do this by the help of my Savior and Lord who is Jesus Christ. As this year 2016 is going, I will encourage and inspire myself to work on the heavenly things and not on earthly things. So even if the world would turn into pieces, I will still continue to plant an apple tree for the kingdom of God.

    1. You're right ate Mae Ann. We are to be faithful to God and be a good steward of all the things that He has entrusted to us. That we have to do something about it and not just to keep it for ourselves. Especially the salvation that we've received. We should not stop in sharing them to others even though destruction will come tomorrow. The fact of the coming destruction should not discourage us from doing heavenly things. Instead, it should encourage us to do more for God because tomorrow is the end.

    2. You're right ate Mae Ann. We are to be faithful to God and be a good steward of all the things that He has entrusted to us. That we have to do something about it and not just to keep it for ourselves. Especially the salvation that we've received. We should not stop in sharing them to others even though destruction will come tomorrow. The fact of the coming destruction should not discourage us from doing heavenly things. Instead, it should encourage us to do more for God because tomorrow is the end.

  29. planting an apple tree even though it would be destroyed tomorrow? what a quote to be pondered upon. Though this is not a literal planting of an apple tree. This quote has somehow reminded me that even though I know that the end is coming, I should not stop on doing things for God. Because even though the end would come tomorrow, I believe that if what I'll be doing is for God's glory, it would not be in vain at all. I would not stop glorifying God just for the fact that the end will come tomorrow. But spend my last day on doing things that would surely bring Him glory. The world somewhat said "eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we will die," without considering what they would get when tomorrow comes. It would be not death that they would get, it would be eternal death. This quote should be a reminder for every Christian. We're already bound for heaven the day we wholeheartedly believed and accepted Christ in our lives. But what about the others who do not know Christ? Should we stop sharing God's faithful love and the gospel to others because the end would come tomorrow anyway? It shouldn't be that way. We should continue on planting seeds, which is the word of God, into the people's heart no matter what. So that when they fully believed it and understand it, you've done something that would bring you joy and glory to God despite the coming destruction.

  30. Are we talking about opportunities? Life indeed is short. But how can we know that tomorrow is an end-day? Martin Luther has a statement which for me is an exaggeration. Tomorrow is the end, so why plant? When the world goes worst, how can we as a Christian remain in our faith when the world is a complete wicked? Martin Luther has a word to stand, even when his surroundings seems to devour him. It's about of not giving up in life. When the world turns to end, will the Lord caught us in an act of planting the gospel to other people's heart?

    1. Yes, i agree that life is indeed short and none of us can't predict what time we'll end. for me, i was not able to determine that tomorrow is the end-day but because i am a Christian i am assured that my tomorrow would be joyful for i am in the hands of God. I have this in my mind the when we are surrounded by many people who are completely wicked then, we must walk and live the truths from God and be remain faithful according to will. a Christian must continue to abide in presence of God though they are trying to influence about worldly things and even when they are forcing you to compromise. Go back to the lesson from the Bible' teaching that those who are stand and remain in God is the true followers and those who are giving up are not the one who live by faith. are you still Frightened?

  31. Many think that the world will be diminished in a certain time. They don’t realize the full redemptive plan of God who created the world from the beginning and sustain everything on it through many years. As they go through a lot of persecution, they would understand that it is just a testing of faith whether there is a compromise or stand of what they believe. Some may be confused about the world especially those Christian and it really hurts when the people misunderstand from what they believe about the truths of God. However, the life of Martin Luther plays an important role to live what a Christian should be and able to fight the good faith. He expressed that a Good Christian would stand under many persecution in life from those who are against and attack their belief. As long Christ lives in me, I would still proclaim him to those are innocent and blind about the Gospel of Christ and remain faithful for he has been truthful in my life since I knew and follow him. I would still know him more and let my life shine to others as I walk through the unpredictable path.

  32. Martin Luther's quote has given me a hard blow just now. Planting apple trees even if tomorrow would go into pieces. How I pray I can always think of it, that today will pass and tomorrow shall too, thus I have to plant still. I have seen others lives passed without knowing who Christ is. It's heart-breaking that you were not able to a plant that seed in their hearts. That man's life passed and would face judgment soon and you know where he would be. This would always leave a guilty feeling deep in your heart, asking yourself, "Why I did not reach out to him?". This is the exact opposite result of Martin Luther's quote, you have ceased planting, even if you know that life would end.
    As Christians, we should keep planting. Keep doing what God wills for us, to spread his love, his word to people who does not know him. We should not let time just pass by without us doing anything. Everything would come to end, and not doing what God wills us to do is an exploitation of the time he has given us. Let's keep planting for God has a reward for us waiting.

    1. Yes, it is worth to persevere this present time here on earth knowing that we have this hope that would really satisfy us, where the real happiness could be experience and where unending joy will be. This time is the right time for planting, which is the preparation for the up coming future that will happen. Yes we don't know when the right time would be for judgement and so it is our challenge to press on toward the goal and that is to do things for eternal purposes where God is.

    2. Yes, it is worth to persevere this present time here on earth knowing that we have this hope that would really satisfy us, where the real happiness could be experience and where unending joy will be. This time is the right time for planting, which is the preparation for the up coming future that will happen. Yes we don't know when the right time would be for judgement and so it is our challenge to press on toward the goal and that is to do things for eternal purposes where God is.

  33. Only God knows what is tomorrow, we are just need to do is to trust Him because surely He will give the best thing for us. Martin Luther’s quote inspires me more because he was enlightened me that I will not just think what’s for today but also what’s all the more tomorrow. This quote let me realized how God is so faithful in my whole life that even I face struggles today but still He always keeps me reminding that there is still hope for the next day. And that’s why as an application to this, my life is for Him that no matter what will happen I will still continue to thank and serve Him. I know that this life has a beginning and an ending, and brief that’s why I will value this short time that God has given to me together with Him.
    I will not let the sin, struggles, persecution and many more overrule in my life but instead shining Him into my life which will prove that He is powerful and greater of all. Although problems are present in my life but I need to remember that hope in Christ is always perfect and sufficient to me. Through the challenges of this world that would make me dependent on Him. So, no matter what will happen in the future my hope is still in the Lord and I will still always seek and keep Him in my life because every day is a new beginning to embrace His presence in my life. I will still honor and serve Him faithfully with joy and gladness.

  34. We are being called as God's soldiers to face the battle each day. We've intended to fight the good fight for God's glory. I've been into a situation recently that almost pushes me down but by the grace of God he makes me more stronger than before. Standing in front of difficulties or hardships is what God wants us to do because those are just a temporary challenge that needs to be conquered by the grace of God who is in us. Even though I know that these world will just go into pieces that doesn't matter to me and that wont stop me in serving him because what matters most for me is that I am secure of what is in the future and that is to be with Christ. And knowing that God's people is an agent of change and transformation, that agent must powerful and strong enough because the master that they have is most powerful of all and that no one could even defeat Him. Everything that believers may go through in this imperfect and sinful world will not be in vain because God who sees each individual will reward each person. So fight the good fight and lets finish the race with gladness and joy because we will just reap what we saw in eternal place where the reward is.

  35. What will happen tomorrow will not cripple me to stop working and laboring but instead it will inspire me to do my work more passionately, put more thought on it knowing it'll be my last. I was remembered of the story of Aya Ikuechi who was diagnosed by a rare disease that gradually deteriorates the cerebellum of the brain that slowly unabling the patient to walk even to the point of freezing her whole body. One patient with a similar case as hers regretted that his parents kept it a secret from him. He said that if he knew he will eventually be unable to walk, he could have run harder and played baseball longer during the times when his disease was not that severe.
    I will live like I'll run out of time and make the most of the minutes with no regrets.

  36. It's great to know Charis that you'll live your day like it will be your last. I think that's how Martin Luther also lived his life. I can't wait to see you living out life like you're running out of time. :D
